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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: Space StationEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Haven-class medical station
Type: Medical Space Platform
Scale: Capital
Length: 651.84 meters (diameter)
Crew: 150
Passengers: 80,000
Cargo Capacity: 90,000 Tons
Consumables: 6 Months
Cost: 10,000,000 base price
Hull: 4D
Shields: 2D
         Passive: 200/2D
         Scan: 600/4D
         Search: 2000/6D
         Focus: 20/8D

Description:The Haven-class medical station, more commonly known as the Republic medical station, was a model of space station used by the Galactic Republic as space medcenters during the Clone Wars. Twenty in all were commissioned for the Grand Army of the Republic, one for each of its Sector Armies. They were each capable of treating nearly 80,000 patients.

The typical station had a reactor slung underneath, port entrances for Pelta-class medical frigates, and eight main medical bays. The stations were highly vulnerable and were dependent on other spacecraft to aid in fending off

The Haven-class medical station, more commonly known as the Republic medical station, was a model of space station used by the Galactic Republic as space medcenters during the Clone Wars. Twenty in all were commissioned for the Grand Army of the Republic, one for each of its Sector Armies. They were each capable of treating nearly 80,000 patients.

The typical station had a reactor slung underneath, port entrances for Pelta-class medical frigates, and eight main medical bays. The stations were highly vulnerable and were dependent on other spacecraft to aid in fending off attackers.

These stations served as a lifeline for clone troopers, being placed near battlefields to service groups of medical frigates bringing in the wounded. The first such station, the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center, was created near the Kaliida Nebula. The Republic then commissioned nineteen more stations, one each for its twenty Sector Armies. Besides the Kaliida Shoals Medcenter, stations were established in the Felucia system and near Ord Cestus.

Comments made about this Article!

20/Aug/2017 02:53:49 Posted by Simon

Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 need some editing as 3 and 4 mostly duplicate Paragraphs 1 and 2.

Other than that I like it! :)

20/Aug/2017 16:20:22 Posted by Freddy

The descriptions are straight off Wookieepedia, I thought some duplication for the sake of completeness was worth it.

10/Sep/2017 09:55:36 Posted by hellstormer1

I like the idea of a specialized medical space station, and the pic looks neat too. Would the size and purpose of such a station grant bonuses to skill rolls for medical treatment, or reduce Difficulties when making such skill rolls? Just came to me, thinking about how such a facility would(should?) have ample medical staff, medical droids of various kinds, and probably every tool and resource needed to treat anything imaginable.

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