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Professor Huyang
Resistance A-Wing (Kuat Engineering Systems RZ-2 A-Wing)

Resistance A-Wing (Kuat Engineering Systems RZ-2 A-Wing)

Kuat Drive Yards/Allanteen Six shipyards Venator-class Star Destroyer

Kuat Drive Yards/Allanteen Six shipyards Venator-class Star Destroyer

Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Parliamentary Vasudan AllianceSubtype: TransportEra: Canon: Crossover

Name: PVS Nephthys
Type: Parliamentary Vasudan Alliance Nephthys Class Support Ship
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 34 Meters
Skill: Space Transports - Nephthys
Crew: 2
Crew Skill: Space Transports 6D, Starfighter Repair 5D+2
Consumables: 1 Month
Cargo Capacity: 30 Tonnes
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: No
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 7
Atmosphere: 325;850kmh
Maneuverability: 2D
Hull: 5D
Shields: 0D
            Passive: 35/1D
            Scan: 50/2D
            Search: 70/3D
            Focus: 3/3D+2


*: The Nephthys carries no weapon launchers, but it's cargo usually is comprised of various warheads and missiles to resupply fighters and bombers during a battle, this makes is a volatile and tempting target for enemy attack.

Description: The GVS Nephtys is the Vasudans' new support ship. It is fast and maneuverable, a necessity when trying to dock with fighters in the heat of battle. Mekhu Enterprises built a cargo bay into the rear of the ship, enabling it to carry extra supplies and munitions during emergencies. Mekhu Enterprises licensed the GTS Hygeia's magnetic-stasis delivery system from Triton Dynamics, so both ships are equally adept at re-supplying combat craft with missiles and bombs. The high number of warheads carried by the Nephtys makes it a dangerous ship to be near when it blows up.

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