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Republic Fleet Systems Conductor-class Short-haul Landing Craft

Republic Fleet Systems Conductor-class Short-haul Landing Craft
Take-A-Stand Munitions HARD-eR mg69 Light Repeating Blaster (LRB)

Take-A-Stand Munitions HARD-eR mg69 Light Repeating Blaster (LRB)

Anto Kreegyr (Human Rebel Leader)

Anto Kreegyr (Human Rebel Leader)

Section of Site: Buffy RPGBelongs to Faction: Subtype: CabalEra: Canon: No

Klein & Gabler

Why, When and What:Klein & Gabler intends to gather a great deal of power and influence in all?
circles. Klein & Gabler are fairly new to the supernatural side of the game,?
though they have already amassed a great deal of influence there. They are?
second only to Wolfram & Hart by the smallest of margins. Even going as?
far as to try and recruit staff from W & H, though this has?been unsuccessful?
at this time.

Total Value: 40 Points

CloutCriminal: Big Player (4)
Financial: Big Bucks (4)
Governmental: Agency (4)
Supernatural: Potent Beings (4)
Total Cost: 16 Points

QuartersSize and Location: Huge (5), Worldwide (10)
Physical Security: Excellent (3)
Supernatural Security: Protected (2)
Total Cost: 12 Points (reduced by eight from Financial and Government Clout)

Gear and FacilitiesComputers: Top-Notch (3)
Laboratories/Research Facilities: Full-Scale (5)
Medical Facilities: Top-Notch (3)
Workshop/Repair Facilities: Top-Notch (3)
Occult Archives: Impressive (3)
Vehicles: Vehicle Fleet (2), Vehicle Aircraft (2)
Weapons: Paramilitary (3)
Total Cost: 12 Points (reduced by twelve from Criminal, Financial and Government Clout levels)

Mutant X

Why, When and What:A secret government project to create genetic mutants results in them being released into the general population. One of the scientists responsible, Adam Kane, has sworn to try and help them, while his co-partner, Mason Eckhart, plans on using the project for his own ends. Adam assembles four mutants and forms the group "Mutant X" to help mutants everywhere, and oppose Eckhart.

Total Value: 39 Points

CloutCriminal: Street Force (2)
Financial: In the Money (3)
Governmental: Major Contributor (3)
Supernatural: Potent Beings (4)
Total Cost: 12 Points

QuartersSize and Location: Large (3), Worldwide (6)
Physical Security: Best Money Can Buy (5)
Supernatural Security: Protected (2)
Total Cost: 10 Points (reduced by six from Financial and Government Clout)

Gear and FacilitiesComputers: Futuristic (5)
Laboratories/Research Facilities: Cutting Edge (4)
Medical Facilities: Full Scale (5)
Workshop/Repair Facilities: Cutting Edge (4)
Occult Archives: Impressive (3)
Vehicles: Vehicle Fleet (2), Vehicle Aircraft (2)
Weapons: BYO (0)
Total Cost: 17 Points (reduced by eight from Criminal, Financial and Government Clout levels)

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All text and stats by K, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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