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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: HALOSubtype: UNSC/Human WeaponsEra: Human-Covenant WarCanon: Crossover

"I’ve seen a Spartan use two at once, tearing the crap out of the little ones; sending the big ones down in bloody heaps. But I guess that’s what ya gotta be to pull it off: an action-movie hero or a seven-foot-tall walking tank."
-Anonymous E2-BAG/1/7 serviceman.
   The M7/Caseless Submachine Gun, more simply known as the SMG, is a United Nations Space Command infantry and special operations weapon. A suppressed version of the M7/Caseless Submachine Gun, known simply as the M7S Submachine Gun, is also available for special operations.
Model: Misriah Armory M7/Caseless Submachine Gun
Type: Submachine gun (SMG)
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms: Submachine Guns (SMGs)
Rate of Fire: Fully Automatic (see below)
Fire Control: 0D
Ammo: 60
-Weapon: 1,484 cR
-Magazine: 50 cR
Availability: 2, X
Range: 1-12/25/50
-Difficulty: Easy/Moderate/Difficult
-Single Round: 3D+1
-Automatic: 5D+ (See Autofire below)
-Melee: Str+1 Physical (Blunt)
-MODIFICATIONS: The M7 SMG is called the "bullet hose" for a reason.  It's known for having as much ammo as the older MA5B Assault Rifle (60 rounds), and being able to spew it out faster, and damage enemies much better, provided the user can keep the weapon held steadily enough to land enough shots.  For this, the weapon has +1D Ammo Depletion when used in Sustained Fire, or just +2 when used with Short Controlled Bursts (see below), providing a potential extra +1 to +2D to the Damage/Ammo Depletion of the weapon in Sustained Fire.  However, with the weapon being hard to aim in Autofire, there is a constant -1 pip per 1D of Ammo Depletion when used in Autofire.  When Dual-Wielded, this becomes a -2, a cumulative -1 for both weapons, though at close ranges, this shouldn't be a problem.
   -Bullet Hose: +1D Ammo Depletion/Damage Bonus with Sustained Fire; +2 with Short Controlled Bursts.  See below for more details.
   -Unsteady Weapon: -1 to skill roll result to hit per 1D of Ammo Depletion.
   -Dual-Wielding: Unsteady Weapon (above) -2 per 1D of Ammo Depletion when Dual Wielded.
-HUD: The M7/Caseless SMGs do not have an electronics suite like the MA5 series firearms or BR55 battle rifles.  It does not recieve any bonuses from a Heads Up Display or Neural Interface system link.
-DUAL-WIELDING: The SMGs can be used in pairs, held one per hand, to unload more ammo and cause more damage to targets.  The extra Ammo Depletion is in +1 pips for every level rolled above the Range Difficulty for the extra weapon.  This effectively doubles the Ammo Depletion AND the extra Damage rolled (as per the Fire-Linking Rules found in Star Wars RPG Revised Edition).  However, the -1 per 1D of Ammo Depletion listed above for the weapon's shakiness becomes a -2 instead.
   -Dual-Wielding: Ammo Depletion/Damage Bonus x2 when using Autofire.
   -Unsteady Weapon: -1 per 1D of Ammo Depletion becomes -2 instead.
-BUTT STOCK: If the SMG is used singularly (just one) and the butt stock is extended with the weapon braced against the shoulder and used more like a rifle, the -1 per 1D Ammo Depletion (Unsteady Weapon, above) is negated, and the Autofire rules work as normal (See MA5 Assault Rifles for more details), but the weapon continues to have +1D Ammo Depletion/Damage Bonus in pips.  However, in Close-Quarter Combat, being able to maintain this may become a rare luxury when enemies are in your face.
-VS ENERGY SHIELDS: When used against energy shields, such as those used by the Covenant, the Damage of most UNSC firearms is reduced by -1D in Semiautomatic, and automatic fire (below) only gets half the stacking pip bonus from all bullets spent in Ammo Depletion (either "Sustained Fire' or 'Short, Controlled Bursts').  Specifically, Autofire will grant the +1D for the first extra bullet (as the Fire-linking rules from Star Wars RPG Revised Edition), but then every TWO(2) bullets fired grants +1 pips.  This can still be damaging at close range, but beyond this, energy shields become a problem.  Stronger weapons may be required!
-AUTOFIRE: This weapon is designed for a fully automatic rate of fire, able to fire multiple shots by holding the trigger when operated and deliver more damage than a single round would produce.  There are two methods of using Autofire ("Sustained Fire" and "Short, Controlled Bursts", below), both of which require making ranged attack skill rolls at higher-than-normal range Difficulties than normally used for firing single rounds.  The result is more damage at the expense of ammunition and accuracy...
--SUSTAINED FIRE: This is when the user is trying to unleash as many bullets as possible for maximum possible damage against the target.  Make the skill roll for the ranged attack (Firearms skill); any Difficulty Level rolled above the set Range Difficulty level (easy for short/moderate for medium/difficult for long) causes Ammo Depletion of 1D rounds per +1 Difficulty rolled (+1 Difficulty = -1D Ammo Depletion from magazine).  EVERY extra bullet is used as per the Weapon Fire-Linking rules (as in Star Wars RPG Revised Edition by West End Games), with the first extra bullet adding +1D to Damage (making the Damage 4D before adding more), and every extra bullet after that adding +1 pips (with ever 3 pips combining as 1D; for example, +6 pips equals +2D).  The cost of this is that while it is very effective in close quarters (no penalties at short range), it is less so at further ranges due to the weapon shaking itself from the recoil of firing multiple successive rounds (-2D at Medium Range, -4D at Long Range, but Ammo Depletion still adds 2D and 4D, respectively, for making the attempt).
   IMPORTANT!  When using this weapon in Sustained Fire, it gets and extra +1D Ammo Depletion and Damage Bonus added to the normal rules.  The Damage will go from 3D (single round) to 4D+1 before more is added in, and with a high enough skill roll can cause very high damage!
    -+1D Ammo Depletion/Damage Bonus for this weapon when using Sustained Fire.
    -Weapon skill roll at +1 Range Difficulty or more.
    -Ammo Depletion of 1, +1D rounds per +1 Range Difficulty rolled.
    -Damage is +1D (5D), +1 pip for every extra bullet used in Ammo Depletion (Fire-Linking rules).
    -Skill roll is -2D at Medium range/-4D at Long range; Ammo Depletion still +2D/+4D, respectively.
--SHORT, CONTROLLED BURSTS: Where sustained fire has less accuracy, firing in short, controlled bursts maintains some accuracy while still doing some extra damage than a single round would produce.  The user holds the weapon with both hands tightly against their shoulder, aligning their site along the body of the weapon for better 'line-of-sight' targeting, and squeeze the trigger to release limited bursts of rounds from the magazine.  The result is having more control over where the bullets go, without the extreme penalties at further ranges as with "Sustained Fire".  When making the weapon skill roll for a ranged attack, the Range Difficulty is increased by +1, and every shot has Ammo Depletion of 1+1D rounds (this ensures that at least two rounds will always be fired, "1" plus whatever is rolled on the "+1D").  The damage is figured as per the Weapon Fire-Linking rules (again, in Star Wars RPG Revised Edition), with the first extra bullet adding +1D to Damage (making the Damage 4D), and every extra bullet after that adding +1 pips (with ever 3 pips combining as 1D; for example, +6 pips equals +2D).  While this will cause less extra damage than Sustained Fire, it does grant a better chance to cause more damage at all ranges.  The extra damage will always be between 5D to 6D+2 when using this rule.
   IMPORTANT!  This weapon gets +2 to its Ammo Depletion and Damage Bonus when using Short, Controlled Burst rules.  The Damage will go from 3D (single round) to 4D+2 automatically before more is added with higher dice rolls!
   BUT, if the user CANNOT roll the +1 Range Difficulty needed to hit a target at the given range with the burst, they either cause normal damage (if they rolled the normal Range Difficulty but no higher, with one bullet hitting out of the whole burst), or miss entirely (if they did not roll either Range Difficulty needed), but in any case, the Ammo Depletion remains the same at 1D+1 rounds from the weapon's magazine.
    -+2 Ammo Depletion/Damage Bonus to this weapon when using Short, Controlled Bursts.
    -Skill roll as normal for attacks.
    -Range Difficulties are +1 Level.
    -Ammo Depletion is 1+1D per attack (burst).
    -Damage is +1D (5D), +1 pip for every extra bullet used in Ammo Depletion (Fire-Linking rules).
    -No other penalties/bonuses except those from other sources (such as HUD, other equipment or situational modifiers).
- - - - - - - - - -
   The M7/Caseless Submachine Gun is an automatic UNSC submachine gun that fires from a 60-round magazine which is placed horizontally on the left side of the weapon. Due to the odd horizontal placement of the magazine on the weapon, it can be assumed that the magazine utilizes a circular ramp where the magazine meets the breech. This rotates the horizontally stacked rounds in the magazine 90 degrees until they align with the horizontal breech. An example of this can be seen in the present day Fabrigue Nationale P90 SMG.
   The SMG has a polymer handle, folding fore-grip, iron sights, and collapsible buttstock, as well as a titanium body. The SMG must be cocked before it can fire the first round. The charging handle is located on the right side of the gun and does not move during operation. Once the first round is fired, the gases from previous rounds force the breech to rotate and chamber a new round. Once the magazine is empty, the handle although not illustrated in-game can either be pulled back and locked or it can be fully cycled after a fresh magazine has been housed. If it is first pulled back and locked, then it must be pushed forward in order to chamber a new round. The magazine release button is located between the red dots on the receiver and needs to be pressed before it can be flicked off. There is no ejection port due to the nature of the rounds fired.
   The SMG has a rifled barrel that is 15 cm (5.9 in.) long.  This weapon can also be affixed with a suppressor; in this configuration, the weapon is called the M7S Submachine Gun.  The weapon is 47.4 cm (18.66 in.) long with the stock retracted.  The stock is always retracted in games, and has a maximum length of 62.7 cm (24.68 in.) when the stock is fully extended.
   The SMG uses 5x23mm caseless ammunition, a radically different kind of ammunition than the kind found in other UNSC weapons. This ammunition is classified as "caseless," meaning it does not have a metallic casing surrounding the powder and sealing the bullet, propellant, and primer together. Instead of using this casing, the round uses a combustible adhesive to seal these components together. Because the adhesive and propellant are both vaporized when fired, there is no need to eject spent casings. Though not featured in-game, contemporary caseless ammunition is highly susceptible to cook-off, the accidental firing of rounds due to built-up heat in the receiver.
   This feature is very beneficial. In addition to increasing fire rate by removing the extraction and ejection phases of the weapon's cycle, it reduces friction inside the magazine, one of the main causes of jamming in weapons. This is also conducive to dual-wielding, since the user need not concern themselves with hot brass expelled from the weapon held in the left hand. The projectile itself is jacketed in metal (usually a copper alloy in standard military ammunition) to aid in penetration of the target. Caseless rounds are actually embedded into the block of propellant, reducing their length, allowing more ammunition to be stored in a smaller space.
   The SMG's 5x23mm (.197 caliber) rounds, while smaller than most other SMGs, could classify it as a PDW (Personal Defense Weapon), which it has already taken several design forms.
   Since it has a larger magazine than the MA5C Assault Rifle, players will have to reload less often than if they were to use the MA5C. Because of the large magazine, one can easily continue through targets with little pause for reload. Like most UNSC firearms, the SMG is extremely deadly against unshielded targets, and can kill them rather quickly. In addition, the SMG serves as a better close range secondary weapon when already armed with a Battle Rifle. In combination with the Battle Rifle, the SMG makes a reliable close range support weapon when shotguns and swords are not available. The SMG serves better than the MA5C at close range due to its larger magazine and faster firing-rate, and is an excellent choice of replacement for the Assault Rifle in close combat situations, but not however at medium range.
   The SMG can also form part of the most effective dual-wield combos in the game. The SMG, when dual-wielded with a Plasma Rifle, can be a deadly combination because the Plasma Rifle depletes the opponents shields and the SMG's Armor piercing rounds do the rest. Another favored combo is dual-wielding the SMG with the Plasma Rifle Often referred to as the "noob combo". The charged shot from the Plasma Pistol will deplete the shield of your opponent and a full burst of SMG fire to tear through now-exposed flesh and armor. In Halo 3, the SMG has been improved. By itself, the SMG can be an extremely devastating weapon in close-quarters combat, simply because of its high ammo capacity and lightning fast melee.
   The SMG has received the nickname "The Bullet-Hose", due to its high rate of fire, low accuracy, and inability to be fully controlled when fired in full-auto. The SMG's primary limiting factor is its poor accuracy, which limits its use to close range. At close ranges the SMG is very powerful and is only outperformed by the Shotgun, Energy Sword and Gravity Hammer. Like most other Human weapons, the SMG performs relatively poorly against shields, though this weakness is negated by wielding it in conjunction with a plasma rifle or plasma pistol. As stated before, the gun has recoil which causes the barrel to climb after continuous fire and will climb faster if players dual-wield it. This forces the players to continually move their reticule down to keep the enemy in their sights but is not a big limiting factor. This, as well as the poor accuracy can be slightly countered, using a burst-fire technique, unleashing about five bullets each pull of the trigger. It also has the problem of an extremely long reload time when dual-wielded, making it easy to be killed while changing magazines. This problem however can be solved by volley firing the weapons, so while one is reloading the other is still firing. This tactic reduces the power of having two SMGs but gives the advantage of approximately 40+ seconds of non-stop firing.
-Red dots at the receiver end of the magazine.
-Slightly shorter foregrip.
-Increased accuracy, range, damage and rate of fire.
-There is now a delay before the barrel actually starts to climb.
-The sound of the weapon firing is slightly different.
-Handle is more curved, less rectangular.
-Other various minor cosmetic changes.
-Colour is a darker, matte black.
-Magazine is the same colour as the weapon, not transparent.
-When dual-wielding SMGs, the SMGs are held further away from the body.
-“The recoil isn’t bad but the M7 itself is relatively light. Not unpleasant to shoot, but a little tricky to control—it’s all about controlling the impulse.”
-“It’s actually comparable in weight to the M6 - favorably, in fact. That and not having to worry about the hot casing dropping down on your boot makes it a pretty clear choice which one I think is the better system."
-“Yes; I have fired it one-handed with the stock collapsed and the foregrip folded. No; I was not driving at the time, I was shotgun. Did I hit anything? Don’t know—probably never will—no more bogeys afterward, though.”
-“It’s not a death ray but nobody likes getting shot. Not even Bravo Kilos. And you can fill the air with a lot of lead with an M7."
-“The M7 is the wave of the future. Hopefully the Romeo Echo Mike Foxtrots will finally realize the benefits of caseless ammunition."
Technical Specifications:
-Manufacturer: Misriah Armory
--Length: 47.4cm/18.66" (retracted stock); 62.7cm/24.68" (extended stock)
--Weight: 1.3kg/2.86 lbs (empty); 2.88kg/6.36 lbs (loaded)
-Damage Per Hit: Low to Medium
-Magazine Size: 60 rounds
-Maximum Ammunition: 240 rounds/4 magazines
-Fire Mode: Fully automatic
-Ammunition Type: 5x23mm M443 Caseless Full Metal Jacket/.197 caliber rounds
-Operation: Gas-operated system, rotating breech
-Rate of Fire: 15 rounds per second/900 rounds per minute
-Muzzle Velocity: 427 miles per second/1,400 feet per second
-Accuracy: Low to Moderate
-Range: 50 meters/155 feet
-Eras: Human-Covenant War
-Affiliation: United Nations Space Command

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17/Oct/2010 21:11:49 Posted by HellStormer1 {}

Hmm, maybe I got too complicated here...

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