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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: No

Assistant Professor Mageda
Type: Scholar
Species: Near human (Noinuinian)
Sex: M
Age: 31
Height / Weight: 1.65m / 120lbs
Hair / Eyes: Deep green / light blue
Distinguishing Features: gaunt, mousy features, very pale
alien species 5D+2, bureaucracy: University of Konbalar 5D+1, cultures 5D+2, languages 4D+1, scholar: xenoarchaeology 8D+1, scholar: pre-republic history 6D+2, scholar: Mogtnom lore 7D
ground vehicle operation 3D, repulsorlift operation 2D+1, sensors: archaeological scanners 3D+2
persuasion 2D+1
computer programming/repair 3D+2
Force points: 0
Character points: 5
Background: Assistant Professor Mageda was born on the planet Noinu to a fairly wealthy family. Mageda was in many ways the stereotypical scholar when he was growing up, always having more time for his studies at school than for any friends. From an early age Mageda found himself fascinated with ruins of ancient civilizations, and while still living at home he researched as much as he could about his area of interest, neglecting virtually all other pursuits. Mageda was naturally a fairly sickly individual, and his complete lack of regard for his physical health only served to amplify this. When he came of age, Mageda applied to all of the major universities in the sector, and was gladly accepted into his first choice: the University of Konbalar. U of Kon has one of the most widely acclaimed xenoarchaeology departments in the sector, and indeed in the surrounding sectors, and in near record time Mageda completed his doctorate. Mageda wrote his thesis on a topic which had become his personal obsession: the possible connection between the Sonep and the ancient towers on Mogntom. Soon after this Mageda was accepted as an assistant professor in the field of xenoarchaeology, but much to his dismay was unable to obtain funding for his proposed experiments at the towers. In fact Mageda was subtly warned away from making any further inquiries about the nature of the towers. As is somewhat typical of Mageda, he found himself completely oblivious to the warnings, not realising what was going on despite the fact that it was right in front of his nose. Recently Mageda took some vacation time, and used the last of his personal fortune to hire a freighter captain to assist him on a personal mission to discover the truth behind the towes on Mogtnom. Mageda has visions of his triumphant return from vacation, having made vast leaps in the understanding of the ancient mysteries of the towers, and of the Sonep, but at the same time he is horribly frightened by the expedition he has undertaken. Mageda has never done any real field work before, and is certainly naive when it comes to dealing with the real world. The results of his expedition have yet to be seen.

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