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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: HALOSubtype: UNSC/Human WeaponsEra: Canon: Crossover


The M41 SSR is a heavy ordnance weapon in the UNSC arsenal that fires a 102mm Shaped-Charge High-Explosive Surface to Surface Missile. The launcher sports a 2x scope and can fire rockets over long distances with devastating accuracy, although its altitude decreases over longer distances, this model is not to be confused with the M19 SSM Rocket Launcher. The M41 is, however, almost identical to the M19 variant rocket launcher. The M41 uses a unique design then any other rocket launchers. When reloaded, the barrels are removed, two preloaded barrels are then inserted back onto the unit. With this mechanism, a Marine can greatly reduce the weight he carries without throwing the weapon away like some contemporary disposable rocket launchers.

Model: M41 SSR Rocket Launcher
Type: Anti-tank rocket launcher
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Missile weapons: UNSC Rocket Launcher
Ammo: 2
Availability: 4, X
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 15-45/400/1.5 km

Blast Radius: 2-5/8/12
Damage: 5D+1

Game Notes:
Crew: Recommended a crew of two soldiers.

If one soldier functions the weapon alone, +1D to the difficulty.
Reloading: The weapon is a single-shot weapon, and must be reloaded after both shots via the loading port in the rear of the tube. This takes one round to do so.

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