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Moroff (Gigoran Mercenary Gunner)

Moroff (Gigoran Mercenary Gunner)
Jotaz (Carnivorous Predator)

Jotaz (Carnivorous Predator)


Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM (Various Series)Subtype: Mobile Suits (Starfighters)Era: Cosmic EraCanon: Crossover


Type: Reconnaissance Attack adVanced Electronic iNstallation mobile suit
Scale: Starfighter
-Height: 18.93m
Skill: Mecha Piloting (OR can use Walker Operations and/or Starfighter/Aircraft Piloting)
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms (or less)
Consumables: 1 week (survival pack)
Cost: 85,000 ZAFT credits
Hyperdrive: N/A
Nav Computer: Yes (short-ranged, carrier-based)
-Ground (Walking): 2D
-Atmosphere: 3D
-Space: 1D
-Ground (Walking): 30; 90kmh
-Atmosphere: 365; 1,050kmh (completely flight capable!)
-Space: 3
Hull: 4D+2
-Strength: 3D
-Armor: 1D+2
Shields: N/A
   Passive: 25/1D
   Scan: 50/1D+2
   Search: 70/2D+1
   Focus: 4/3D

WEAPONS (Fixed Armaments):
   4 6-tube Multipurpose Launcher
      Location: Mounted on chest
      Fire Arc: front
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR Starfighter/Aircraft Gunnery)
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      Space Range: 1/3/6, 6 per round, max range 30
      Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/600, 600 per round, max range 3km
      Damage: 7D (standard, varies by warhead/missile type)
      Ammo: 1 missile per tube; 24 total
      Rate of Fire: 1 missile per attack; OR volleys of max payload per launcher; OR volleys of total payload

WEAPONS (Optional Hand-Held Armaments):
   MMI-M7S 76mm Heavy Assault Machine Gun
      Location: Holster-mounted on right hip, hand-held in use
      Fire Arc: "turret" (hand-held, aims like human arm)
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR Starfighter/Aircraft Gunnery)
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 1D
      Space Range: 1-4/11/22
      Atmosphere Range: 50-400/1.1/2.2km
      Damage: 5D+1 (OR Autofire Bonus Damage Dice)
      Ammo: 40 round magazine
      Rate of Fire: 1 round per attack; OR Autofire (see D6 Firearms elsewhere on the site)
   MMI-M100 190mm Anti-aircraft Shotgun.
      Location: Holster-mounted on left hip, hand-held in use
      Fire Arc: "turret" (hand-held, aimed by arms)
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR Starfighter/Aircraft Gunnery)
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 1D/2D/3D (short, medium and long ranges)
      Space Range: 1-2/8/24
      Atmosphere Range: 50-200/800/2.4km
      Damage: 8D/6D/4D (short, medium and long ranges)
      Ammo: 10 shells
      Rate of Fire: 1 shell per attack

WEAPONS (Kaite Madigan Customary Weapon)
   Beam Gun/Revolver with Bayonette
      Location: Stored in waist, hand-held in use
      Fire Arc: "turret" (hand-held, aimed by arms)
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR Starfighter/Aircraft Gunnery)
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 1D
      Space Range:
      -Beam Gun: 1-2/8/16
      -Revolver: 1-3/10/20
      -Bayonet: Close Combat
      Atmosphere Range:
      -Beam Gun: 30-300/1.2/2.4km
      -Revolver: 20-300/1/2km
      -Bayonet: Close Combat
      -Beam Gun: 6D+1
      -Revolver: 6D+2
      -Bayonet: Str+1D+2 (4D+2)
      -Beam Gun: connected to MS power source
      -Revolver: 6 cartridge rounds (3 reloads with speed loaders)
      Rate of Fire: One beam/bullet/melee attack per attack action.


   ZAFT DINN (Pronounced "Din" or "Den")

   The DINN RAVEN is a Mobile Suit in the novel Gundam SEED Destiny Astray.


   Weapons wise, the DINN RAVEN features the same armament as the original AMF-101 DINN, consisting of four multipurpose launchers, a heavy assault machine gun and an anti-aircraft shotgun. Mercenary Kaite Madigan equips which personal DINN RAVEN with his trademark beam gun/revolver.


   The DINN RAVEN is one of the few mobile suits equipped with a nuclear engine, granting it nearly unlimited operation time. It also features a Mirage Colloid stealth system and improved sensors.


   During the first Bloody Valentine War, ZAFT introduced its aerial DINN mobile suit series for battles inside Earth's atmosphere. Over time, several different variants of this suit were created. One of these variations is the DINN RAVEN (Reconnaissance Attack adVanced Electronic iNstallation), which is an enhanced reconnaissance model introduced after the war. However, when the Treaty of Junius was put in place (which forbid the use of nuclear engines and Mirage Colloid on mobile suits), the DINN RAVEN was quickly decommissioned.

   While its ZAFT service was short-lived, one DINN RAVEN is used by freelance mercenary Kaite Madigan, whose suit is painted with his trademark white cross.

*Natural Pilots: If a ZAFT mobile suit is ever piloted by a Natural human, all Difficulty Levels for piloting will be increased by one Level.  If this roll is not made, the pilot will recieve no bonus dice from Maneuverability or Fire Control of Weapons.  Also, if a proper Operating System is not installed for natural pilots, then these bonuses will be -1D.

**Nuclear Engine and N-Jammer Canceler: Most mobile suits in the GUNDAM SEED setting use Ultracompact Energy Batteries, because ZAFT distrubted "N-Jammers" that cancel out Nuclear power systems.  However, ZAFT also created N-Jammer Cancelers, which negate that effect and make nuclear power possible once again.  With an installed N-Jammer, the DINN RAVEN can use a nuclear engine, which gives it a technically unlimited supply of power.  With this, it can use its Mirage Colloid indefinitely.

   This may change with a later write-up or equipment added to the site.  While the Freedom, Justice and Providence Gundams had nuclear-capable power sources, later designs in the Strike Freedom, Infinite Justice, Destiny and Legend Gundams would have a supposedly better design in the form of Nuclear Deuterion, which somehow got around the Junius Treaty established after the First Bloody Valentine War which prohibited the use of Neutron Jammers in a mobile suit.

***Mirage Colloid: The Mirage Colloid is a stealth system, developed by the Earth Alliance's G Project for their mobile suits and stolen by ZAFT when four f those prototype MS were captured for their use, their technology and data taken and developed by ZAFT for their own use.  The Mirage Colloid releases gas particles along the Hull which (somehow?) create an effect that makes the mobile suit invisible to both sensor systems and the naked eye.

   The Mirage Colloid usually has a limited use due to Neutron Jammers and the limited use of Ultracompact Energy Batteries.  But, due to the installation of an N-Jammer and a Nuclear Engine, it can operate indefinitely for the DINN RAVEN.  It acts as a stealth or cloak system from Star Wars, making it completely invisible to Sensor systems and normal vision.

   However, a smart player/character can find other means of locating these well-equiped mobile suits if they are sneaky enough...

****UPDATE NOTES: If GMs/players come across this write-up and see other variants of the DINN on the site, they may notice a difference in Dice for the HULL entry.  This write-up for the original DINN has been altered to reflect an ongoing attempt on my part for balance, while also experimenting with how the rules work, and how they can be changed for better quality.

   Here, I have made rules for "mecha" more specified, giving the Hull Dice, then followed by Strength and Armor Dice, to show statistics similar to a character, since the DINN and other mobile suits and mecha are made to move like a human (or whatever race builds them).  In this case, the Strength Dice show the DINN's base superstructure before the armor plating is added on, which is also its strength to show how much power it can physically exert (for close combat and fine manipulation of other objects, like lifting things for utility purposes).  Then the Armor Dice are given, to show the need for protection on a character or combat vehicle.  Originally, the DINN write-up had 4D Strength and 1D Armor.  After some thought on the other variants, AND after making an update for the GINN itself (which the DINN is based off of), I thought less strength was needed all around (the GINN has the same treatment), but keep the 1D Armor to show the fact that it was designed to fly in atmosphere, not just "jump" like the GINN did (which has 2D Armor now).  So that lighter models could be reduced in armor for greater mobility, while keeping the GINN's/DINN's base Strength as their own in combat.  Though using a 3D Strength against a 5D Hull may not seem very doable in combat, that's why weapons are given to overcome this, such as the GINN Sword (Strength+2D, 5D for GINNs, at least equals the Hull of other GINNs), along with other ranged weaponry such as guns and missiles.

   Also, their is always the chance of ripping off the Armor plating to get a better crack at another mobile suit, or even called shots on critical systems and equipment to criple an enemy (such as the camera eye in the head, the maneuvering thrusters, the limbs themselves), all of which would use Strength to resist, not the full Hull Dice.  When in co mbat, though it works much like a starfighter from Star Wars D6 RPG, a mobile suit/mecha still moves and can fight like an actual person if used right.

   If other variants are found in the site without these updates, they probably have not been updated (YET!) and should be used according to these update notes.


   The ZAFT DINN is starfighter scale, like most mecha, because it is space and flight capable.  I have chosen most of the dice codes for it based on its size (which is similar to a space transport in Star Wars D6, and lack energy shields), and the fact that it is an early model (other more improved models follow later with improved statistics, which is why the DINN may still seem comparatively weak in may ways).  Unlike the ZAFT GINN, the DINN can actually fly in atmosphere, because that is what it was designed for.

   The assault rifle is similar in stats to the GINN version, but better as it is used by the later improved CGUE models.  The Shotgun I have written up to work somewhat like a real shotgun, with massive damage at very close ranges, but less damage as the shot gets further away, and in this way it also works womewhat like an anti-aircraft flak gun.  The missile launchers have a standard wahead listed for damage (7D), but other missile types would be available since it says it is a multipurpose weapon.  Such warheads may be Light Explosive (6D), Heavy Explosive (8D), Long Ranged (double the range), anti-radiation jamming (7D jamming against all sensors and fire controls, -1D per round), and even fire retardant and smoke.

-Model number: AMF-103A
-Code name: DINN RAVEN
-Unit type: Reconnaissance Attack adVanced Electronic iNstallation mobile suit
-Manufacturer: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty)
-Operator: ZAFT
-First deployment: Unknown
-Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
-Dimensions: head height 18.93 meters (?).
-Weight: unknown (somewhat similar to the standard DINN).
-Armor materials: unknown
-Powerplant: Nuclear engine
-Equipment and design features: sensors (range unknown), nuclear powerplant, neutron jammer, mirage colloid stealth system.
-Fixed armaments: 4 x 6-tube multipurpose launcher, mounted on chest, beam pistol/revolver x 1.
-Optional hand armaments: MMI-M7S 76mm heavy assault machine gun, MMI-M100 190mm anti-aircraft shotgun, 1 x beam pistol/revolver with bayonet.
-Appearances: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY ASTRAY (novel).

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