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Cole Turner

Name: Cole "Belthazor " Turner     DOB: 27/7/1882

Actor: Julian McMahon                    DOB: 27/7/1968

Character Type: Champion

Life Points: 85        Drama Points: 10

Attributes (20) = 23

Strength 6 (3 Levels Part of Half-Demon Quality)
Dexterity 7 (3 Levels Part of Half-Demon Quality)
Constitution 6 (3 Levels Part of Half-Demon Quality)
Intelligence 5
Perception 4
Willpower 6 (2 Levels Part of Half-Demon Quality)

Qualities (20 + 7 from Drawbacks) = 105

Age 2 (4)
Attractive +3 (3)
Dual Shape* (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (0)
Fast Reaction Time (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (2)
Half-Demon (96)
Hard to Kill 9 (5 Levels Part of Half-Demon Quality)
Nerves of Steel (Part of Half-Demon Quality)
Pyrokinesis 4 (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (12)
Shimmer (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (20)
Situational Awareness (2)
Supernatural Attack (Massive 100 points of damage) (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (40)
Telekinesis 1 (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (3) 

Drawbacks (11) = 22

Adversary (Increasing From Both Sides) (8)
Attractive -3 (3)
Covetous (Ambitious) (2)
Covetous (Greedy) (1)
Honorable (2)
Mental Problems (Cruelty) (2)
Obligation (Total) (Part of Half-Demon Quality)
Tragic Love (4)

Skills (20 + 2 from Drawbacks) = 23

Acrobatics: 5   

Knowledge: 6

Art: 0                  

Kung Fu: 5

Computers: 0   

Languages: 2

Crime: 0   

Mr. Fix-It: 0

Doctor: 1

Notice: 5

Driving: 2   

Occultism: 6

Getting Medieval: 4   

Science: 0

Gun Fu: 5   

Sports: 0

Influence: 5 

Wild Card: 0

Maneuvers       Bonus Base Damage    Notes

Catch Weapon



Ranged Defense Action




Defense Action
Energy Ball 7 100 Electricity/Fire




Resisted by Dodge

Jump Kick











Defense Action

Parry Ranged



Defense Action





Spin Kick








(Through the Heart)



x5 vs. vamps

Sweep Kick











x5 Damage

Thrown Stake




(Through the Heart)



x5 vs. vamps




Bash; must Grapple first
Background on Cole Turner

             Belthazor  - Human/demon half breed (about 116 years old) seen during the third through fifth season of the supernatural drama CHARMED/WB/1998+. Originally, the red-skinned Belthazor  (Michael Bailey Smith) was assigned to travel to the city of San Francisco to destroy the Charmed One, a.k.a. The Halliwell sisters (Phoebe, Pru & Piper). In the guise of Assistant District Attorney Cole Turner (Julius McMahon), he gathered information on how to destroy the witch sisters, but unforeseen, he fell in love with Phoebe Halliwell (Alyssa Milano). No longer able to fulfill his mission, he goes on the run until Cole's demonic half, Belthazor  is vanquished. Eventually, Phoebe and Cole get married, but over time Phoebe grows to distrust Cole who gains untold power by inheriting the energy from a being known as the "Source of all Evil." Soon after, Phoebe divorces him and Phoebe finally vanquishes the former love of her life (whom she now hated). Through it all, Cole claimed to love Phoebe eternally. Phoebe at one point in their relationship had the responsibility of killing Cole, but instead she let him go free and kept it to herself, until her deception (motivated by love) was uncovered by her other sisters who were none to happy about the whole situation.

            We first see Cole appear in Charmed, during the beginning of season 3 where he poses as an ADA (Assistant District Attorney), but was really an undercover upper level demon sent by the Triad to try and kill the Charmed Ones. At first he catches the eye of Phoebe Halliwell, but what did any one truly know about Cole. He was tall, dark, very handsome, and seemed to be a nice guy, but some thing was just not right. Which Prue sensed from the start. (Later on when Paige comes a long she sensed it too.)

            The more she talked about it with her sister's the further Phoebe fell in love. When the truth came out that Cole was in deed a very powerful demon named Belthazor, sent to kill the Charmed Ones by the Source of all evil, he had already fallen in love with Phoebe and left his demon side for her love. He now was there to help the Charmed One and fight along side of them. The only thing that Cole truly wanted was to spend his life with Phoebe at any cost.

            Cole was a member of the Brotherhood of the Thorn, a powerful group working for the Source. By accident, Cole's demonic powers were stripped from him and he became human. Before becoming human he had proposed to Phoebe.

            In the midst of mulling over his marriage proposal, Phoebe comes face-to-face with Cole's demonic past when a widow tracks him down seeking vengeance for her husband's murder. Phoebe told him that she wasn't ready to get married yet. While he was human he felt very unsure about himself and his place in the world. He had been a demon for over one hundred years and he was not sure how to be a human.

            Cole also felt insecure about his relationship with Phoebe because of her wish to postpone their engagement. Phoebe finally accepted his marriage proposal, and after the sisters vanquished the Source (for the first time) they married. However, without Phoebe's knowledge Cole had been possessed by the magic of the Source when the Charmed Ones vanquished him. Cole tried to fight the Source and retain control of his actions, but the Source proved to be too strong for him and Cole succumbed. With the Seer's help, Cole tricked Phoebe into marrying him in a dark way. Because of this dark ceremony the son that Phoebe conceived was evil rather than good. While the Source managed to suppress Cole when he first took over Cole's body, after he learned that he was to become a father Cole's influence grew stronger and stronger and weakened the Source, allowing Phoebe to realize through a premonition that he had become evil again. When Phoebe discovered that Cole had turned, Cole decided that he was willing to give his powers as the Source to keep Phoebe and their son. However, the Seer had other plans. The Seer convinced Phoebe that she needed to listen to her unborn child and support her husband. So in the middle of a ceremony Cole was performing to give his powers to someone else. Phoebe, under the influence of the Seer, arrived and killed the demon that Cole was attempting to give the Source's powers to, ruining the ceremony. Cole was then coronate as the new Source with Phoebe at his side, his Queen of the Underworld. While she initially supported him as his Queen, Phoebe quickly realized that as much as she loved him she could not give into evil. With the help of her sisters she vanquished Cole. 

            When he died, Cole was caught in the wasteland where demons go when they are vanquished. While the beast that guards the wasteland had devoured the Source’s power, Cole managed to hang on because of his soul. He continued to hang on to his and Phoebe's love, running from the beast in hopes that Phoebe would be able to rescue him. Cole tried to send psychic messages to Phoebe and she would hear his voice whispering in the wind or he would channel his messages through others. Phoebe used a spell to travel to him in the wasteland to tell him that he needed to move on. Initially he refused, but he grew tired of running from the beast and decided to succumb to the monster. Just as he was going to allow himself to be devoured, Cole accidentally stumbled upon the discovery that if he absorbed the powers of vanquished demons before the beast could devour them, he could receive the powers. Through this method Cole managed to pull himself out of the wasteland. He continues to pursue his relationship with Phoebe, even though she does not see much hope for their marriage.

            After trying to win Phoebe back but to no avail, Cole became doubtful of whether he can ever regain Phoebe's trust. No matter what good deeds he performed, Phoebe could only see him as a demon. As Cole saw Phoebe moving on with her life, dating and risking her life to save a new boyfriend, Cole sunk deeper into a depression. He received an offer from supernatural beings that are neither good nor evil called avatars, which wished to make him one of them, but Cole turned them away. Eventually, he became so tormented by his own cursed fate, he tried to tempt the sisters into vanquishing him to end his misery, by using a darklighter to put Paige's and Leo's life in danger. When they finally did try to vanquish him, it did not work. Cole has become invincible.

            Cole's behavior became more insane in his attempts to gain Phoebe back. He asked a demon to mummify Phoebe so that he might have plenty of time to win back her affection. He also elaborately plotted to gain control of the Nexus under the manor so that when he tapped into it the evil would spread to Phoebe and she would give into their love. In one final effort to win Phoebe back, Cole cast a spell, which altered reality, making it so that the power of three had never been reconstituted. He was disappointed to find that in this other reality he was trapped in a loveless married with Phoebe, who only remained his wife to protect Piper from being killed. By altering reality in this way, Cole resumed his former identity of Belthazor, making him vulnerable to being vanquished. Because Paige also crossed realities, she was able to unite with her sisters to vanquish Cole once and for all and reversed the effects of his spell. Leaving Cole out of Phoebes life forever!

Quote: “I'm sorry, but we have to stop seeing each other, okay. Why? Because, because I have to kill you that's why. Smooth.”

Roleplaying Cole Turner

Cole is very intelligent and a master manipulator.

Cole has had many powers during his time in Charmed, He inherited many more when he become the Source and then after he was vanquished, he picked up tons of other demons powers from the demonic wasteland. He has so many powers that it has been impossible for the Charmed Ones to vanquish him, or to name them all.

* In his Belthazor  demonic form Cole gains +1 bonus on all his actions.

Charmed™ Copyright ?2000 Spelling Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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