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Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: DROIDSEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Baktoid Combat Automata T-series tactical droid
        Planetary systems 4D
        Tactics 5D
        Command 4D

Equipped With:
- Humanoid Body (2 Arms, 2 Legs)
- Human Range visual and one sensors
- Vocabulator speech/sound system
- Commlink

Move: 4
Size: 1.93 meters tall
Cost: Not for Sale

Description: The T-series tactical droid, formerly known as the CDE-T unit, was a model of advisor droid serving the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. The super tactical droid was later created as an upgraded tactical droid model.

This model was more intelligent than standard battle droids and was deployed to command Separatist troops where organic leadership was not available. They had advanced combat-analysis software and were very intelligent. They were also designed with advanced cognitive modules that processed vast quantities of data rapidly, and would constantly run simulations of imminent combat, calculating odds to develop strategies.

Their bodies were approximately the same size as a B2 super battle droid, but were boxier in appearance than their combat-designed compatriots. In addition, their voices also lacked any type of inflection, and instead spoke in a flat, droning monotone. Tactical droids were observed to be impatient, arrogant, pushy, and demanding. They believed themselves superior to other droids, as evidenced by their poor treatment and insults to battle droids, such as during the battles of Quell and Ryloth. They often issued conflicting orders due to their sense of superiority. When pushed, tactical droids would even order the destruction of their own allies if they got in the way, as seen at the Sky Battle of Quell. Some of these droids were also in charge of entire fleets and land forces. Most Separatist leaders allowed tactical droids greater autonomy over their forces.
Tactical droids were not as homogeneous as other battle droid models. The personalities and voices between units had slight variation, making no two units identical. Tactical droids also bore colorful paint schemes, each of which was unique as well. Whether the particular paint schemes bore any significance such as rank, type designation, or unit affiliation (as with other battle droids or clone troopers) is unknown.

At least three tactical droids were used in the staging of the Battle of Christophsis. Admiral Trench used a tactical droid named TI-99 aboard his command ship. One such droid, TJ-55, had its head stolen to discover how the CIS knew the Republic's strategies, and a clone traitor was later revealed. Asajj Ventress later dispatched another tactical droid to give orders to General Whorm Loathsom while she left to continue her master's plan.

Another such droid named TX-20 was stationed on Count Dooku's command ship during the events of the Battle of Ryloth where he sent a message to Lott Dod to go to Toydaria.

Later during the war, Commander Bly and General Aayla Secura encountered a tactical droid on one of their missions. They planned on using the droid's severed head to search for Separatist secrets. Sometime later, during the Sky Battle of Quell, another tactical droid named TF-1726 was used to dispatch orders onboard a Munificent-class star frigate.

On Naboo, a tactical droid was used to carry out orders while Dr. Nuvo Vindi was planning to release the Blue Shadow Virus back into the galaxy. The droid used a Flitknot speeder to do scope out the area with three STAP-mounted B1 battle droids. His speeder was destroyed, and the droids' remains were taken back to Theed so they could be scanned. This eventually led to the discovery of Vindi's laboratory.
TX-20 would also lead droids during the Battle of Ryloth, under the watchful eye of Wat Tambor, and was in charge of the proton cannons there. TX-20 furthermore took the Twi'leks of Nabat hostage and used them as a "living shield" for the cannons. TX-20 also employed gutkurrs to attack the Republic forces. However, after General Obi-Wan Kenobi freed the Twi'lek prisoners, the former hostages destroyed the unit.
Another such droid, TA-175, also served to command the operations of the Separatist fortress at the capital city of Lessu on Ryloth. This unit was very strict in obeying orders and maintaining schedules, to the point where he ordered the departure of the evacuation shuttle from the planet, abandoning Wat Tambor, who selfishly refused to leave until the delayed MTTs carrying the last of the spoils arrived. The droid disobeyed Tambor's commands in doing so, rigidly acknowledging Count Dooku's superiority in the situation.
During the Battle of Juma 9, a Tactical droid relayed orders to Battle droids on the station. He was cut down by Luminara Unduli and Plo Koon. Later, two more droids were used during a battle on Mustafar.

A heavily modified tactical droid served Magistrate Passel Argente. The droid later participated and was destroyed during the battle of Ukio.

TX-21 served Archduke Poggle the Lesser on Geonosis at the time of the Second Battle of Geonosis. It encountered Jedi Commanders Barriss Offee and Ahsoka Tano in the control center of a new droid foundry. Tano threw an explosive device at the droid and it attached itself to the super tank TX-21 was standing beside. The tactical droid laughed, stating that the super tank could not be damaged by such a device. He was correct; though there was no damage to the tank, TX-21 was destroyed by the explosion.
A tactical droid was also used by the CIS during their occupation of Tirahnn, to work in the command center of a planetary ion cannon that was located in the world's capital city. Another tactical droid, TV-94, served as the personal assistant to General Grievous after his successful Capture of Eeth Koth. This droid was later informed by Grievous that the approaching Republic forces led by Jedi would be a two-pronged attack; one aimed at distracting him and the other aimed at rescuing Eeth Koth. The cyborg General's predictions came true when Anakin Skywalker along with Adi Gallia arrived covertly on Grievous' Separatist destroyer. The tactical droid than sprang an ambush led which consisted of BX-series droid commandos and admitted that Grievous's predictions had surprised it. This tactical droid also attempted to dissuade the Jedi from attacking by inducing electrical shocks in Eeth Koth and later claimed that the next tap of the button would kill the Jedi Council member. However, Skywalker used The Force to bring the tactical droid to him and severed its arm preventing it from activating the button. As the battle raged, the tactical droid managed to reclaim its arm and chuckled at its success but lacked a limb to press the button to which the Jedi terminated the droid's existence.
Droid TV-94B was stationed on Grievous' Command ship during his assault on Kamino.
Another droid commanded the CIS forces during the Battle of Malastare, where he was destroyed by the Republic's Electro-proton bomb.
Another droid executed Chevin Major Hoom Garaf during the Third Battle of Aefao. However it's action started a chaotic firefight in Separatist rear guard, which later ensured a Republic victory.
A tactical droid won a victory at the First Battle of Plagen. Before the battle, the droid had assassinated Kerkoiden General Piar Nagelsa and discarded his battle plan.
By around 20 BBY, the Confederacy, considering standard tactical droids to be easily outmaneuvered by the Republic, manufactured the super tactical droid to compensate for the tactical droid's weaknesses. Kalani was one of the droids in the new super tactical droid line.

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