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Comments made about this Article!

22/Mar/2010 02:29:40 Posted by Hellstormer1

Hellstormer1: "So...who likes the pic???"

24/Mar/2010 11:33:05 Posted by Freddy

Kinda reminds me of the 80's movie Split Second with Rutger Hauer, where the cops in a futuristic flooded London are up against the Devil (or some such, been a long time since I saw it).

Hauers quiet, bookish, by the rules sidekick just witnessed the Devil tearing someone apart in quite a gruesome way, and him and Rutger head off to the armoury to get ready to fight it.
"Whadya looking for?" asks the armourer.
"Guns, Big F*cking Guns", replys the sidekick, frothing at the mouth.
He gets handed a combat shotgun.
"No!, bigger!"

The rest of the movie was standard cheap 80's sci-fi awful, but that one scene, totally brilliant.

24/Mar/2010 18:17:15 Posted by HellStormer1 {}

Dude, Freddy!!! I was thinking that same line the whole time I was writing this up, but I couldn't remember what movie it was from! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! And that was an awsome movie for it's time. "Guns! Big, ----ing Guns!".

25/Mar/2010 21:54:03 Posted by Alex Panzerkit {}

Neat rules and I like the picture and commentary

27/Mar/2010 01:37:22 Posted by HellStormer1 {}

You're the man, Panzerkit!!!

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