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Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems TIE Whisper Starfighter

Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems TIE Whisper Starfighter
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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Babylon 5Subtype: StarfighterEra: Earth-Minbari WarCanon: Crossover


Craft: Earth Alliance/Earthforce Heavy Starfury
Type: Heavy space fighter
Skill: Starfighter piloting: Heavy Starfury
Crew: 2 (pilot and gunner)
Crew Skill: Astrogation, Sensors, Starfighter piloting, Starship gunnery
Passengers: N/A
Cargo Capacity: 40kg
Consumables: 3 days
Cost: 140,000 (new), 70,000 (used)
Hyperspace Jump Engine: No
Nav Computer: Yes (+1D Astrogation)
Maneuverability: 4D
-Space: 7
-Atmosphere: N/A
Hull: 3D+2
Shields: N/A
-Passive: 20/0D
-Scan: 35/1D
-Search: 40/2D

   Dual Heavy Pulse Cannon
      Location: Mounted forward hull
      Fire Arc: Partial turret (front/right/left)
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Starship gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 3D
      -Space: 1-4/16/32
      -Atmosphere: N/A
      Damage: 6D
      Rate Of Fire: 2

   4 Copeland JC466/A Pulse Discharge Cannons*
      Location: Mounted in forward hull
      Fire Arc: Front
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Starship gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      -Space: 1-3/9/16
      -Atmosphere: N/A
      Damage: 4D
      Rate Of Fire: 4

   2 Dual Copeland JC44 Pulse Cannons (fire-linked)
      Location: Mounted forward/aft hull
      Fire Arc: 2 front, 2 back
      Crew: 1 (pilot and gunner)
      Skill: Starship gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 3D
      -Space: 1-3/12/24
      -Atmosphere: N/A
      Damage: 5D+2
      Rate Of Fire: 1

   6 External Hardpoints for a variety of weapons.
      Location: Mounted on wings
      Fire Arc: Front
      Crew: 1 (pilot)
      Skill: Starship gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      -Space: 1/3/7
      Damage: 8D
      Ammo: 6
      Rate Of Fire: 1+
      -Hardpoints: Other ordnance types possible, (stats are for concussion missiles).
      -Salvo Fire: Can fire multiple missiles as fire-linked.


   The "Heavy Starfury" was a rare heavy fighter variant used by Earthforce in 2258.

   In terms of design, the Heavy Starfury is visibly very similar to the far more common SA-23E Mitchell-Hyundyne Starfury.  The Heavy Starfury is distinguished by a heavy twin barrelled pulse cannon and a second, aft facing cockpit with a corresponding pair of rear pulse cannons.

   One such fighter was held aboard the EAS Hyperion and was used to shuttle Captain Ellis Pierce over to Babylon 5. Shortly afterwards, it participated in the battle to defend Babylon 5 from a group of outcasts belonging to Varn's race, who were attempting to lay claim to the Great Machine of Epsilon III.


-*4 Copeland JC466/A Pulse Discharge Cannons: The 4 Copeland JC466/A Pulse Discharge Cannons and 2 Dual Copeland JC44 Pulse cannons are statted the way they are like the standard Starfury, one being a dual fire-linked heavier weapon with a lower Fire Rate (JC44), while the other is a weaker version with a higher Fire rate (JC466/A).  This is done for game balance and to give players options in combat.  Though with the Dual Heavy Pulse Cannons, these may rarely be used, but will still make a good backup if the heavy gun is damaged or otherwise unavailable.


   The correct name for the "Heavy Starfury" is unknown as it has only appeared once and has never been refereed to in any other canon medium.  As such, the title of this article should be considered conjectural and not an official designation.

   The Heavy Starfury design has often been mistakenly labelled "Badger-Class" by various sources.


   The Heavy Starfury, with its extra seat, would make an excellent light shuttle/transport craft for an officer and specialist needing to make a quick trip.  This would be much like the TIE Bomber variant TIE Shuttle in Star Wars, and would likely have similar stas but less weapons (remove the Dual Heavy Pulse Cannon, perhaps other weapons).

Status: Active (as of 2258)
Affiliation: Earthforce
Class: Heavy Fighter
Crew: 2
Engines: 4 Beigle-Bryant 9000A Particle Thrust Engines
-1 Twin barrelled heavy pulse cannon
-4 Copeland JC466/A Pulse Cannons (forward)
-4 Copeland JC44 Pulse cannons (2 fore, 2 aft)
-6 External Hardpoints for a variety of weapons.

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