Type: Baktoid Combat Automata B2-RP series rocket droid
Dexterity: 3D
Blaster 8D, Dodge 6D
Knowledge: 1D+2
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 3D
Search 5D
Strength: 3D
Technical: 1D
Equipped with:
Humanoid Body (two arms, two legs, head)
Two visual and two auditory sensors - human range
Limited Intelligence Brain
2 x Twin Heavy Blasters (Range 5-50/120/300, Damage 6D)
Built in Rocket Pack
Armoured Skin (+2D)
Move: 10 (flying 45)
Size: 1.93 meters tall
Cost: 14,000 (used)
Description: The B2-RP battle droid, more commonly known as the rocket droid, the super droid, or the jetpack droid, was a CIS jetpack-equipped B2 super battle droid variant used during the Clone Wars.
These droids were equipped with a built-in jetpack. To distinguish them from their more common infantry variants, they were painted with blue-white markings on their torsos, arms and legs.
Late in the war, the rocket battle droids were replaced with the more advanced Super battle droid rocket trooper.
Some droids were deployed by Juhm on Gwori to capture Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex. However both managed to destroy the droids. About 100 rocket droids were used to board Aayla Secura's Venator-class Star Destroyer, the Liberty, during the Sky Battle of Quell. One even attacked a LAAT/i gunship, shooting at the pilot, although the latter managed to bail.
An updated model of the droid, the super battle droid rocket trooper, was later built, seeing action during the Battle of Ringo Vinda.