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Kennedy the Vampire Slayer

Name: Kennedy                               DOB: 8/7/1978 

Actor: Iyari Limon                             DOB: 8/7/1978

Character Type: Champion

Life Points: 97        Drama Points: 10

Attributes (20) = 20

Strength 8 (4 Levels Part of Slayer Qualities)
Dexterity 8 (4 Levels Part of Slayer Qualities)
Constitution 7 (3 Levels Part of Slayer Quality)
Intelligence 3
Perception 3
Willpower 4 (2 Levels Part of Slayer Quality)

Qualities (20 + 8 from Drawbacks) = 28

Attractive +2 (2)
Fast Reaction Time (Part of Slayer Quality)
Hard to Kill 9 (5 Levels Part of Slayer Quality) (4)
Nerves of Steel (Part of Slayer Quality)
Resources (Well-Off) (4)
Slayer (14)
Slayer-in-Training (4)

Drawbacks (7) = 7

Adversary (Lots) (5 Levels Part of Slayer Quality) (5)
Honorable (Serious) (2)
Love (2)
Minority (Gay) (1)
Obligation (Total) (Part of Slayer Quality)
Reckless (2)

Skills (20 + 4 from Drawbacks) = 24

Acrobatics: 5+1   

Knowledge: 0

Art: 0                  

Kung Fu: 5+1

Computers: 0  

Languages: 0

Crime: 2  

Mr. Fix-It: 0

Doctor: 0   

Notice: 0

Driving: 0   

Occultism: 3+1

Getting Medieval: 5+1   

Science: 0

Gun Fu: 0   

Sports: 0

Influence: 4

Wild Card: 0

Maneuvers       Bonus Base Damage    Notes

Catch Weapon



Ranged Defense Action




Defense Action




Resisted by Dodge

Jump Kick








(Groin Kick)







Defense Action

Parry Ranged



Defense Action





Spin Kick








(Through the Heart)



x5 vs. vamps

Sweep Kick











x5 Damage

Thrown Stake




(Through the Heart)



x5 vs. vamps




Bash; must Grapple first
Background on Kennedy the Vampire Slayer

            Not much is known about Kennedy before her arrival in Sunnydale. What is known is that she was born into a rich family and has a half-sister. She was a Potential Slayer, and was identified at an early age as one. She received training from her own Watcher in various weapons and fighting techniques, in case she was ever called. She was especially proficient in the use of a crossbow.

            When the First Evil declared war on the Slayer line and the Watchers Council (and humanity itself), it put Kennedy in danger. Kennedy's watcher was killed by the Harbingers, but soon afterward, Rupert Giles took Kennedy along with other Slayers-In-Training Molly and Annabelle with him to protect as he returned to Sunnydale to inform Buffy and her friends of what was happening.

            Later, Buffy and Giles went out to patrol the area where she last fought the Harbingers of the First. There she was attacked by an ancient Turok-Han Vampire, who was soundly defeating her until he had to retreat because of the rising sun. That night Annabelle got frightened and ran away, only to be killed by the Turok-Han. Buffy fought it again, and was severely beaten and left for dead under a pile of rubble. Xander, Giles, and Willow found Buffy and brought her back home. After recovering from her wounds Buffy awoke and told the others they were going to war against the First Evil. Over the next days, Buffy recovered and went about training and protecting the arriving potentials. Kennedy proved to be better trained than the others in the group of newcomers, and had the attitude to go with her training. Though she was concerned and even afraid all the while, she favored decisive action rather than bickering and letting the fear get the best of her. She also set her sights on Willow, and began to flirt with her, in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

            Soon, Buffy, Willow and Xander formulated a plan to boost the flagging morale of the ever-increasing group of potentials. That night they lead the Turok-Han to a construction site and Buffy was able to behead it in full view of the potentials. Afterwards, she went to the First's caves and rescued the ensouled Vampire, Spike. When Spike recovered, he aided Buffy in the training of the potentials.

            To help the potential Slayers learn more about what they were, Giles took them out to the desert to commune with the spirit of the first Slayer. Kennedy faked a cold and stayed behind so she could ask Willow out on a date to the Bronze. Willow reluctantly agreed and they spent some time talking about their lives. Later, the flirtation proved eventful following a rather innocent goodnight kiss, when Willow's image became that of Warren Mears, the man who killed Willow's old girlfriend Tara. Kennedy was adamant about helping Willow find a way to fix the situation, and went with her as Willow sought out the old U.C. Sunnydale Wicca group. They were surprised to find Willow's old witch friend Amy Madison among them, who claimed to be recovering from her own magic problems. As Willow's conditioned worsened, leading to Willow buying a gun, Kennedy deduced that Amy's concern was a ruse. Amy teleported Kennedy back to Buffy's house, where an enraged Willow threatened Kennedy with the pistol, saying their kiss had made her forget Tara for a moment. Kennedy realized this was all stemming from Willow's guilt and to help her move on Kennedy kissed Willow again, returning her to normal.

            Some days later, Kennedy was given a leadership position by Buffy, and let Kennedy take charge of their basic training. A bit later, principal Robin Wood brought over the bag that used to belong to his mother, the Slayer named Nikki. Buffy opened it to find a book and storytelling tools which told of the origin of the first Slayer. The story took on a life of it's own and a portal opened which Buffy entered. However, as she entered the portal, a Demon appeared in her place. The demon trashed the place and escaped. Theorizing that they would need the demon to get Buffy back home, Spike captured it as Willow, Anya, Dawn and Kennedy combined efforts to open a portal to send the demon back. Willow barely was able to control the magic energy in the spell she was casting, and had to drain some energy from Kennedy and Anya to make it work. As Willow lost complete control Xander was able to ground her and return her to normal. The portal was opened and the demon thrown in, a move that brought Buffy home. Kennedy was upset over being used by Willow in such a way, but came to grips with it rather quickly over a few short days.

            Things would take a disastrous turn when a new minion of the first, a man named Caleb, arrived in town. Sending Buffy a message via a potential he left critically injured on the roadside, Buffy made plans to attack the vineyard where he was holed up with the Bringers. The battle took a turn for the worse when Caleb arrived and knocked Buffy unconscious with a single blow, and then defeated  Spike and the newly freed Slayer, Faith. The skirmish quickly became a near-massacre, resulting in many injuries, and the deaths of two potentials, at Caleb's hands. As the group retreated, Caleb grabbed Xander and gouged out his left eye. Spike quickly leapt in and knocked Caleb aside before he could do worse, and helped Buffy carry Xander to safety.

            In the aftermath of this failed attack, many of the potentials came to blame Buffy, and later Kennedy's became the chief voice in calling for a vote to put Faith in charge. The group all agreed, and Buffy was forced to leave her own home, an event that took place while Spike was out on a scouting mission with Andrew. Later, Kennedy was a witness to Spike's wrath when he returned to find Buffy gone. The Vampire labeled the entire group "sad, ungrateful traitors", and even briefly fought Faith. Afterwards, he tracked Buffy down and talked sense into her.

            That same night, in order to gain more information about the First Evil Faith used Kennedy as bait to capture one of it's Harbingers. Although Willow had reservations about loosing control, Kennedy was able to talk her in to making love for the first time since Tara's death.

            Inspired by Spike's words and devotion, Buffy snuck away from the sleeping Spike later that morning, and went to the vineyard. There, Caleb attacked, but found himself unable to lay a finger on Buffy, who evaded his every move. The battle uncovered a concealed hatch in the floor, where Buffy found an ancient scythe-like weapon, the blade of which embedded in solid, volcanic glass. She easily freed the weapon, a move that caused Caleb to back off, until the first informed Buffy that her friends were in trouble.

            At the same time, Faith led the potentials into the sewers, where the captured Bringer had indicated they were forging weapons. The whole thing proved to be a trap when Faith found a concealed bomb. In the resulting explosion, Faith and several of the potentials were injured, and some others were killed. Afterwards, Kennedy took charge of the survivors and helped find the unconscious Faith. Before the group could escape, a trio of Turok-Hans attacked. Kennedy was about to be killed by one of the ancient creatures when Buffy suddenly leapt into the tunnel and dispatched all three Vamps with the scythe. Buffy then helped the survivors return to her house, where she put Giles and Willow to work to find info on the scythe.

            The next morning, Buffy lead the potential Slayers and her friends in an attack on the Seal of Danzalthar...the Hellmouth itself. Buffy named Spike her Champion when she gave Spike an amulet brought to her by Angel the evening before, then positioned Xander, Rupert, Dawn, Anya, Andrew and Robin to protect the exits and lead the potentials into the seal. Kennedy kept Willow grounded, as she tapped into the scythe and cast a spell that empowered all the potential Slayers on earth with full Slayer strength. Afterwards, Kennedy took the scythe back to Buffy, and joined the battle herself. Buffy, Spike, Faith and the other Slayers fought bravely against the horde of Turok-Han Vampires inside the Hellmouth, but were severely out-numbered. Anya was killed by a Harbinger of the First Evil, and several of the Slayers, including Amanda, fell in the battle, as Buffy was herself gravely wounded. However, Spike's amulet activated, tapping into the vampire's soul, and trapping him directly beneath the seal in a shaft of light that drew rays of pure sunlight into the vast cavern. The rays fanned out and decimated the ranks of the Turok-Han. Buffy's team retreated as Spike stayed to finish the job, causing the collapse of the Hellmouth, the destruction of Sunnydale, and his own death. The survivors in Buffy's group escaped in a school bus and made it out of town at the last moment, where they stopped to look back and reflect on their victory, and the fact that they not only saved the world again, but this time changed it as well. No longer would Buffy carry her burden alone, and the battle against the forces of darkness would be forever changed.  

Quote: “I could get used to this."

Roleplaying Kennedy the Vampire Slayer

            Kennedy is somewhat spoiled and used to getting her way, something she readily admits. She's quite opinionated, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Because of her strong personality, she sometimes found herself at odds with Buffy, and later on, Faith as well. That being said, among all of the potentials, Kennedy was the oldest, most courageous, and best trained. She's very much a budding-leader. Kennedy is almost fearless, and on those occasions where she's actually afraid, she won't let that fear prevent her from acting. Kennedy came to terms with her sexual preference long ago, and quickly fell for Willow. She loves Willow deeply, and is very devoted and protective of her.

            When Willow's spell turned Kennedy into a fully-fledged Slayer, she became a formidable fighter, and arguably the most powerful Slayer out of the group of potentials

It had been foretold...

"Into each generation a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One. One born with the strength and skill to fight the vampires, to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers."

Comments made about this Article!

18/Oct/2009 06:29:09 Posted by Kristin Williams {}

Sorry what happened early on tonight let's start over

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