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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: EU

CHARACTER NAME - Prudii Skirata
TEMPLATE TYPE -  Null Class Advanced Recon Commando (Lieutenant)
SPECIES - Human/Mandalorian (Clone)
HEIGHT - 1.83m
MOVE - 10

           Armour Weapons: 6D
           Blaster: 6D+2
           Brawling Parry: 6D
           Dodge: 6D
           Grenade: 5D
           Melee Combat: 6D+1
           Melee Parry: 6D
           Missile Weapons: 7D
           Vehicle Blasters: 5D+1

           Bargain: 5D
           Con: 7D
           Gambling: 7D
           Hide: 5D+2
           Investigation: 8D
           Persuasion: 6D+2
           Search: 8D+1
           Sneak: 6D+1
           Command: 6D+2
           Command; CloneTroopers: 6D+1


           Alien Species: 6D+2
           Bureacracy: 5D
           Cultures: 6D+1
           Intimidation: 7D
           Languages: 6D
           Planetary Systems: 6D
           Streetwise: 5D
           Survival: 5D+2
           Value: 6D
           Willpower: 6D
           Tactics: 6D+2
           Tactics; Clone Commandos: 6D

           Brawling: 7D
           Climbing/Jumping: 5D+1
           Lifting: 5D
           Stamina: 6D+2
           Swimming: 6D+2

           Astrogation: 7D
           Jet Pack Operation: 6D
           Repulsorlift Operation: 5D+2
           Space Transports: 7D+1
           Starship Gunnery: 8D+1
           Starship Shields: 5D
           Sensors: 6D
           Walker Operation: 5D+1

           Armour Repair: 7D
           Computer Programming/Repair: 4D+1
           Demolition: 6D+2
           Droid Programming: 3D+1
           Security: 9D
           Space Transport Repair: 7D+1
           First Aid: 6D
           First Aid; Clone Commandos: 6D+2
           Computer programming/repair 7D+2
           Slicing 9D
           Explosives: 6D

EQUIPMENT: Verpine Sniper Rifle 7D
Verpine Shatter Gun 6D

CloneTrooper Armor (+2D Physical, +1D Energy, -1D Dexterity, -1 Move)

Model: Mandalorian Heavy Battle Armour
Type: Personal Battle Armour
Game Effects:
           Basic Suit:
                       +4D Physical
                       +3D Energy
                       +1D Strength (used for physical activity, not for resisting damage.)
                       No DEX penalties

           Wrist Lasers:
                       Skill: Armour Weapons
                       Ammo: Powered from armour power supply
                       Range: 3-5/25/50m
                       Damage: 5D

           Flame Projector:
                       Skill: Armour Weapons
                       Ammo: 20
                       Range: 1m diameter 1-5m long
                       Damage: 5D

           Grenade Launcher:
                       Skill: Missile Weapons
                       Ammo: 4
                       Fire Rate: 1/2
                       Range: 1-50/200/300
                       Damage: Varies

                       Allows 70m horizontal or 50m vertical jumps.
                       Has 10 charges, may expend one charge every other round.

           Turbo-Projected Grapple:
                       Uses either a physical or magnetic grapple.
                       0-3/10/20m range.
                       Mounted on the right arm.
                       Missile Weapons skill.

                       Attached to grapple, has 100kg capacity (wearer and his equipment).

           IR/motion Sensor:
                       +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets, ahead and to both sides.

           Sensor Pod:
                       +2D Search, 25-100m

                       +3D Search, 100-500m

           Sound Sensor:
                       +1D PERC in quite situations only.

           Broadband Antenna:
                       Can intercept and decode most communications frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.

           Environmental Filter:
                       Filters out most harmful particles from the air or seal with two hours of air.

Background: Prudii Skirata, formerly known as Null-5 or N-5 was one of six Null-class ARC troopers created for use in the Grand Army of the Republic as a lieutenant. Due to the genetic tampering, Prudii and his five brothers had slightly improved muscular structures, eidetic memory, and an enhanced intelligence that was at least a 35% higher intelligence score over the ordinary clones.

When he and the other Nulls were two years old, Kal Skirata saved them from termination by the Kaminoan clone scientists. Since then, they were only loyal to Kal Skirata.

After the Battle of Geonosis, Prudii and his brothers were scheduled for chill-down because they were uncommandable except by Kal Skirata. Kal Skirata saved them from chill-down and eventually the Null Squad became Clone Intelligence Units (MILINT) who worked for the Special Operations Brigade under the command of Jedi General Arligan Zey; as well as Kal Skirata's "private army", searching for the Kaminoan clone technician Ko Sai in order to force her to stop the age acceleration process.

Prudii specialized in sabotage of droid factories. After installment as military intelligence unit, he spent the first year after Geonosis with sabotaging major droid factories throughout the galaxy, visiting 49 different planets and possibly interrogating and assassinating an important Separatist metallurgist who gave him vital clues on the metallurgic structure of droids. Instead of blowing the factories up, he developed a technique that couldn't be detected by Separatist quality control. Mereel used to call this technique "Prudii's patented droid remover". He wore specialized ARC trooper armor with stealth coating that couldn't be detected by droids and thus enabling him to enter droid factories unnoticed. He then sliced the main computers and slightly changed the recipe for creating droids by adding 5% extra carvanium. On the battlefield, these droids crumbled when hit with any weapon. His sabotage acts were so successful that the kill ratio for
clone troopers in the field was raised from 1:20 droids to 1:50 droids during the first year of the Clone Wars.

460 days after Geonosis, he trained clone commando RC-3222 on Olanet in his sabotage technique. Together they entered the droid factory on Olanet, which was regarded as a high value target by military intel, and sliced the main computer. Atin then returned to his squad at Coruscant HQ and introduced Omega Squad to the new technique while Prudii continued his work. In addition, he then joined his brothers in the search for Ko Sai.

At the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Prudii extracted to Kal Skirata's haven of Kyrimorut on Mandalore.

"Prudii" means "shadow" in Mando'a. He was completely fluent in Mando'a because Kal Skirata taught this language to all his Null ARCs, together with the Mandalorian culture.

Atin described Prudii as a "glib cynic" (as well as adoring son when facing Kal Skirata). Prudii hated being called "Sir" or "Lieutenant" by other clones because he was of the strong opinion that all clones were brothers—even the Alpha ARCs, who always appeared to have some personal differences with the Null ARCs. Atin had the impression that Prudii looked slightly older than his brothers Ordo and Mereel.

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