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Section of Site: Buffy RPGBelongs to Faction: Subtype: Veterans and Experienced HeroesEra: Canon: No


Name: James "Logan" Howlett          DOB: 12/10/1878

Actor: Hugh Jackman                          DOB: 12/10/1968

Character Type: Veteran

Life Points: 97        Drama Points: 10

Attributes (25 + 1 from Drawbacks) = 26

Strength 7 (3 Levels Part of Half-Demon Quality)
Dexterity 8 (3 Levels Part of Half-Demon Quality)
Constitution 8 (3 Levels Part of Half-Demon Quality)
Intelligence 3
Perception 7 (3 Levels Part of Half-Demon Quality)
Willpower 5

Qualities (25 + 8 from Drawbacks) = 33

Acute Sense (Hearing) (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (2)
Acute Sense (Smell) (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (2)
Age 2 (4)
Attractive +1 (1)
Enhanced Sense (Hearing) (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (3)
Enhanced Sense (Smell) (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (3)
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Half-Demon (26)
Hard to Kill 9 (9)
Immortal (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (0)
Nerves of Steel (3)
Reduced Damage (Kinetic Damage Halved) (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (3)
Regeneration  (Constitution Life Points per Minute) (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (3)
Resistance (Poison/Disease) 4 (4)
Retractable Claws (5 x Strength Slash/stab Damage) (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (5)
Situational Awareness (2)
Supernatural Senses (Basic) (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (1)

Drawbacks (10) = 10

Adversary (Lots) (2 Levels Part of Age Quality) (3 Levels Part of Half-Demon Quality)  (8)
Antisocial Impulses (Violence) (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (1)
Honorable (Serious) (2)
Mental Problems (Reckless) (1)
Obligation (Total) (Hunt Demons) (Part of Half-Demon Quality) (3)
Secret (Various) (2)

Skills (45 + 6 from Age Quality) = 51

Acrobatics: 5   

Knowledge: 5

Art: 0                  

Kung Fu: 8

Computers: 0   

Languages: 2

Crime: 4   

Mr. Fix-It: 0

Doctor: 1   

Notice: 5

Driving: 2

Occultism: 4

Getting Medieval: 5   

Science: 0

Gun Fu: 2   

Sports: 0

Influence: 2   

Wild Card: 0

Maneuvers       Bonus Base Damage    Notes

Catch Weapon



Ranged Defense Action




Defense Action




Resisted by Dodge

Jump Kick











Defense Action

Parry Ranged



Defense Action




Retractable Claws 16 35 Slash/stab

Spin Kick








(Through the Heart)



x5 vs. vamps

Sweep Kick











x5 Damage

Thrown Stake




(Through the Heart)



x5 vs. vamps




Bash; must Grapple first
Background on Wolverine

             James Howlett, the Half-Demon now known as Wolverine, was born into privilege in Alberta, Canada, during the late 19th century, the second son of John and Elizabeth Howlett. Young James' mother was distant and remote due to the untimely death of her first son. Growing up, the sickly James was close friends with the red-headed Rose, his companion and tutor, and "Dog," the son of the Howlett’s cruel groundskeeper Thomas Logan.

            Dog’s growing obsession with Rose finally prompted him to attack her, forcing James’ father to fire Thomas, and evict him and Dog from their home on the Howlett estate. The groundskeeper and his son stole into the mansion the next night and attempted to convince Mrs. Howlett to leave with them. Apparently, Thomas and Elizabeth Howlett had been engaged in an ongoing affair. When John Howlett interrupted their discussion, Thomas shot and killed his former employer. At the shock of seeing his father murdered, James manifested his latent Demon abilities, and claws jutted from the back of each hand. The beast within the boy unleashed at last, James attacked and killed Thomas, and slashed Dog’s face. Completely unhinged by the violence, Elizabeth took her own life.

            James suffered a severe breakdown; his Demon abilities "healed" his mind as well as his body, blocking all memories of his last months at the Howlett estate. Because Rose and James were blamed for the deaths at the mansion, she spirited him away to a British Columbia mining colony. Rose gave James the name "Logan," so that his real identity would remain unknown.

            The frail "Logan" grew into a strapping young man at the mine and became known for his strength and ferocity. He spent a great deal of time among the wolves in the nearby wilderness, discovering he had more in common with the wild beasts than his fellow man. Bullied incessantly, Logan acquired the nickname "Wolverine" thanks to his tenacity and refusal to back down from a challenge.

            Logan’s happiness at the camp came to an end when Dog tracked him down. Finally remembering the night of his father’s death, Logan fought Dog savagely. During the struggle, Logan accidentally impaled Rose on his claws, killing her. Wracked by grief over the death of the woman he truly loved, he fled into the woods. Logan was not seen again for many years, but the legend of the man called Wolverine had begun.

            The rest of Logan’s life is shrouded in mystery, peppered with half-truths and anecdotal reports of unconfirmed sightings. His demonic regeneration seems to act against the effects of aging, which would explain why, as a man of more than 120 years, he appears to be in his mid-30s.

            In the latter half of the 20th century, the Canadian government subjected Logan to a bizarre battery of experiments intended to forge the ultimate killing machine. Weapon X scientists grafted the indestructible metal adamantium to Logan's skeleton and bone claws, and introduced memory implants that shaped his past to suit their ends. Combined with the earlier effects of his healing factor, these false memories have made it impossible for Logan to discern fact from fiction when recalling his former life. He now knows little of his past, save that it was fraught with pain and loss.

            Wolverine was working as an operative for the Canadian government when he accepted Professor X’s offer to join the X-Men. Logan chose to stay on partly due to his belief in Xavier’s vision for the co-existence of humans and Half-Demons, and partly because of his attraction to Jean Grey. During his time with the X-Men, Logan has worked to regain his lost memories, but virtually every answer leads him to even more new questions.

            Wolverine gained a mastery over his berserker tendencies during his struggle against criminal leader Shingen Hirada and the ninja cult called the Hand. However, although he hates doing so, Logan can still allow himself to go into berserker rages in combat. He became engaged to Shingen Hirada’s daughter Mariko, the current leader of the Yashida clan, but she called off their wedding after being psionically manipulated by one of Wolverine's foes, Mastermind. Although Mariko Yashida was freed from Mastermind’s influence, and although she and Logan still loved each other, she could not marry him until she felt she had redeemed herself for calling off the wedding. Logan took under his care a young girl, Akiko, who was orphaned when her mother was killed during the devastation wreaked by an alien dragon-like being whom the X-Men had battled in Japan. Akiko became Mariko’s ward, and Logan and Mariko regarded her as if she were their own daughter. 

            Although he would rarely admit it, Logan remains with the X-Men because he feels the team is the closest thing he has to a family in the world. Serving with the X-Men has given Logan what he had been missing for so long: a cause worth fighting for. Still somewhat uncontrollable and unpredictable in battle, and prone to an occasional berserker rage, Wolverine has proven to be a tremendous asset to the team; he continues to make his home in Xavier’s mansion. Beneath his brutish exterior, Wolverine will always be the scared, insecure boy who lashed out at the world all those years ago, doomed never to make peace with his troubled past. Haunted by half-forgotten demons, he fights for those who can't fight for themselves kindred spirits, victims all.

Quote: “I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice.”

Roleplaying Wolverine

At one time a brutal, ruthless fighter, Wolverine has mellowed somewhat over the years. He has made a definite effort to subdue his "beast" side of his mind, although he can call on it when necessary. Wolverine possesses a high degree of honor, derived from bushido. Despite his many years with the X-Men, Wolverine is still essentially a loner and if a personal problem comes up, he will almost always deal with it himself rather than turn to his comrades for help.


X-Men ?2003 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
X-Men trademarks are used without express permission from Fox.
X-Men and characters ? 2003 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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