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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

TEMPLATE TYPE -  Clone Commando
SPECIES - Human/Mandalorian (Clone)
Move: 10
Size: 1.83 meters tall
Force Sensitive: No

Dex: 3D
            Armor Weapons: 5D+1
            Blaster: 6D+2
            Dodge: 6D
            Brawling Parry: 5D+2
            Grenade: 6D
            Missile Weapons: 4D
            Vehicle Blasters: 5D

Know: 3D
            Intimidation: 6D+1
            Survival: 5D
            Streetwise: 5D+1
            Willpower: 6D
            Value: 5D+1
            Tactics: 5D+2
            Tactics; Clone Commandos: 5D+2

Mech: 3D
            Jet Pack Operation: 5D
            Repulsorlift Operation: 5D+1
            Starship Gunnery: 6D
            Walker Operation: 4D+2
            Space Transports: 5D+1
            Astrogation: 4D+2

Perc: 3D
            Command: 5D
            Command; CloneTroopers: 5D
            Command: CloneCommandos 5D
            Hide: 5D+2
            Search: 6D
            Sneak: 5D+2
            Investigation: 6D

Str: 3D
            Brawling: 6D
            Climbing/Jumping: 5D+2
            Stamina: 6D+1
            Swimming: 5D
            Lifting: 5D+1

Tech: 3D
            Armor Repair: 4D+2
            Blaster Repair: 5D
            Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
            Demolitions: 6D+2
            First Aid: 5D+2
            First Aid; Clone Commandos: 5D+2
            Security: 6D+1
Equipment: BlasTech DC-17m Blaster Rifle (5D+2)
DC-15s Blaster Pistol 5D

Katarn Class Armour (+2D+2 Physical, +1D+2 Energy, -0D+2 Dexterity)

Charcter Bio - RC-1262, also known as Scorch or Delta 62, was a clone commando
in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Among the commandos of
Delta Squad he was often referred to as Scorch, he was considered to be Delta
Squad's wise guy, and was often chided by RC-1140 known as Fixer, the squad's
unofficial second in command. However, most of Scorch's comments were aimed at
Sev, and he was not afraid to talk back. Scorch was the squad's demolitions
expert, and loved annihilating anything that came in reach. His first deployment was on Geonosis; after this deployment, he completed many missions with his squad, serving under Jedi such as Arligan Zey and Bardan Jusik. Scorch favored the anti-armor attachment of the standard-issue DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System.

After the war, he served in the newly born Galactic Empire as an Imperial

Scorch was trained on Kamino along with the rest of Delta squad, where the
squad's training sergeant, Walon Vau, pushed them to their limits during the
live fire exercises. Scorch gained his nickname from an ordnance accident that
left both he and his training sergeant without eyebrows for a period of time.

During the squad's first mission on Geonosis, they had the objective of
eliminating Sun Fac, the Geonosian lieutenant. It was Scorch's skills that
allowed the Deltas to blast through the enemy fortifications, weapon
installations, advanced assault units and just about anything else that stood in their way. The Deltas were inserted individually; Scorch was the first to
rendezvous with RC-1138, the squad's sergeant. They met in the Geonosis
gladiatorial arena and moving on rendezvoused with the rest of the squad,
finally meeting RC-1207, the squads sniper, also known as Sev, just outside Sun
Fac's planning room. They breached the doors and pursued Sun Fac to his landing
pad, where Sev made quick work of Sun Fac's starfighter, blasting it out of the
Geonosian sky.

Scorch and the rest of Delta squad then entered the Geonosian catacombs to
investigate the loss of a missing squad and a mysterious jamming device,
blocking the Republic's battle sensors. After traveling though the Geonosian
birthing chambers, they found and destroyed the jamming device along with
numerous battle droids before ejecting from the site. Scorch and the squad later destroyed a Core Ship by sabotaging it from inside. They then escaped in a LAAT/i while the core ship was coming down around them.

About a year into the Clone Wars an Acclamator-class assault ship, Prosecutor,
disappeared then mysteriously reappeared on the border of Republic space, in the Chaykin cluster. Scorch, along with Delta squad, were inserted into the ship. Each member of the squad was assigned a different part of the ship to work and were separated so that they could cover more ground. Scorch was captured after an attack by Scavenger droids and Trandoshan slavers. He was later rescued by the rest of the squad. Sev had also suffered capture, only to be rescued by Fixer and Boss, the only two members of the squad to evade being detained. The squad, together again, destroyed the Trandoshan assault force that had taken over the ship and protected the Prosecutor from a full-scale Separatist boarding operation, destroying droid dispensers and battle droids in each of the ship's many hangars before sealing the hangar doors.

Scorch and the rest of Delta then left the Prosecutor in a captured Neimoidian
shuttle. Shortly thereafter they received a Red Zero signal from Omega Squad,
calling for immediate extraction. Delta Squad was the first Republic unit on the scene and was able to extract the Omega squad, by use of a cutting tool, with fire support from RAS Fearless. Delta and Omega Squads were taken aboard
Fearless, which took them to Coruscant, where they would participate in a covert counter-terrorism operation.

Once on Coruscant Scorch, Delta, and Omega Squad fought against terrorists.
Scorch was stolid to the Omega training sergeant's attempts to chummy the squads together, and remained aloof from Omega squad, spending his time dealing with the terrorist threat and calibrating his DC-17. Sometime after defeating the terrorists Delta squad were sent to Skuumaa, a planet in the Mid Rim under the control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Scorch and the rest of Delta squad arrived on Skuumaa, ahead of the main
Republic assault force. They sabotaged strategic targets and prepared the

Later Delta squad went on a mission behind enemy lines to Mygeeto, cursor to the Battle of Mygeeto. There they went against their orders by aiding Walon Vau in his robbery of an underground bank there, but Vau made the squad abandon him
when he fell down a hole and got stuck. Later, however, Kal Skirata, a sergeant
in the GAR, came to rescue him, after he received a tip off from Delta squad

Scorch and the rest of Delta Squad were assigned by Arligan Zey to capture the
renegade Kaminoan scientist, Ko Sai. They were put under the command of Bardan
Jusik, a Jedi Knight, but he secretly tried to slow them down, as he had also
told Kal Skirata the information they had on Ko Sai and he wanted Skirata to get to her first, due mainly to the fact that Skirata had taken Jusik under his
wing. They tracked Ko Sai to Dorumaa, but Skirata had got there first, captured
her and destroyed her underwater hideout. Zey said he wanted to know definitely
whether or not she had been there, so he had Delta carry out an excavation of
the underwater site, something that the squad as a whole found very tedious and
time consuming. They didn't find anything, but after Ko Sai committed suicide,
Skirata gave the Deltas her head to present to Zey.

Months later, Delta was sent to Haurgab to assist Omega Squad in dealing with
the native Maujasi rebels. After fending off the rebels, Scorch and the rest of
Delta were relaxing at the Hadde forward operating base mess hall. As Scorch and Fixer discussed their speculations regarding Etain Tur-Mukan, Darman, the child Kad, a missile fired by the Maujasi rebels hit the operating base, killing several clone troopers and wounding many more. Scorch was driven by revenge to kill the Maujasi after seeing the mutilated. Delta and Omega squads tracked the missiles path to a house in the city of Hadde. Scorch went in by himself and brought out several Maujasi corpses. Laying them out in a row, he fired a single round into each corpse and then spit on the corpses, shocking his teammates.

Scorch and the rest of Delta squad were later sent to Kashyyyk for intelligence
reasons. They destroyed a Trandoshan supply camp the Separatists were using to
get an edge on the Wookiees. Once inside the slaving operation, they saw the
Wookiee leader Tarfful. Once they had gunned down the MagnaGuards holding him
prisoner, they escorted Tarfful back to his Wookiees. Later, a Separatist
Recusant-class light destroyer hovered over Kachirho, drawing power from the
city. Delta Squad had to split up so they could all man one of the four Wookiee
rocket launcher turrets to take it out. Delta used the combined power of the
turrets to destroy the cruiser, then rendezvoused at Boss's position ? but on
the way, Sev lost radio contact and was assumed to have been ambushed by
Separatist forces. Torn between following orders and rescuing their brother, the rest of Delta squad reluctantly left the area, knowing that duty came before brotherhood. Scorch was especially wracked with guilt after boarding their gunship without Sev, even mouthing the adviser, but Boss quickly pulled the remaining Deltas back together for their next mission.

When the Great Jedi Purge had begun, Scorch was an Imperial commando in service
of the New Order. He still replayed Sev's abandonment in his head endlessly, and deeply resented Boss, Fixer, and his commanders for leaving him behind, but
forced himself to move on. From then on the comedic joker part of him died and
was replaced with a more battle hardened and serious personality.

Scorch was generally considered to be the most lighthearted Delta and loved
poking fun and annoying his other squad mates. He had an over-developed sense of irony, and was the resident wise guy of Delta Squad, much to the annoyance of some of his peers.

But the Clone Wars took its toll on everyone involved; at the Battle of Haurgab, after a rocket attack on the bases' mess hall, Scorch took out his pent up frustration and rage on the bodies of the local rebels who fired the rocket. It only got worse for Scorch. After the squad was ordered to abandon Sev on Kashyyyk, they pulled out against Scorch's pleas, causing him to lash out at Fixer when the slicer tried to comfort him. Even going as far as saying that Delta squad would never leave a man behind.

Scorch's main job on Delta Squad was to be the explosives and demolitions
expert, which he enjoyed with a passion, frequently saying things like "I'm
dying to blow something up!" in "Star Wars Republic Commando (videogame)",
whenever given the order. He would also sometimes say, "Is it red-red-green, or
red-green-red?" when arming a charge, which would prompt Sev to say, "And he's
supposed to be the demolitions expert?"

Scorch carried a large ordnance pack strapped to his back and sported yellow
markings on his wrist gauntlets, making him easier to be identified by his

Supposedly Scorch got his nickname after a training accident with some ordnance
that left him without eyebrows for sometime.

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