Craft: Psi Corp Mothership Type: Heavily modified Asimov Liner (Stealth operations baseship) Scale: Capital Dimensions: -Length: 700m Skill: Capital ship piloting: Psi Corp Mothership Crew: 130 -Gunners: 18 -Troops: 200 (Psi Cops, replaces Passengers) -Skeleton: 30/+10 -Emergency Evac: 800+/1 month Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D+2, Capital ship gunnery 4D, Capital ship piloting 4D, Sensors 4D, Starship gunnery 4D Passengers: 200 (luxury quarters) Cargo Capacity: 4,000 metric tons Consumables: 6 months Cost: Not available for sale Hyperspace Jump Engines: No Nav Computer: Yes (+2D Astrogation) Maneuverability: 1D+2 Speed: -Space: 4 -Atmosphere: N/A Hull: 5D+2 Shields: N/A Sensors: -Passive: 30/1D -Scan: 60/2D -Search: 120/3D -Focus: 4/4D
AUXILIARY CRAFT CAPACITY: -Crew Shuttles (Psi Corp variants) -Kestrel Shuttles -12 Stealth Starfuries
WEAPONS: 1 Heavy Laser Battery Location: Mounted in forward hull Fire Arc: Front Crew: 2 (bridge crew) Skill: Capital starship gunnery Scale: Capital Fire Control: 2D Range: -Space: 3-15/30/60 -Atmosphere: 6-30/60/120km Damage: 7D Rate Of Fire: 1/2
4 Pulse Discharge Cannons Location: Mounted along hull Fire Arc: Turrets Crew: 2 (4) Skill: Capital starship gunnery Scale: Capital Fire Control: 3D Range: -Space: 2-12/24/50 -Atmosphere: 4-24/40/100km Damage: 4D Rate Of Fire: 2
4 52mm Plasma Pulse Cannons Location: Mounted along hull Fire Arc: Turrets Crew: 1 (4) Skill: Starship gunnery Scale: Starfighter Fire Control: 3D Range: -Space: 1-3/12/25 -Atmosphere: 100-300/1.2/2.5km Damage: 6D Rate Of Fire: 2
4 Interceptors Location: Mounted along hull Fire Arc: 4 turrets Crew: 1 (4) Skill: Starship gunnery Scale: Starfighter Fire Control: 4D Range: -Space: 1-4/16/35 -Atmosphere: 100-400/1.6/3.5km Damage: 2D Rate Of Fire: 4
The Psi Corps motherships were a type of ship, secretly operated by Psi Corps in the years leading up to the Telepath War.
The ships themselves were heavily modified Asimov class commercial liners and would spend the vast majority of the time in hyperspace, staying out of sight while ferrying missions back and forth, coming into normal space only when in need of repairs.
The Psi Corp Mothership has been written up as a modified Asimov Liner. In that, it has greater length to take into account its larger engines, which also grant it more speed and maneuverability. It also has improved hull, sensors, and a good weapons package for a ship of its size and general purpose. In return, this Asimov variant also gives up a good share of its cargo capacity and passenger space. Some of that space more than likely is for prisoners apprehended by the Psi Corp. Note that these prisoners will almost never be "Mundanes", people with no telepathic abilities, as the psi Corp is known to jettison any Mundane criminals they apprehend, wether in persuit of other renegade telepaths or not.
While not listed here, it is also VERY likely that the Psi Corp Mothership has stealth capabilities similar to that of the Stealth Starfury. If GMs/players wish, they can simply apply the stealth rules for the Stealth Starfury to the Psi Corp Mothership on a capital scale.
OTHER INFO: Affiliation: Earth Alliance, Psi Corp Class: Asimov class (Retrofitted) Crew: 130 Engines: 4 ion engines Jump Capable: No Gravity: Rotational sections only Auxiliary Craft: -Crew Shuttles -Atmospheric Shuttles