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Sise Fromm

Sise Fromm

Section of Site: Supplements D20Belongs to Faction: Border WorldsSubtype: Era: Canon: No

Starships of the Border Worlds

Shipyards of the Border Worlds
Praqit Industries
(215 slips, construction multiple 1)
This Company, based over the rocky world of Praqit, is the largest local shipbuilding company in the Border Worlds. Designing mostly warships for the local governments, they have done plenty of business in both sectors.

Praqit Mobile
(110 slips, construction multiple 1.75)
As a competitor to Praqit Industries, they don?t show much promise, but they do produce a modest line of fighters and transports that see mild use in the region, though most are sold to individuals and pirate bands.

(350 slips, construction multiple 1)
Originally based in the inner rim, Subpro Corporation set up a sizeable shipyard in the Naislia sector to augment its home yards. This yard specifically builds many of the Z-95 Headhunters that they designed with Incom.

Subpro R-26 Cannibal-class
The Cannibal-class starfighter has only seen major use in the region around border, though some militias and smaller governments have been known to use squadrons of them, as well. With its sleek design and powerful lasers, it has been known to be able to take on as many as two other equal pilots simultaneously.

Class: Starfighter
Crew: 1 (+4`skilled)
Size: Tiny
Initiative: +6 (+2 size, +4 crew)
Hyperdrive: x1.5
Maneuver: +6 (+2 size, +4 crew)
Defense: 22 (+2 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 55 (DR 10)
Hull Points: 65 (DR 10)
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 50 lbs.
Consumables: 1 week
Max Space Speed: Ramming
Max Atmosphere Speed:
Cost: 124,000 (new), 31,000 (used)

Weapons: Heavy laser cannons (2 fire-linked); Fire Arc: Front; Attack Bonus +6 (+2 size, +2 crew, +2 fire control); Damage: 5d10x2; Range: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a
Weapon: Concussion missile launcher (8 missiles); Fire Arc: Front; Damage: 8d10x2; Missile Quality: Marginal (+5)

Praqit Mobile JJ-7 Mobile Bomber
When the small company of Praqit Mobile decided to design a bomber, they went for cheap and heavy. Thus, when the Mobile Bomber came out, it had an instant success that has slowed down much in recent years. It is still made for the local governments primarily, though many corporations purchase it for defense against pirates in the area.

Class: Starfighter
Crew: 2 (+4 skilled)
Size: Tiny (45 ft.)
Initiative: +6 (+2 size, +4 crew)
Hyperdrive: x1.5
Maneuver: +6 (+2 size, +4 crew)
Defense: 22 (+2 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 65 (DR10)
Hull Points: 80 (DR 10)
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 55 lbs.
Consumables: 3 days
Max Space Speed: Attack
Max Atmosphere Speed: 550 mph
Cost: 101,500 (new), 33,800 (used)

Weapons: Twin laser Cannon; Fire Arc: Front; Attack Bonus: +6 (+2 size, +2 crew, +2 fire-control); Damage: 2d10x2; Range: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a

Weapon: Proton Torpedo Launcher (16 missiles); Fire Arc: Front; Damage: 9d10x2; Missile Quality: Normal (+10)

Praqit Mobile Tl-855 Light Strafer
For cheap, fast, and maneuverable, only the Imperial TIE Fighter beats the Light Strafer. With its lack of a hyperdrive, this little number has more room for sublight engines and uses it well.

Class: Starfighter
Crew: 1 (+4 skilled)
Size: Diminutive (25 ft.)
Initiative: +8 (+4 size, +4 crew)
Hyperdrive: none
Maneuver: +10 (+2 equipment, +4 size, +4 crew)
Defense: 24 (+4 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 20 (DR 10)
Hull Points: 40 (DR 10)
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 30 lbs.
Consumables: 1 day
Max Space Speed: Ramming
Max Atmosphere Speed: 1200 mph
Cost: 83.,000 (new), 27,500 (used)

Weapons: Light laser cannons (2 fire-linked); Fire Arc: Front; Attack Bonus: +10 (+4 size, +2 crew, +4 fire control); Damage: 3d10x2; Range: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a

Praqit Industries 980 Spider-class
In the competition for military starfighter contracts, the people of Praqit Industries came out with a legendary design in the Spider-class ship. Its large weapons and excellent maneuverability make it a force to be reckoned with in any battlefield. Many of its design elements are so excellent that they have been stolen from other larger companies.

Praqit Industries 980 Spider-class
Class: Starfighter
Crew: 1 (+4 skilled)
Size: Tiny (58 ft.)
Initiative: +6 (+2 size, +4 crew)
Hyperdrive: x1.5
Maneuver: + (+2 size, +4 crew)
Defense: 22 (+2 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 60 (DR 10)
Hull Points: 80 (DR 10)
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 55 lbs.
Consumables: 1 week
Max Space Speed: Ramming
Max Atmosphere Speed: 1,000 mph
Cost: 118,000 (new), 40,000 (used)

Weapons: Twin laser cannons (2, fire-linked); Fire Arc: Front; Attack Bonus: +6 (+2 size, +2 crew, +2 fire control); Damage: 2d10x2; Range: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a

Weapons: Light ion cannons (2, fire-linked); Fire Arc: Front; Attack Bonus: +6 (+2 size, +2 crew, +2 fire control); Damage: 4d10x2; Range: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a

Weapons: Small concussion missile launcher (2, 16 missiles); Fire Arc: Front; Damage: 8d10x2; Missile Quality: Normal (+10)

Space Transports
Praqit Industries KA-288 Camper-class transport
This model line of space transports was designed and built over the world of Praqit as a local competition to outside models. Designed with both passenger and cargo in mind, it has seen some moderate success in the local region and even a little outside it, though only in the expansion region and the mid-rim.

Class: Transport
Crew: 1 (+4 skilled)
Size: Small (92ft)
Initiative: +5 (+1 size, +4 crew)
Hyperdrive: x2.5 (x12 backup)
Maneuver: +5 (+1 size, +4 crew)
Defense: 21 (+1 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 50 (DR 20)
Hull Points: 130 (DR 20)
Passengers: 8
Cargo: 100 tons
Consumables: 2 months
Max Space Speed: Attack
Max Atmospheric Speed: 400 mph
Cost: 114,000(new), 38,000(used)

Weapon: Point laser cannons (2); Fire Arc: Partial turret (1 dorsal, 1 ventral); Attack Bonus: +5 (+1 size, +2 crew, +2 fire-control); Damage: 2d10x2; Range Modifiers: PB/S +0; M/L n/a.

Praqit Industries OG-348 Heavy Hauler
As the mining and production in the area increases ever more in the Fingers, nearby heavy transports have risen in demand to move massive amounts of product cheaply and quickly. To this end, Praqit industries designed the Heavy Hauler. With its large cargo area and small crew, it makes the ideal type of small transport for the area.

Class: Transport
Crew: 1 or 2 (normal +2)
Size: small
Initiative: +3 (+1 size, +2 crew)
Hyperdrive: x2 (x12)
Maneuver: +3 (+1 size, +2 crew)
Defense: 21(+1 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 10 (DR 20)
Hull Points: 50 (DR 20)
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 200 tons
Consumables: 2 weeks
Max Space Speed: Cruising
Max Atmospheric Speed: 200 mph
Cost: 92,000 (new), 25,000 (used)

Praqit Mobile Hills-class transport
The most successful model of transport the company has, this ship is excellent for a first time buyer. It has plenty of cargo space and enough room for a couple of friends along the way. Its moderate defenses are made up for by the fact that it has an additional ten weapon emplacement points beyond its normal armament. Obviously, ?stock? was not something they intended this ship to stay.

Class: Transport
Crew: 1 or 2 (+2 normal)
Size: Small (64.5 ft)
Initiative: +3 (+1 size, +2 crew)
Hyperdrive: x1.5 (x10 backup)
Maneuver: +3 (+1 size, +2 crew)
Defense: 21 (+1 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 75 (DR 20)
Hull Points: 75 (DR 20)
Passengers: 3
Cargo: 75 tons
Consumables: 2 weeks
Max Space Speed: Attack
Max Atmospheric Speed: 600 mph
Cost: 143,500  (new), 47,800 (used)

Weapon: Escort quad laser cannon; Fire Arc: Partial turret (dorsal); Attack Bonus: +6 (+2 size, +2 crew, +2 fire control); Damage: 4d10x2; Range Modifiers: PB +0, S + 0, M ?2, L n/a.

Capital Ships
Praqit Industries Silver-class Gunship
In the Border market few ships have as much firepower as the Silver-class gunship. With multiple turbolasers and laser cannons, it can hold its own against most pirate bands. This is the backbone of the navies of the Border worlds and few have managed to stand up to it in cost or effectiveness.

Class: Capital
Crew: 870 (+2 normal)
Size: Huge
Initiative: +0 (-2 size, +2 crew)
Hyperdrive: x1 (x8 backup)
Maneuver: +2 (-2 size, +4 crew)
Defense: 18 (-2 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 230 (DR 40)
Hull Points: 400 (DR 40)
Passengers: 30
Cargo: 2250 tons
Consumables: 9 months
Max Space Speed: Cruising
Max Atmosphere Speed: n/a
Cost: 15,605,000 (new), 5,202,000 (used)

Weapons: Tubolasers (20); Fire Arc: 4 rear, 4 left, 4 right, 8 front; Attack Bonus: +2 (-2 size, +0 crew, +4 fire control); Damage: 2d10x5, Range: PB ?4, S -2, M/L +0

Weapons: Laser cannons (15); Fire Arc: 5 front, 5 left, 5 right; Attack Bonus: +2 (-2 size, +0 crew, +4 fire control); Damage: 4d10x2; Range: PB +2, S +0, M/L n/a

Comments made about this Article!

03/Jul/2022 11:32:09 Posted by neesme

why ft/lbs? nothing in star wars uses these archaic ungainly measurements. definitely not star wars d20. while it can be converted using the handy conversion sheet from core rulebook it just seems odd

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