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Guyver Bio-Booster Armor

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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM (Various Series)Subtype: Mobile Suits (Starfighters)Era: Cosmic EraCanon: Crossover

ZAFT GINN Assault Type

Craft: ZAFT ZGMF-1017AS GINN Assault Type
Type: Mass production assault mobile suit
Scale: Starfighter
-Height: 21.43m
Skill: Mecha Piloting (OR Walker Operations and/or Starfighter/Aircraft Piloting)
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms (or less)
Consumables: 1 week (survival pack)
Cost: 78,000 ZAFT credits
Hyperdrive: N/A
Nav Computer: Yes (short-ranged, carrier-based)
Maneuverability: 1D+2 (all environments)
-Space: 6
-Atmosphere: 330; 950kmh ("jumps" only)
-Ground (Walking): 30; 90kmh
Hull: 6D
-Strength: 3D
-Armor: 3D
Shields: N/A
   Passive: 20/0D
   Scan: 40/1D
   Search: 60/2D
   Focus: 3/3D

   MA-M3 Heavy Sword (GINN Sword)
      Location: Stored on waist, hand-held in use.
      Fire Arc: "turret" (used by arms for close combat)
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Combat
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 1D
      Space Range: Close Combat
      Atmosphere Range: Close Combat (10m long)
      Damage: Str+2D (5D for standard GINN)
      Ammo: 1
      Rate of Fire: N/A

   JDP2-MMX22 27mm Armor Assault Rifle (experimental)
      Location: Stored on waist, hand-held in use
      Fire Arc: "turret" (aimed by arms)
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR Starship/Aircraft gunnery)
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      Space Range: 1-3/15/30
      Atmorphere Range: 25-300/1.5/3km
      Damage: 6D; OR Autofire Bonus Dice (see D6 Firearms elsewhere on the site)
      Ammo: 30
      Rate of Fire: 1 round per attack
      Special: Mounts MA-M3 Heavy Sword as a bayonet (see below)

   2 M68 "PARDUS" Missile Launchers
      Location: 1 on each outer lower leg.
      Fire Arc: front
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR Starfighter/Aircraft Gunnery)
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      Space Range: 1/3/6, 6 per round, max range 60
      Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/600m, 600m per round, max range 6km
      Damage: 7D
      Ammo: 3 missiles per launcher (6 total)
      Rate of Fire: 1 per attack; volleys up to maximum payload.

   2 Gatling Guns (fire-linked)
      Location: Mounted on shoulders
      Fire Arc: front
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR Starfighter/Aircraft Gunnery)
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      Space Range: 1-2/8/16
      Atmosphere Range: 30-200/800/1.6km
      Damage: 5D+1 (4D if not fire-linked)
      Ammo: 500 round drum magazines for both guns.
      Rate of Fire: Burst of bullets per attack (Ammo Depletion 1Dx10 per gun per attack)
      OPTION: See D6 Firearms elsewhere on the site.

   2 Dual Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launchers (fire-link optional)
      Location: Mounted on wrists
      Fire Arc: "turret" (aimed and fired by arms)
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR Starfighter/Aircraft Gunnery)
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 1D
      Space Range: 1-2/3/4
      Atmosphere Range: 40-200/300/400m
      Damage: 6D (7D if fire-linked)
      Ammo: 2 grenades per launch tube, 4 per launcher (8 grenades total)
      Rate of Fire: 1 or 2 grenades per attack.

WEAPONS (Kaite Madigan Customary Weapon):
   Beam Gun/Revolver with Bayonette
      Location: Stored in waist, hand-held in use
      Fire Arc: "turret" (hand-held, aimed by arms)
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery (OR Starfighter/Aircraft Gunnery)
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 1D
      Space Range:
      -Beam Gun: 1-2/8/16
      -Revolver: 1-3/10/20
      -Bayonet: Close Combat
      Atmosphere Range:
      -Beam Gun: 30-300/1.2/2.4km
      -Revolver: 20-300/1/2km
      -Bayonet: Close Combat
      -Beam Gun: 6D+1
      -Revolver: 6D+2
      -Bayonet: Str+1D+2 (4D+2)
      -Beam Gun: connected to MS power source
      -Revolver: 6 cartridge rounds (3 reloads with speed loaders)
      Rate of Fire: One beam/bullet/melee attack per attack action.


   ZAFT GINN (Pronounced "Jin" or "Jen")

   As many variants of the GINN would be produced during the Bloody Valentine War between the Coordinators and the Naturals, a need would arise for a heavier assault version, one that could take more of a beating, and dish out more punishment upon the enemy.  The GINN Assault Type is just the kind needed for such battles, equipped with a more varied arsenal to combat multiple threats, and able to breach reinforced strongholds when needed.

   However, later models would eventually render the GINN in most of its variations obsolete, such as the ZGMF-600 GuAIZ and eventually the ZGMF-1000 ZAKU.  But the Assault Type GINN would still prove effective in combat when no other options are available.

*Natural Pilots: If a ZAFT mobile suit is ever piloted by a Natural human, all Difficulty Levels for piloting will be increased by one Level.  If this roll is not made, the mobile suit will not move, and the pilot will recieve bonus dice from Maneuverability or Fire Control of Weapons.  If these difficulties are made, the mobile suit will move, but the pilot will still not recieve bonus dice from Maneuverability or Fire Control.  If a proper Operating System is installed for Natural pilots, THEN they will recieve these bonus dice to their skill rolls.  If the OS is not available, then one can be improvised with a Very Difficult Computer Programming roll (requiring several days, maybe even a week or longer), or a Heroic Difficulty if time is an issue.  If the programmer has about a month to creat the OS, then the Difficulty is Difficult.  The OS for Natural MS piloting was not officially created until late in the Bloody Valentine War.  The Orb Union's Erica Simmons created one for use with their M1 Astrays with help by Kira Yamato, while the Earth Alliance created one for their Strike Daggers at roughly the same time (a little later).

**Ultracompact Energy Battery: In the Gundam SEED setting, nuclear power has been rendered near useless by use of Neutron Jammers (N-Jammers). ZAFT attempted to prevent the use of nuclear weapons after the "Bloody Valentine" incident, where Junius Seven of the PLANTs was destroyed by a nuclear attack by Naturals.  Using N-Jammers extensively with their ships, as well as deploying them all over the Earth deep underground, use of nuclear reactors is all but impossible until the development of the Neutron Jammer Cancelers.  Therefor, most technological devices use alternate means of power sources.  Most mobile suits and mobile armors use ultracompact energy batteries.  While their operation time may be limited, most of these vehicles still have plenty of time to complete their sortie missions before having to return to base.

   To represent this, take a mobile suit/mobile armor/ship's Hull Dice and multiply the number by a hundred (100), adding 25 per pip (550 for the GuAIZ here).  This is the Battery's power.  Decrease by one point per round of combat while the mobile vehicle is active after launch.  Any energy weapons directly connected to the battery drain it by a number equal to the Damage Dice they inflict, per use (such as beam rifles, beam cannons or beam sabers, etc.).  Any special equipment that shield or help the mobile vehicle (such as energy shields, Phase Shift armor or Mirage Colloid) deplete the battery by a number equal to it's Hull Dice.  Any other variants will list any differences in their entries.

***UPDATE NOTES: If GMs/players come across this write-up and see other variants of the GINN on the site, they may notice a difference in Dice for the HULL entry.  This write-up for the original GINN has been altered to reflect an ongoing attempt on my part for balance, while also experimenting with how the rules work, and how they can be changed for better quality.  Here, I have made rules for "mecha" more specified, giving the Hull Dice, then followed by Strength and Armor Dice, to show statistics similar to a character, since the GINN and other mobile suits and mecha are made to move like a human (or whatever race builds them).  In this case, the Strength Dice show the GINN's base superstructure before the armor plating is added on, which is also its strength to show how much power it can physically exert (for close combat and fine manipulation of other objects, like lifting things for utility purposes).  Then the Armor Dice are given, to show the need for protection on a character or combat vehicle.  Originally, the GINN write-up had 4D Strength and 1D Armor.  After some thought on the other variants, especially the DINN Atmospheric flight type, I thought less strength was needed, with a little more armors, so that lighter models could be reduced in armor for greater mobility, while keeping the GINN's base Strength as their own in combat.  Though using a 3D Strength against a 5D Hull may not seem very doable in combat, that's why weapons are given to overcome this, such as the GINN Sword (Strength+2D, 5D for GINNs, at least equals the Hull of other GINNs), along with other ranged weaponry such as guns and missiles.  Also, their is always the chance of ripping off the Armor plating to get a better crack at another mobile suit, or even called shots on critical systems and equipment to criple an enemy (such as the camer eye in the head, the maneuvering thrusters, the limbs themselves), all of which would use Strength to resist, not the full Hull Dice.  When in co mbat, though it works much like a starfighter from Star Wars D6 RPG, a mobile suit/mecha still moves and can fight like an actual person if used right.

****MISSILE VOLLEYS: Star Wars D6 RPG has always used missiles, and this carries on in later versions of their RPG rules.  However, to my knowledge, they have never had rules for firing multiple missiles at once, in volleys.  Many write-ups I send in list the ability to fire volleys of missiles or other kinds of weapons.  But, though I have intended to send in rules for this for sometime, I have put it off.  Here are the rules.

   When firing a missile volley, decide how many missiles you are launching in your attack (some weapons may have set numbers to how many missiles can be fired, how many individual launchers can fire together in volleys, and other such rules.  Decide your number of missiles based around this where applicable).  Then make your attack.  There are two ways to do the attack roll, and its up to the GM to decide which way they prefer.  Either there is no modifier to the attack and the player/GM rolls as normal with no modifiers; OR, the attacker adds a +1 pip per extra missile they have added to the attack.  This is to reflect the increased difficulty other characters will have in dodging so many missiles being fired at them all at once, not an impossible feat to do, but much more difficult than evading just a single missile.

   Another option for this "optional" modifier to the attack with missile volleys is listing whether or not the weapon has the option to do so.  It may be a simple piece of extra equipment to attach, or some software added or updated to the weapons system, something extra that could cost a few credits more for the players.

   Last, if the attack hits, there is the damage roll.  Volleys are much different than fire-linking or batteries.  They do not make the missiles hit all at once for extra damage to a single damage roll, or for extra dice for the attack (though this is possible in Star Wars D6's rules, and done often), but instead they allow multiple damage rolls as each individual missile hits the target on its own.  For the option of adding pips to hit per missile, every "1" that hits past the defenders dodge roll counts as a missile scoring a hit (but no more hits than were actually fired.  Come on now, that's just cheating).  Each single missile then rolls it's own damage dice.  So if 4 missiles hit from a volley against a target, then 4 seperate damage rolls would be made to score damage against the target, and the target would then roll 4 seperate Damage Resistance rolls against these (since the missiles would probably hit different portions of the target, not the exact same spot.  That's what called shots, fire-linking and batteries are for).

   The idea behind this is that while one large pool of dice are great for a devestating attack, they could always roll a "1" on the Wild Die and completely foil your attack, whereas a missile volley gives you several opportunities to not only score damage against a target, but more than one chance of the same Wild Die exploding with 6's on one of its attacks as well.  Sure, its a little more to keep track of, but the advantages are worth it.


   The ZAFT GINN is starfighter scale, like most mecha, because it is space and flight capable.  I have chosen most of the dice codes for it based on its size (which is similar to a space transport in Star Wars D6, and lack energy shields), and the fact that it is an early model (other more improved models follow later with improved statistics, which is why the GINN may still seem comparatively weak in may ways).  The Ginn and most standard mobile suits do not actually "fly" in an atmosphere, but can jump with their equipped thrusters.  Their space speed may seem slow when compared to other starfighters from Star Wars D6, but these are earlier models (later designs are much faster), and what amounted to "starfighters" (mobile armors) in the Gundam Seed setting were not so fast anyways.

-Model number: ZGMF-1017AS
-Code Name: GINN Assault Type
-Unit type: mass production assault mobile suit.
-Manufacturer: Maius Military Industries/Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty.
-Operators: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty).
-First Deployment: Unknown
-Accomodation: pilot only (in standard cockpit in torso).
-Armor Materials: unknown.
-Powerplant: Ultracompact energy battery (power output rating unknown).
-Equipmentt/Design Features: sensors (range unknown).
-Fixed Armaments: 2 x shoulder mounted gatling gun; 2 x M68 "Pardus" 3-barrel missile launcher; 2 x wrist mounted dual rocket-propelled grenade launcher; MA-M3 heavy sword; Beam gun/revolver with bayonette.
-OPTIONAL Fixed Armaments: none.
-OPTIONAL Hand-Held Armaments: JDP2-MMX22 experimental 27mm armor assault rifle.
-Appearances: ???

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