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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: HALOSubtype: UNSC/Human WeaponsEra: Human-Covenant WarCanon: EU

MA5K CARBINE (Variant Rules)
   A highly usable and deft commando weapon, the MA5K was the weapon of choice for the Spartan IIIs, as well as many fighter pilots and commando soldiers.
NOTE!: The rules given below for Autofire may seem long and complicated at first.  But after a quick read, you may find that the rules are very much worth it!  There are summaries after each explanation to help simplify how it all works.
Model: UNSC MA5K Carbine
Type: Cut-down MA5 series carbine (ballistic, bullpup)
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms: Assault Rifle
Rate of Fire: Fully Automatic (see Autofire below)
Fire Control: +1
Ammo: 45
-Weapon: 1,400 cR
-Magazine: 65 cR
Availability: 3, R
Range: 1-60/125/250 (2X ZOOM, see below)
-Difficulty: Easy/Moderate/Difficult
-Single Round: 4D
-Automatic: 5D+ (See Autofire below)
-Melee: Str+2 Physical (Blunt)
-MODIFICATIONS: The MA5K is a cut down variant of the MA5 series of firearms.  It has been simplified and streamlined for use by vehicle crews and more notably Special Operations Forces, such as the commandos of the SPARTAN-III Program.  It has increased Fire Control (+1, shown above), but has also had its overall size and weight reduced for less visibility and to make it easier to hide (-1 Difficulty when rolling Hide to conceal item).  This Also has the side-effect of reducing the weapon's Range (shown above) and Damage (-1, also shown above).  However, with use of the Autofire rules and in the hands of a skilled user, this weapon is very deadly when used properly, and is a preferred weapon for operations requiring stealth and mobility.
-ATTACHMENTS: It is unknown if the MA5K can use the modular attachments noted in the rest of the MA5 series firearms, but generally assumed not to be available.  However, with the right tools and parts and a Firearms Repair roll of Difficult, the MA5K could then be able to use any and all of these attachments.
--Sound/Flash Suppressors: Difficulty to Perception rolls to hear/see the weapon being used dropped by -2 Levels.
--Grenade Launcher: Ammo 1; Range 3-6/12/24 (Easy/Moderate/Difficult); Damage 5D/4D/3D.
--Flashlight: Visibility Range 1-3/12/24; Visual Difficulty Easy/Moderate/Difficult.
--Laser Site: Fire Control +1.
-SMART-LINK SCOPE (2X ZOOM): This weapon has a smart-link scope built into its frame.  It requires the use of a Heads Up Display or Command Neural Interface  to use it.  This scope (which can look like a small camera built into the body that links to a user's HUD/CNI, or can be built into an actual scope and used when viewed/aimed through this) allows the user to see at twice the listed range above, provided they spend an action to use the zoom function.  If they want to zoom and fire the weapon, these count as two actions, and the attack will be at -1D.  If the GM requires the user to Search for their target before firing, and they are still doing two actions, then the Search skill roll will also be -1D.  The scope can also be used by those with a HUD to look around corners with the weapon while the user stays safely behind the corner.
-HUD: When using a Heads Up Display (HUD) or Command Neural Interface (CNI) to work with the MA5K's electronics suite, the user gains a +1 to their skill when using the weapon.  This stacks with any other bonuses, such as modifications to the weapon to increase Fire Control, other equipment, etc.  These also display various information on the weapon, such as ammo count, targeting reticule, overheating and other general relevant information.
-VS ENERGY SHIELDS: When used against energy shields, such as those used by the Covenant, the Damage of most UNSC firearms is reduced by -1D in Semiautomatic, and automatic fire (below) only gets half the stacking pip bonus from all bullets spent in Ammo Depletion (either "Sustained Fire' or 'Short, Controlled Bursts').  Specifically, Autofire will grant the +1D for the first extra bullet (as the Fire-linking rules from Star Wars RPG Revised Edition), but then every TWO(2) bullets fired grants +1 pips.  This can still be damaging at close range, but beyond this, energy shields become a problem.  Stronger weapons may be required!
-AUTOFIRE: This weapon is designed for a fully automatic rate of fire, able to fire multiple shots by holding the trigger when operated and deliver more damage than a single round would produce.  There are two methods of using Autofire ("Sustained Fire" and "Short, Controlled Bursts", below), both of which require making ranged attack skill rolls at higher-than-normal range Difficulties than normally used for firing single rounds.  The result is more damage at the expense of ammunition and accuracy...
--SUSTAINED FIRE: This is when the user is trying to unleash as many bullets as possible for maximum possible damage against the target.  Make the skill roll for the ranged attack (Firearms skill); any Difficulty Level rolled above the set Range Difficulty level (easy for short/moderate for medium/difficult for long) causes Ammo Depletion of 1D rounds per +1 Difficulty rolled (+1 Difficulty = -1D Ammo Depletion from magazine).  EVERY extra bullet is used as per the Weapon Fire-Linking rules (as in Star Wars RPG Revised Edition by West End Games), with the first extra bullet adding +1D to Damage (making the Damage 5D before adding more), and every extra bullet after that adding +1 pips (with ever 3 pips combining as 1D; for example, +6 pips equals +2D).  The cost of this is that while it is very effective in close quarters (no penalties at short range), it is less so at further ranges due to the weapon shaking itself from the recoil of firing multiple successive rounds (-2D at Medium Range, -4D at Long Range, but Ammo Depletion still adds 2D and 4D, respectively, for making the attempt).
    -Weapon skill roll at +1 Range Difficulty or more.
    -Ammo Depletion of 1, +1D rounds per +1 Range Difficulty rolled.
    -Damage is +1D (5D), +1 pip for every extra bullet used in Ammo Depletion (Fire-Linking rules).
    -Skill roll is -2D at Medium range/-4D at Long range; Ammo Depletion still +2D/+4D, respectively.
--SHORT, CONTROLLED BURSTS: Where sustained fire has less accuracy, firing in short, controlled bursts maintains some accuracy while still doing some extra damage than a single round would produce.  The user holds the weapon with both hands tightly against their shoulder, aligning their site along the body of the weapon for better 'line-of-sight' targeting, and squeeze the trigger to release limited bursts of rounds from the magazine.  The result is having more control over where the bullets go, without the extreme penalties at further ranges as with "Sustained Fire".  When making the weapon skill roll for a ranged attack, the Range Difficulty is increased by +1, and every shot has Ammo Depletion of 1+1D rounds (this ensures that at least two rounds will always be fired, "1" plus whatever is rolled on the "+1D").  The damage is figured as per the Weapon Fire-Linking rules (again, in Star Wars RPG Revised Edition), with the first extra bullet adding +1D to Damage (making the Damage 5D), and every extra bullet after that adding +1 pips (with ever 3 pips combining as 1D; for example, +6 pips equals +2D).  While this will cause less extra damage than Sustained Fire, it does grant a better chance to cause more damage at all ranges.  The extra damage will always be between 5D to 6D+2 when using this rule.  
   BUT, if the user CANNOT roll the +1 Range Difficulty needed to hit a target at the given range with the burst, they either cause normal damage (if they rolled the normal Range Difficulty but no higher, with one bullet hitting out of the whole burst), or miss entirely (if they did not roll either Range Difficulty needed), but in any case, the Ammo Depletion remains the same at 1D+1 rounds from the weapon's magazine.
    -Skill roll as normal for attacks.
    -Range Difficulties are +1 Level.
    -Ammo Depletion is 1+1D per attack (burst).
    -Damage is +1D (5D), +1 pip for every extra bullet used in Ammo Depletion (Fire-Linking rules).
    -No other penalties/bonuses except those from other sources (such as HUD, other equipment or situational modifiers).
- - - - - - - - - -
   The MA5K is a cut-down variant of the standard MA5B Assault Rifle. The weapon is lighter and easier to carry than larger assault weapons, allowing for easier use. It features a stripped-down design that appears almost skeletal, as well as vaguely similar to the BR55 Battle Rifle.
   The MA5K is used almost exclusively for commando operations. It is highly favored because of it's light frame, which allows for quick manuvering and a less visible profile, as well as it lighter aural signature, which helps in commando missions. The MA5K is the successor of the MA2B Assault Rifle, and several similarities can be found.
   MA5Ks were not often used for front line duties due to their lowered stopping power, but they were used by the Spartan-IIIs from 2531 to 2552. In addition, many comandos and high level pilots enjoyed the weapon, commandos for the reasons noted above, and pilots becuase it's small size was more practical in the enclosed cockpit of the fighters they used.
   This variant on the MA5K Carbine is based on a fan mod for Halo PC map making, using the stats of the MA5K as used in the gameplay.
Technical Specifications:
--Length: 73cm (Handheld, two-handed)
-Magazine Size: 45 rounds
-Maximum Ammunition: 360 rounds
-Fire Mode: Automatic
-Ammunition Type: 7.62mm
-Operation: Gas system
-Rate of Fire: High, fully automatic, climbs longer trigger is held, 16 rps at max rate.
-Accuracy: High when fired semiautomatic, Medium when on full automatic
-Range: Short to Medium
-Eras: Human-Covenant War
-Affiliations: United Nations Space Command

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