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Section of Site: Buffy RPGBelongs to Faction: Subtype: Some Assembly RequiredEra: Canon: No

Buffy & Angel RPG Qualities and Drawbacks

??????? Willow: You know nowadays every girl with a henna tattoo and a spice rack thinks she's a sister to the dark ones.

-4.10 Hush

Angel Angel Corebook
Buffy Core Rulebook
The Magic Box
Monster Smackdown
Slayer's Handbook
? Cost Book Page ? ? Cost Book Page
Acute Senses 2 Angel/Buffy 28/34 ? Addiction Variable Angel/Buffy 29/34
Age 2/Level Angel/Buffy 50/36 ? Adversary Variable Angel/Buffy 30/35
Artist 2 Angel/Buffy 30/36 ? Antisocial Impulses Variable Angel 50
Athlete 4 Angel 30 ? Attractiveness 1/Level Angel/Buffy 31/36
Attractiveness 1/Level Angel/Buffy 31/36 ? Bad Luck 1/Level Angel/Buffy 38/39
Brachen Half-Demon 11 Angel 198 ? Clown 1 Angel/Buffy 32/37
Brainiac 4 Angel 31 ? Covetous 1 to 3 Angel/Buffy 34/37
Byblos Demon 13 Angel 61 ? Demonic Tutor 2 Magic 28
Chaos Demon 16 Monster 135 ? Dependent 2 or 3 Angel/Buffy 36/38
Contacts Variable Angel/Buffy 32/37 ? Emotional Problems Variable Angel/Buffy 36/38
Cop 5 Angel/Slayer 32/31 ? Honorable 1 to 3 Angel/Buffy 39/40
Criminal 2 Angel/Slayer 34/31 ? Humorless 1 Angel/Buffy 40/40
Deathwok Clan Demon 8 or 10 Angel 200 ? Love 2 or 4 Angel/Buffy 40/41
Demon Variable Angel 35 ? Limited Use 1 or 2 Angel 53
Demon Hunter 4 Angel 35 ? Magic Magnet 2 Magic 30
Detective 8 Angel 32 ? Magical Family 0 to 2 Magic 31
Eidetic Memory 1 or 2 Angel 36 ? Magical Group Variable Magic 31
Emotional Influence Variable Angel 51 ? Mental Problems 1 to 3 Angel/Buffy 40/41
Empathy 2 Magic 29 ? Mental Problems (Phobia) 1 to 3 Slayer 31
Enhanced Attributes Variable Angel 51 ? Military Rank 1/Level Buffy 42
Enchanted Item 2/Level Magic 29 ? Minority 1 Angel/Buffy 42/42
Enchanter 5 Magic 29 ? Misfit 2 Buffy 42
Ex-Cop 4 Slayer 31 ? Obligation Variable Angel/Buffy 42/43
Ex-Watcher 5 Angel 37 ? Obsession 2 Buffy 44
Fast Reaction Time 2 Angel/Buffy 38/39 ? Outcast 3 Angel 44
Good Luck 1/Level Angel/Buffy 38/39 ? Paranoid 2 Buffy 44
Gri'ah Demon 14 Angel 61 ? Physical Disability Variable Angel/Buffy 44/45
Half-Demon Variable Angel 35 ? Psychic Visions 3 Angel 54
Hard to Kill 1 to 5 Angel/Buffy 39/39 ? Reckless 2 Buffy 45
Hypnosis 5, 10 or 20 Angel 52 ? Recurring Nightmares 1 Angel/Buffy 45/46
Immortal 0 Angel 52 ? Reduced Attributes Variable Angel 51
Increased Life Points 1/Level Angel 52 ? Screwed-Up Adolescent 4 Angel 46
Initiative Commando 4 Buffy 40 ? Secret Variable Angel/Buffy 47/48
Invisible 20/10 Angel/Magic 53/30 ? Showoff 2 Buffy 48
Iron Mind 3 Angel/Magic 53/30 ? Supernatural Form 1 or 2 Angel 57
Jock 3 Buffy 41 ? Talentless 2 Angel/Buffy 47/49
Magical Family 0 to 2 Magic 31 ? Teenager 2 Buffy 50
Magical Group Variable Magic 31 ? Uncontrollable Power 5 Angel 60
Military Rank 1/Level Buffy 42 ? Vulnerability Variable Angel 60
Miquot Clan Demon 6 Monster 136 ? Werewolf 3 Buffy 51
Mok'Tagar Demon 37 Monster 136 ? Zealot 3 Buffy 51
Nanjin Adept 8 Angel 53 ? ? ? ? ?
Natural Armor 1/Level Angel 54 ? ? ? ? ?
Natural Toughness 2 Angel/Buffy 42/43 ? ? ? ? ?
Natural Weapon 1 to 8 Angel 54 ? ? ? ? ?
Nerd 3 Buffy 43 ? ? ? ? ?
Nerves of Steel 3 Angel/Buffy 42/43 ? ? ? ? ?
Nosy Reporter 5 Slayer 32 ? ? ? ? ?
Occult Investigator 4 Angel/Slayer 43/32 ? ? ? ? ?
Occult Library Variable Angel/Buffy 43/44 ? ? ? ? ?
Oden Tal Demon Female 21 Angel 199 ? ? ? ? ?
Oden Tal Demon Male 1 Angel 199 ? ? ? ? ?
Photographic Memory 2 Buffy 45 ? ? ? ? ?
Psychic Visions 1 Angel/Buffy 54/45 ? ? ? ? ?
Psychometry 4 Angel/Magic 55/32 ? ? ? ? ?
Pyrokinesis 3/Level Angel 56 ? ? ? ? ?
Rank 1/Level Angel 45 ? ? ? ? ?
Reduced Damage Variable Angel 56 ? ? ? ? ?
Regeneration 1, 3 or 6 Angel 56 ? ? ? ? ?
Resistance 1/Level Angel/Buffy 45/46 ? ? ? ? ?
Resistance (Mystical) 1/Level Magic 32 ? ? ? ? ?
Resources 2/Level Angel/Buffy 46/46 ? ? ? ? ?
Revenant 17 Angel 62 ? ? ? ? ?
Robot 5 Buffy 47 ? ? ? ? ?
Situational Awareness 2 Angel/Buffy 47/48 ? ? ? ? ?
Slayer 16 Buffy 48 ? ? ? ? ?
Slayer-In-Training 4 Slayer 32 ? ? ? ? ?
Sorcery 5/Level Buffy 49 ? ? ? ? ?
Spirit Medium 2 Magic 33 ? ? ? ? ?
Supernatural Attack Variable Angel 57 ? ? ? ? ?
Supernatural Senses Variable Angel 58 ? ? ? ? ?
Superscience Item 2/Level Magic 29 ? ? ? ? ?
Superscientist 5 Magic 29 ? ? ? ? ?
Tarrack Daemonling 7 Angel 61 ? ? ? ? ?
Telekinesis 3/Level Angel/Magic 58/33 ? ? ? ? ?
Telepathy 5 Angel/Magic 59/34 ? ? ? ? ?
Totem Warrior 12 Slayer 33 ? ? ? ? ?
The Sight 3 Magic 34 ? ? ? ? ?
Troll 6 Monster 138 ? ? ? ? ?
Unique Kill 5 Angel 60 ? ? ? ? ?
Vampire 12 or 15 Angel/Buffy 48/50 ? ? ? ? ?
Vengeance Demon 50 Monster 136 ? ? ? ? ?
Watcher 5 Buffy 50 ? ? ? ? ?
Werewolf 6 or 12 Buffy 51 ? ? ? ? ?
Wise Guy 3 Angel 34 ? ? ? ? ?
Zombie Variable Monster 139 ? ? ? ? ?

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER ?2001-2002 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The Buffy the Vampire Slayer trademark is used without express permission from Fox.
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER ROLEPLAYING GAME ? 2001-2002 Eden Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved

ANGEL™ ?2003. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
All Rights Reserved. ? 2003 Eden Studios, Inc.

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