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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM (Various Series)Subtype: Mobile Suits (Starfighters)Era: Cosmic EraCanon: Crossover


Craft: Earth Alliance GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam
Type: Prototype artillery mobile suit
Scale: Starfighter
-Weight: 81.48 metric tons (max gross weight)
Skill: Mecha Piloting
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms
Consumables: 1 week (survival pack)
Cost: N/A (prototype)
Hyperdrive: N/A
Nav Computer: Yes (short ranged, carrier based)
Maneuverability: 3D
-Space: 8
-Atmosphere: 365; 1,050kmh ("jumps" only)
-Ground (Walking): 55; 160kmh
Hull: 7D (TP armor, see below)
-Strength: 5D
-Armor: 2D
-Anti-Beam Combat Shield: 3D (Mecha Combat/Parry)
   Passive: 30/1D
   Scan: 60/2D
   Search: 90/3D
   Focus: 4/4D

   2 "Schlag" High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannons (fire-linked)
      Location: mounted on backpack over shoulders
      Fire Arc: front
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 3D
      Space Range: 1-4/16/32
      Atmosphere Range: 40-400/1.6/3.2km
      Damage: 7D+2 (6D+2 if not fire-linked)
      Ammo: connected to battery (see below)
      Rate of Fire: 1 (fire-linked beam per attack)

   "Scylla" 580mm Multi-Phase Energy Cannon
      Location: mounted in chest
      Fire Arc: front
      Crew: 1
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 3D
      Space Range: 1-5/20/40
      Atmosphere Range: 50-500/2/4km
      Damage: 4D (10D against starfighter scale)
      Ammo: connected to battery (see below, also drains battery of 10 because of capital scale)
      Rate of Fire: 1 (energy blast per attack)

   "Kaefer Zwei" 115mm Dual Ram Cannons (fire-linked)
      Location: mounted on combat shield (left arm)
      Fire Arc: "turret" (aimed by arms)
      Crew: 1
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      Space Range: 1-3/12/24
      Atmosphere Range: 30-300/1.2/2.4km
      Damage: 7D (6D if not fire-linked)
      Ammo: 20 shells per cannon (40 total)
      Rate of Fire: 1 (fire-linked shot per attack)

   "Todesblock" 337mm Plasma Sabot Bazooka
      Location: hand-held during sortie
      Fire Arc: "turret" (aimed by arms)
      Crew: 1
      Skill: Mecha Gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      Space Range: 1-3/12/24
      Atmosphere Range: 30-300/1.2/2.4km
      Damage: 9D
      Ammo: connected to battery (see below)
      Rate of Fire: 1 (plasma blast per attack)


   Despite the theft of four prototype Gundams by ZAFT, the Earth Alliance continues its research and constructs new units featuring advanced technologies. One such unit is the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam, which is designed as a long-range artillery unit similar to the GAT-X103 Buster Gundam. One of the new technologies implemented in the Calamity Gundam is Trans-Phase armor, which is an improved version of Phase Shift armor. Whereas Phase Shift armor utilizes a 'power up' mode denoted by color and a 'power down' mode denoted by gray, Trans-Phase armor is designed to only activate at the point of impact and thus preserve energy. This energy can then be used for power-consuming energy weapons. Also, to keep up with the abilities of Coordinators, the Alliance designates pilot Orga Sabnak as a 'biological CPU' rather than a human pilot and requires him to take drugs to be able to effectively use his high performance mobile suit. Unfortunately, these drugs have severe side effects after wearing off.

   As an artillery suit, the Calamity Gundam features a variety of weapons. Its main weapon is the twin "Schlag" 125mm beam cannons mounted on the backpack. Other armaments include a "Scylla" beam cannon in the chest, which is identical to the one used by the GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam. The Calamity Gundam also uses a handheld "Todesblock" plasma bazooka, and its shield is equipped with a "Kaefer Zwei" ram cannon. Since the Calamity Gundam was designed for long range combat, it does not come equipped with any close range melee weapons. However, the Alliance does develop a close combat variant, the GAT-X133 Sword Calamity. The Calamity Gundam is first deployed in combat during the Earth Alliance's attack on the Orb Union. Following the defeat of Orb, the Calamity Gundam is taken to space and transferred to the Archangel class battleship Dominion under the supervision of Blue Cosmos leader Muruta Azrael. The Calamity Gundam is destroyed near the war's end on September 26, C.E. 71, by Athrun Zala's ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.


When activating the mobile suit, the operating system on the screen reads:



   Designed as an artillery mobile suit, the Calamity is only equipped with several powerful beam weapons, completely lacking any close combat weaponry. Its armament consists of two "Schlag" 125mm high-energy long-range beam cannons, which are mounted on the backpack of the suit, a chest mounted "Scylla" 580mm multi-phase energy cannon and a shield installed on the suit's left arm, which includes a "Kaefer Zwei" 115mm dual ram cannon. Besides these weapons the suit most times carries a large "Todesblock" 337mm plasma-sabot bazooka in its right hand.


   In mid CE 71, the Earth Alliance collaborates with Muruta Azrael's Azrael Conglomerate to build three second-generation mobile suits to counter the G-units stolen by ZAFT. One of these is the GAT-X131 Calamity, an artillery mobile suit, whose "Biological CPU" was Orga Sabnak. A close combat variant of the Calamity is also created, the GAT-X133 Sword Calamity.

   The Calamity is first used in the conquest of neutral Orb nation, then sent to space and assigned to the Archangel-class assault ship Dominion under the supervision of Azrael, who is also the leader of the anti-Coordinator terrorist group Blue Cosmos. Near the end of the war, it is destroyed by Athrun Zala in the ZGMF-Z09A Justice.


*Ultracompact Energy Battery: This is the same power system used in most all mobile weapons in the Cosmic Era setting of Gundam SEED.  The battery has power points equal to the MS' Hull Dice number times one hundred (700 for the Calamity Gundam).  It is depleted by 1 every round after launching, and also depletes by a number equal to the Damage Dice of any energy weapons connected to it when they are used.  Any other special systems, such as Mirage Colloid or Phase-Shift or Trans-Phase armors, will deplete it by the number of Hull Dice per round while activated, unless stated otherwise.

*Trans-Phase (TP) Armor: This defensive system is similar to Phase Shift armor, which makes MS' invulverable to ballistics and explosive damage.  The difference is that TP armor only activates when struck by a weapon.  TP armor only drains the Ultracompact Energy battery when an attack hits the MS and deals damage, drianing it of a number equal to the attack's Damage Dice. However, if the MS is attacked from different angles (fire arcs), the TP armor overloads and cannot protect against all of the attacks.

*Anti-Beam Combat Shield: Combat shields are used to parry hits and take damage that would otherwise hit and maybe damage a mobile suit.  If the shield is destroyed, the MS can still fight on, perhaps being saved a fatal blow that would have otherwise destroyed or disabled it.  The pilot must roll Mecha Combat/Parry and beat the attacker's roll to successfully parry against the attack.  the shield's dice roll against the damage.  If the shield takes a damage result, use the starship damage chart to determine the result.  If a result reduces Hull Dice, the the shield is affected.  Any damaged or lost systems only affect weapons or systems attached to the shield, otherwise these results do nothing.  If a destroyed result is rolled, the shield has been destroyed by the attack, either taken apart or blown away (in some cases taking the arm with it!).  If the destroyed result is ever double that needed to destroy the shield, the MS then takes damage.
   The shields on many Gundams have an anti-beam coating that allows them to fully defend against weapons such as beam sabers without having their dice reduced as pips.  The Calamity has such a shield.

*Flight: The Sword Calamity can fly in space, but its thrusters are only strong enough for long 'jumps' in atmosphere.

-Model number: GAT-X131
-Code name: Calamity Gundam
-Unit type: prototype artillery mobile suit
-Manufacturer: Earth Alliance (Atlantic Federation)
-Operator: Earth Alliance (Atlantic Federation)
-First deployment: 15 June C.E. 71
-Accommodation: pilot only (in standard cockpit in torso).
-Dimensions: head height 18.26 meters
-Weight: max gross weight 81.48 metric tons
-Armor materials: unknown
-Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery (power output rating unknown).
-Equipment and design features: sensors (range unknown); Trans-Phase (TP) armor.
-Fixed armaments: 2 x "Schlag" 125mm high-energy long-range beam cannon (mounted on backpack over shoulders); "Scylla" 580mm multi-phase energy cannon, mounted on chest, "Kaefer Zwei" 115mm dual ram cannon, mounted on shield connected to left arm
-Optional hand armaments: "Todesblock" 337mm plasma-sabot bazooka
-Appearances: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED; Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY; Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY ASTRAY; Battle Assault 3 featuring Gundam SEED; Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Never-Ending Tomorrow.

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