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Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Player Character RacesEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Diathim (Angels)
Attribute Dice: 12D

Dex: 1D/4D+1
Know: 2D/5D
Mech: 1D/4D
Perc: 1D/4D
Str: 1D/3D+1
Tech: 1D/3D+1

Special Abilities:
        Flight: The Diathim are winged and are capable of flight, capable for flying at the speed given below in their move both in atmosphere and in space.
        Vacuum Breathing: Diathim can survive in the Vacuum of space without breathing, however they weaken losing 1D of strength for every 6 hours they spend in Vacuum.
        Aura of Kindness: Diathim have mild telepathic abilities, which allow them minor hypnotic abilities (+1D to Bargain, Con and Persuasion).

Story Factors:
        Fascinated by Starships: Diathim are absolutely fascinated by Starships, and must make a moderate Willpower test to avoid having to closely examine any starship they encounter.
        Reputation as Navigation Menace: Diathim have a reputation for mobbing starships, and are regarded as a menace around navigation lanes. They may be banned from starports and authorities may have orders in place to kill them rather than allow them to endanger vessels.

Move: 10/12 (18/22 Flying)
Size: 2.0-3.0 meters tall
Skin color: Glowing white
Distinctions: Six wings, yellow aura, hypnotic abilities

Description: The Diathim, also referred to as Angels, were a mysterious species of winged sentients who inhabited the planet Iego and Millius Prime, the largest of its many moons. The Diathim were reputed for their beauty, and the way in which they appeared would vary depending on the beholder. They shared their habitat with the Maelibi, who lived below the ground. When the young Anakin Skywalker first met his future wife Padmé Amidala, he compared her natural beauty to that of the Diathim.

The mysterious species whom the University of Sanbra xenobiologists called "the Diathim," otherwise known as "the Angels," seemed to be made of blazing white light tinged with a yellow aura, which suggested they were beings of pure energy. At any rate, their intense radiance made it difficult to make out their biological details. Most accounts depicted them as slender, 2 to 3 meters tall feminine anthropoids with six blade-shaped wings protruding from their backs. One particular individual appeared in front of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, two Human Jedi, as a tall woman of their species with wings, milky white skin, blond hair, grey eyes, a tiny nose and long limbs. Some other witnesses described the Angels as more androgynous, while many non-Human observers portrayed them as mysterious and fascinating variants of their own species. Whether their wings were physical or not, the Diathim could fly and glide freely. They could even fly in the vacuum of interplanetary space without the assistance of a protective suit or life support. They also had natural hypnotic abilities.

The Diathim gave off an aura of kindness, and they were consistently described as benevolent by those spacers who propagated the legend of the Angels. They described themselves as a peaceful people. However, the Diathim were fascinated by spacecrafts, which often prompted them to mob any ships that found themselves in the vicinity of their homeworlds, Iego and Millius Prime. Because of their hypnotic abilities, those curious Diathim had a tendency to provoke accidents, causing the mesmerized observers to plunge their vessels into violent crash-landings. For those reasons, they were still regarded as dangerous entities.

Since the Diathim were only seen when they gathered in flocks to welcome arriving ships, knowledge of what their habitat looked like remained hidden to outsiders. Although they had no apparent language of their own, at least some of them were capable of speaking Galactic Basic Standard, the common language of the galaxy.

The Diathim evolved in the Outer Rim Territories, on the planet of Iego and the largest of its forty-two moons, Millius Prime. They shared those worlds with the Maelibi, a species of three-meter tall burrowing beings who fed on castaways. They were known in the wider galaxy as early as 25,793 BBY, more than seven centuries before the founding of the Galactic Republic. At the time, the Basic idiom "space angel" referred to a selfless, innocent person.

Millennia later, during the Clone Wars, some Diathim were driven from their home on Millius Prime when a laser grid system was installed there by the Separatists to keep people from leaving. The Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker travelled to Iego with his master Obi-Wan Kenobi while on a mission to uncover a root said to contain the antidote to the Blue Shadow Virus. The two encountered one of the Diathim refugees, and the Jedi eventually managed to deactivate the laser field, thus freeing the inhabitants of Iego.

When a young Anakin Skywalker lived on the desert world of Tatooine, he first heard of the Diathim's proverbial beauty while listening to all the pilots and traders who stopped there. Those tales influenced Skywalker's first words to his future wife Padmé Amidala, questioning whether or not she was indeed one of those legendary beings. The boy believed Amidala's beauty unmatched, and seemed to think this led to some connections with the famed Diathim of Iego. When Amidala answered that she had never heard of Angels before, Skywalker objected she just might be unaware of her true nature.

Comments made about this Article!

16/Sep/2017 00:16:03 Posted by hellstormer1

I really like this. If these are in the Clone Wars series, I need to sit down and watch it. The Diathim kinda remind me of the Star Dragons, but bridges the gap between them and player characters.

16/Sep/2017 14:57:40 Posted by Freddy

I love how they're also an explanation of Anakins "Are you an Angel!" comment to Amidala.

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