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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: ShivansSubtype: CapitalEra: Canon: Crossover

Name: SJ Sathanas
Type: Shivan Sathanas Class Juggernaut
Scale: Capital
Length: 5978 Meters
Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: Lucifer
Crew: 12,750; skeleton 225/ +20
Passengers/Troops: 6,000
Crew Skill: Capital Ship Piloting 5D+1, Capital Ship Gunnery 4D+2, Capital Ship Shields 4D+1
Consumables: 50 Years
Cargo Capacity: 58,000 Tons
Hyperdrive Multiplier: X1
Hyperdrive Backup: X20
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 2
Maneuverability: 0D
Shields: 0D
            Passive: 150/1D
            Scan: 325/3D
            Search: 580/4D
            Focus: 3/4D+2

Fighters: 350
Transports: 16

            13 Medium Laser Cannon Turrets
                        Scale: StarFighter
                        Fire Arc: 2 Front, 4 Left, 4 Front, 3 Back
                        Fire Control: 2D
                        Space: 1-5/15/30
                        Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1.5/3km
                        Damage: 5D
            13 Heavy Laser Cannon Turrets
                        Scale: StarFighter
                        Fire Arc: 1 Front, 5 Left, 5 Right, 2 Back
                        Fire Control: 3D
                        Space: 1-5/15/30
                        Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1.5/3km
                        Damage: 6D
            5 Concussion Missile Launchers (50 Missiles Magazine Each)
                        Scale: StarFighter
                        Fire Arc: 1 Front, 2 Left, 2 Right
                        Fire Control: 2D
                        Space: 1/3/7
                        Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700
                        Damage: 7D
            8 Heavy Laser Cannon Batteries
                        Scale: Capital
                        Fire Arc: 3 Left, 3 Right, 2 Back
                        Fire Control: 3D
                        Space: 1-5/15/30
                        Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1.5/3km
                        Damage: 5D
            1 TurboLaser Batteries
                        Scale: Capital
                        Fire Arc: Front
                        Fire Control: 4D
                        Space: 3-15/36/75
                        Atmosphere Range: 6-30/36/150km
                        Damage: 6D
            4 SuperLaser Cannons
                        Scale: Death Star
                        Fire Arc: Front
                        Fire Control: 4D
                        Space: 3-15/36/75
                        Atmosphere Range: 6-30/36/150km
                        Damage: 6D

Description: With four ultra-heavy beam cannons concentrated in the bow, a Sathanas outstrips even a Colossus-class vessel in terms of raw firepower that it can project at one target. Like other Shivan capital ships, the Sathanas has an attack-oriented design that makes use of the known Shivan superiority at subspace jumping to deal devastating first-strike blows. The Sathanas best exemplifies the Shivan war machine, which is dependent on continually being on the attack to keep its flaws from being exposed. On the defensive it can still deal out heavy blows, but ultimately it is not prepared for the role.

The only apparent weakness of the Shivan juggernaut is that the massive beam cannons are concentrated at the bow, and aside from a comparatively diminutive anti-warship beam cannon at the stern, the other flanks of the massive warship are covered only by point-defense weapons. The main armament is also not well defended against fighters compared to the Colossus. Nonetheless, a Sathanas is still more than able to defend itself and project offensive power via the many hundreds of fighters and bombers it carries in its cavernous hangar. Thus, stopping a juggernaut is almost impossible.

Even the "expedient" of disabling the massive warship is hardly worth considering, due to the numerous redundant engines found on the hull. In essence, any attack on a Sathanas-class juggernaut can be considered almost suicidal. Only the Colossus demonstrated enough firepower to take on a Sathanas.


The first combat appearance of a Shivan Juggernaut was in the nebula theater, beyond the first Knossos portal in Gamma Draconis, when the warship destroyed a Vasudan task force assaulting a Shivan gas mining operation. The GTVA immediately began to withdraw from the nebula, though not before sending a pilot in the new Ptah-class stealth fighter to scan the vessel. Based on this information, the Alliance launched a targeted bombing mission to eliminate several of the forward beam cannons (there is no canon consensus concerning exactly how many were destroyed, but at least two were taken out) in the Gamma Draconis system, and the GTVA Colossus engaged and destroyed the weakened juggernaut after it jumped to the Capella system.

After that victory, the GTVA were confident they could eliminate any threats the Shivans could present, and returned to the nebula with the objective of locating and capturing Admiral Aken Bosch. However, that goal failed to be achieved as GTVA forces discovered that multiple Sathanas-class juggernauts were en route to GTVA space. Gamma Draconis was quickly overrun by the swift advance of the juggernaut fleet, which shortly entered Capella. In a desperate gamble, the GTVA fleet held the Shivans at bay while civilians were evacuated to Epsilon Pegasi and Vega. During the closing stages of the battle, the GTVA Colossus was destroyed in Capella by a Shivan juggernaut while providing a diversion for the GTD Bastion, which was tasked with collapsing the jump corridor to Epsilon Pegasi. In a final startling turn of events, the Shivan juggernauts instigated the supernova of the Capella star as the jump corridor to Vega was destroyed.


The Shivan juggernaut fleet is the single most serious threat to the survival of the Terran and Vasudan species. The prowess of this class was tragically demonstrated when a Sathanas juggernaut destroyed the GTVA Colossus in the Capella system. The GTVA barely managed to stop one Sathanas, and even then it was with a warship that took two decades and enormous amounts of resources to construct. An encounter with any more Shivan juggernauts will only be able to be stopped with extreme difficulty.

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