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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: HALOSubtype: UNSC/Human WeaponsEra: Human-Covenant WarCanon: Crossover


   The M6G Personal Defense Weapon System abbreviated as M6G PDWS and commonly referred to as the M6G Magnum Sidearm, is a United Nations Space Command infantry firearm, and is one of the variants of Misriah Armory's M6 sidearm series.

Model: Misriah Armory M6G Sidearm
Type: Handgun
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms: Handguns/Pistols
Rate of Fire: Semiautomatic (1)
Fire Control: +1
Ammo: 8
-Weapon: 1615 cR
-Magazine: 35 cR
Availability: 3, X
Range: 1-25/50/100
-Difficulty: Easy/Moderate/Difficult
-Semiautomatic: 7D
-Melee: Str+1 Physical (Blunt)


-VARIANTS: The M6G comes in two variant models; the 'B' and the 'C' (M6GB and M6GC).  The 'C' variant is of the same general size and proportions, with exception to a slightly longer barrel and is not issued with a smart-linked KFA-2 x2 scope, unlike the 'B' variant. Although still semi-automatic, the 'C' variant has a slower rate of fire than its counterpart, but has increased accuracy.

-HUD: When using a Heads Up Display (HUD) or Command Neural Interface (CNI) to work with this weapon's electronics suite, the user gains a +1 to their skill when using the weapon.  This stacks with any other bonuses, such as modifications to the weapon to increase Fire Control (+1, above), other equipment, etc.  These also display various information on the weapon, such as ammo count, targeting reticule, overheating and other general relevant information.

-FIRE CONTROL/RANGE ('C' variant only): The 'C' model has a slightly longer barrel that increases range and accuracy without the aid of electronics.  The above listed range is doubled (1-25/50/100) and it has a Fire Control of +1 that stacks with any other bonuses.

-VS ENERGY SHIELDS: UNLIKE other UNSC Firearms, the M6G handgun uses explosive rounds that make it well-suited to being used against Covenant Energy Shields.  It receives NO PENALTIES when used against such shields.

- - - - - - - - - -


   The M6G sidearm is a semi-automatic, recoil-operated, magazine-fed, large caliber handgun. It is a later model of the M6 series sidearms that was distributed to officers and vehicle/weapon crews.[1] The weapon has a polymer handle, along with a titanium alloy body and what appears to be an anti-corrosion nickel-plate finish. The sidearm fires the M225 SAP-HE (Semi-Armor Piercing, High Explosive) rounds from an 8-round magazine at a velocity of 427 m/sec (1302.35 ft/sec).

   Performance wise, the M6G sidearm has a relatively low rate of fire, being able to deliver two rounds per second or 120 rounds per minute. It could achieve a maximum effective range of 50 meters and is very accurate and precise, proving itself to be the jack of all trades for close-to-medium range operation.


   The M6G uses 12.7x40mm M225 SAP-HE (Semi-Armor Piercing, High Explosive) .50 Caliber ammunition loads. These rounds have a jacket of copper or cupro-nickel around the projectile while the projectile itself is hollow and filled with an explosive compound and a delayed-detonation impact fuse. When the round impacts a target, the jacket will initially help the projectile maintain its shape, allowing it to travel into the target before detonating almost immediately after impact, causing massive tissue damage and system shock. Probable reasons for using semi-armor piercing rounds instead of armor piercing projectiles are both to prevent over-penetration of hostiles and decreasing the risk of friendly fire during CQB and urban combat, and their devastating efficacy against soft targets. The explosive properties of the rounds render them decently effective against personal shielding systems and are also capable of damaging lightly-armored vehicles.


   The M6G is designed primarily for ruggedness and reliability. It is a very useful sidearm for close battles, and skirmishes. The UNSC has issued the M6 series of pistols as a standard sidearm because of its effectiveness against armor and shields, while retaining high impact force due to the high caliber and projectile mass. The M6G, like its predecessor the M6D, requires the same amount of skill to use, and a person who can effectually lead his shots, with a good understanding of how the weapon works will be able to take down targets with ease.


   The M6G, unlike the M6D, has a slower firing rate, and as such downing an enemy will take considerable time. If the person wielding it does not take into account of how the weapon works, or is unable to dodge enemy fire, they will be killed quickly by their opponent. Its eight-round magazine also puts the user at a disadvantage should a couple of rounds miss its target. A user must be precise and know at what range to engage the enemy or risk being killed.

-Features a usuable KFA-2 x2 smart-linked scope under the barrel.
-Has reticule bloom, like most weapons in Halo: Reach.
-Higher rate of fire; about twice as fast.
-Has a differently designed slide, grip, and magazine.
-Slightly shorter barrel.
-Firing sound is louder and more powerful.
-Different reload and melee animations.
-Damage per bullet is increased.


   One possible influence is the Desert Eagle. Though their outward appearances are different, both weapons are of similar size and caliber, and the slide of the M6G comprises the rear of the frame instead of the entire upper area, common with the Eagle. Another likely candidate is the H&K P7 series or the Steyr M. Another possible influence on the design of this weapon was the FP-45 Liberator, a weapon designed in the United States during World War II. The long handle and short barrel is an obvious feature.


Technical Specifications:
-Manufacturer: Misriah Armory
-Model: M6G
-Type: Magnum caliber pistol
-Cost: cR. 1615
--Length: 26.70cm/10.5" (overall); 11.7cm/4.6" (barrel)
--Weight: 2.7kg/5.95lbs (empty); 2.95kg/6.5lbs (loaded)
-Damage Per Hit: High (shielded enemies); Very High or *Instant Kill (flesh damage, *headshots); Medium-High (overall damage)
-Magazine Size: 8 rounds
-Maximum Ammunition:
--Single-Wielded: 40 rounds/5 magazines
--Dual-Wielded: 80 rounds/10 magazines
Fire Mode: Semiautomatic
-Ammunition Type: 12.7mm x 40mm M225 Semi-Armor-Piercing High-Explosive (SAP HE)/.50 Magnum Caliber Rounds
-Operation: Short recoil principal
-Rat of Fire: About 120 rounds/min (2 rounds/sec)
-Muzzle Velocity: 427 m/sec (1302.35 ft/sec)
-Accuracy: Medium-High
-Range: Close to Medium; 50 meters/152.5 ft
-Eras: Human-Covenant War
-Affiliation: United Nations Space Command

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