Craft: Earth Alliance Babylon 4 O'Neill Class Space Station Type: Diplomatic forum, Commerce, Earthforce outpost Scale: Capital Dimensions: -Length: 9,700m Skill: Space station operations: Babylon 4 Crew: 8,600 -Crew & Administration: 6,600 -Dockers Guid: 2,000 -Gunners: 340 -Troops: 2,500 -Skeleton: 1,200/+15 -Emergency Evac: 1,100,000+/6 months Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D*, Capital ship gunnery 4D, Capital ship piloting 3D+1, Sensors 4D+1, Starship gunnery 4D+2 Passengers: 275,000 (at capacity, includes residents) Cargo Capacity: 500,000+ metric tons Consumables: 5 years Cost: Not available for sale Hyperspace Jump Engines: No Nav Computer: Yes (+2D Astrogation)* Maneuverability: 1D** Speed: -Space: 1** -Atmosphere: N/A Hull: 16D Shields: N/A Sensors: -Passive: 75/1D -Scan: 150/3D -Search: 300/4D -Focus: 8/5D
AUXILIARY CRAFT CAPACITY: -Many Crew Shuttles -Many Work Pods -48+ Starfuries (4 squadrons/12 per squadron) -Many various transport craft -Many other spacecraft (depending on visitors and purpose)
WEAPONS (Defense Grid***):   120 DG Dual Twin Particle Arrays      Location: Mounted along hull      Fire Arc: 15 front, 45 right, 45 left, 15 back      Crew: 1 (120)      Skill: Starship gunnery      Scale: Starfighter      Fire Control: 3D      Range:      -Space: 1-5/20/40      -Atmosphere: 100-300/1.2/2.4km      Damage: 7D      Rate Of Fire: 4
  26 DG Heavy Plasma Cannons      Location: Mounted along hull      Fire Arc: 2 front, 10 right, 10 left, 2 back      Crew: 2 (26)      Skill: Capital ship gunnery      Scale: Capital      Fire Control: 2D      Range:      -Space: 3-15/30/60      -Atmosphere: 6-30/60/120km      Damage: 8D      Rate Of Fire: 1
  60 DG Quad Pulse Cannons      Location: Mounted fore/aft of hull      Fire Arc: 5 front, 25 right, 25 left, 5 back      Crew: 2 (60)      Skill: Capital starship gunnery      Scale: Capital      Fire Control: 3D      Range:      -Space: 2-12/24/50      -Atmosphere: 4-24/40/100km      Damage: 4D      Rate Of Fire: 4
  24 DG Anti-Capital Interceptors      Location: Mounted along hull      Fire Arc: 2 front, 8 right, 8 left, 2 back      Crew: 1 (24)      Skill: Capital ship gunnery      Scale: Capital      Fire Control: 4D      Range:      -Space: 2-8/32/64      -Atmosphere: 4-16/64/128km      Damage: 2D      Ammo: 16 (4 per pod, 4 pods)      Rate Of Fire: 4
  24 DG Interceptors      Location: Mounted along hull      Fire Arc: 4 turrets      Crew: 1 (24)      Skill: Starship gunnery      Scale: Starfighter      Fire Control: 4D      Range:      -Space: 1-4/16/35      -Atmosphere: 100-400/1.6/3.5km      Damage: 2D      Ammo: 16 (4 per pod, 4 pods)      Rate Of Fire: 4
*Astrogation/Nav Computers: Though Babylon 5 itself is not meant for space flight, it can easily plot a course through Hyperspace for ships coming and going through its local Hyperspace Jumpgate, as a part of the many services it provides with its docking and labor business. As B5's nav computers are high quality, many ships make use of this instead of relying on what may be lesser quality nav computers onboard their ships.
**Emergency Maneuvering Thrusters: In keeping with Babylon 4 information, it may be able to move slowly through space to reposition itself as needed, though slowly (Space Speed 1, Maneuverability 1D). Also, in the series pilot, "The Gathering", the Babylon 5 station needed to activate an emergency thruster system to correct its position as the station began tumbling out of control. If this should occur, a Space Station Operations roll of Easy must be made, giving the operator of B5 Space Speed 4/Maneuverability 2D to correct the station's orientation. This will give them a bonus for rolling on what will probably be a higher Difficulty for the actual roll. However, if this is done, everyone on Babylon 5 MUST make a Dex check (Very Difficult) or suffer 4D Damage due to being tossed about inside the station. This may be worse depending on where one is located inside. This is placed here for Babylon 4 as it would have been built with similar abilities.
***DEFENSE GRID: Babylon 4 has more weapons in its defense grid as compared to Babylon 5 after its upgrade. As Babylon 5 starts with much less weaponry in its defense grid and recieves more later, yet still not this many, this may cause confusion. This is done because (1) Babylon 5 suffered financial drawbacks when it neared completion of construction, including a shortage in its defense grid weaponry, where as babylon 4 did not have this problem; and (2) babylon 4 is a much bigger station and would therefor be able to carry much more weaponry. This would prove especially useful when it is drawn back through time to the first Shadow War 1,000 years earlier.
-ROTATING SECTIONS: If the rotating sections take damage, roll 1D. On 1 they stop rotating, the ship loses gravity, and the crew have to operate in zero-g with all the penalties that apply. Damage to rotating sections may also cause the crew to be thrown about (roll 1D, 1-2 causes this). If so, the crew must roll Dex against Difficult Difficulty. Failure incurs 4D damage. Ships built with rotating sections in Earth Alliance/Earthforce ships have less speed (between -1 and -2) and maneuverability (between -1 and -1D) to than if they were built without them (with their crews operating in zero-g).
-GRAVITY: Parts of this station have no artificial gravity or rotating sections. The crew operate in zero-g. If they use the straps and such to stay seated, they can operate with no penalties. Otherwise, they incur all the penalties for operating in zero-g. This also occurs if rotating sections of the station stop rotating for some reason.
-BABYLON 4/Babylon 5: If anything is lacking in these stats, those for Babylon 5 could be used to fill in the gaps, and vice versa as both stations were built with similar materials and technologies and to serve a similar purpose.
  Babylon 4 was the fourth and largest space station built under the Babylon Project.
Physical Arrangement
  Partly constructed from materials recycled from the earlier Babylon stations, emblems from Babylon 3 could be found on some surfaces of the station.
  The most powerful station ever constructed by human hands at the time, Babylon 4 also possessed engines that allowed the station to be moved from place to place, although this was a very slow process due to its size.
  The station featured two carousels rotating in opposite directions, presumably balanced to bring the net rotation of the entire mass closer to zero, making it much easier to move and maneuver the station.
  Babylon 4 disappeared into a spacetime anomaly 24 hours after coming online in 2254.
  Reappearing in its original location in 2258, the crew was rescued by Babylon 5 personnel, shortly after which the station disappeared again. Sector 14 was declared off-limits after these events.
  After the crew was rescued, Jeffrey Sinclair took Babylon 4 to the Earth year 1260. During this temporal trip, Sinclair used the Chrysalis device to transform himself into a Minbari named Valen. Thus, Valen was "A Minbari not born of Minbari."
  Arriving after the Minbari's base of operations had been destroyed during the First Shadow War, Valen provided the Minbari with Babylon 4 as their new headquarters. When the war was over, the station was abandoned.
  For over 900 years the station lay dormant, guarded by the Tak'cha, who referred to it as Ende X'Ton (the lost station) which they believed to be a holy place. In 2261 it was found it floating adrift in Sector 730 by 12 by 9 by John Sheridan, Delenn, Michael Garibaldi, and Susan Ivanova. Within 48 hours of rediscovering the station, Babylon 4 burned up in the atmosphere of the planet it was orbiting.
  At the time of its disappearance, Babylon 4 had not yet been assigned a permanent commanding officer; Major Lewis Krantz, an EarthForce Marine Corps officer, was assigned to oversee the final stages of construction.
  Valen would often sit in Babylon 4's Zen Garden, mirroring his visits to Babylon 5's Zen Garden when he was Jeffrey Sinclair.
OTHER INFO: Affiliation: -Earth Alliance (2254) -Minbari Circa 1260 Location: Epsilon Eridani system, Grid Epsilon, Sector 14 Function: Diplomatic forum, Commerce, Earthforce outpost Type: O'Neill-class habitable space station, multiple rotating sections Length: 6 miles (9.7km) Defenses: Defense Grid Date Online: 2254 Decommissioned: Uncertain (station destroyed in 2261[1]) Personnel: 1,200 - 1,300 (prior to evacuation)