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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: HALOSubtype: Covenant WeaponsEra: Canon: Crossover

Covenant Plasma Pistol

The Type-25 Directed Energy Pistol is a Covenant infantry firearm, carried commonly by the smaller species, such as the Unggoy, Kig-Yar, and the Yanme'e[2], as well as sidearms for the bigger species such as Sangheili and Jiralhanae.

The plasma pistol, is a Covenant directed energy weapon that use superheated ionized gas called plasma, instead of traditional human ballistic ammunition. The weapon has a power output of 100-150 KV @ 2~3 dA, but, when overcharged, the power output is 1.5 MV @ 2~3 dA. The Type-25 DEP is standard-issue for lower-ranking Covenant infantry such as Grunts and Jackals, but is occasionally used by higher ranking species within the Covenant; as such it is the most commonly encountered Covenant plasma weapon. If fired quickly enough, the plasma pistol is capable of shooting as many rounds per second as the plasma rifle. Against UNSC infantry, the Type-25 Pistol's lethality to a person is extreme; injuries inflicted to the victim are severe third-degree burns, with the wound being cauterized instantly upon impact. Even near misses will produce severe burns and heat trauma. Should the plasma impact an object, the impact can create fragments that may come into contact with a victim, with crippling or lethal effect. Generally two hits from either a plasma pistol or plasma rifle will kill a light, or non armored target. The Type-25 Pistol also has the ability to charge a single superheated bolt, which can instantly deplete almost any form of energy shielding, or if the overcharge bolt was to hit a flesh based target, would result in instant death. This high-powered shot makes the plasma pistol a formidable strategic weapon, however like its counterpart over-extended periods of fire will overheat the weapon.

Model: Type-25 Plasma Pistol
Type: Energy Pistol
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms: Pistol
Ammo: 200 per battery
Cost: 3000 credits (ammo: 200 per battery)
Availabilty: 3, X
Range: 3-15/50/200
Fire Rate: 1,3
Damage: 3D+2/ 3D/ 2D (Regular Shot)

Game Notes:

-Charged Shot: Add 1D to for each round of prior charging. The max it can charge is 2 rounds (prior to firing)

for 5D+2 total. Overheating: For every shot Regular shot fired the weapon takes 1 heat unit and for every Charged

shot it takes 3 heat, if the weapon reaches 8 it will take 4 rounds to cool down and be able to fire again. Every round

not fired in burst reduces the heat by 1.

-Ionizing Impact: (Ionization) Damage: 2D+ 1D for every prior round of Charging

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