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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: HALOSubtype: UNSC/Human WeaponsEra: Canon: Crossover

Model M90 Shotgun

The M90 Shotgun is a pump-action magazine-fed, dual tubular non-detachable type weapon. Weapon System Technologies DTM series shotgun is the most common shotgun employed by both UNSC Special Forces, law enforcement agencies, and sportsmen alike. The M90 has been in service for over 27 years and its design has changed very little, the M90?s immense stopping power, ease of use, and reduced capacity for puncturing the hulls of spacecraft over many other UNSC weapon systems with standard 0000 ammunition are greatly appreciated. The M90 is often employed in urban conditions, where the tight spaces are conducive to the shotgun's wide spray for defensive purposes and CQB combat. The military issued DTM series comes standard with an adjustable stock and pistol grip - although there are different models like the WST DTM/LE model which has a solid stock and no pistol grip. The DTM series of shotguns are available in 20 Gauge - 10 Gauge for the civilian market ? the 8 Gauge is only sold to law enforcement and military agencies.

Model: Weapon System Technologies M90 Combat Shotgun
Type: Combat shotgun
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms: shotgun
Ammo: 12
Cost: 4000 credits (ammo: 50 per box of 20 shells)
Availabilty: 3, X
Range: 3-15/45/95
Fire Rate: 2
Damage: 6D/5D/4D

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