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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: The First OrderSubtype: CapitalEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Name:  Kuat-Entralla Engineering Resurgent-class Battlecruiser
Scale:  Capital
Length:  2,915.81 meters
Skill:  Capital ship piloting: Resurgent-class Battlecruiser
Crew: Officers (19,000), Enlisted (55,000): Skeleton (5000/+15)
Passengers:  8,000 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 30,000 metric tons
Consumables:  4 years
Cost:  Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multuplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup:  x15
Nav Computer:  Yes
Maneuverability:  2D
Space:  6 (the ship loses 1 pip of maneuverability for each point of space speed it is travelling)
Hull:  8D+2
Shields:  4D+1
        Passive: 40/1D
        Scan: 70/2D
        Search: 150/3D
        Focus: 4/3D+2
        Two starfighter wings
        TIE/fo space superiority fighters
        TIE/sf space superiority fighters
        Atmospheric Assault Landers (100)
        Ground vehicles
        Prefabricated ground base (1)
        80 Turbolaser Batteries
                Fire Arc: 10 Front, 30 Front/Left, 30 Front/Right, 10 Back      
                Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
                Fire Control: 3D
                Space Range: 3-15/35/75
                Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150
                Damage: 6D
        40 Ion Cannon Batteries
                Fire Arc: 20 Front/Left, 20 Front/Right      
                Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
                Fire Control: 3D+2
                Space Range: 2-10/25/50
                Atmosphere Range: 4-20/50/100
                Damage: 4D
        20 Point-defense turret batteries
                Scale: StarFighter
                Fire Arc: 5 Front, 5 Front/Left, 5 Front/Right, 5 Back
                Fire Control: 3D
                Space: 1-5/15/30
                Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1.5/3km
                Damage: 6D
        10 Point-defense missile emplacement batteries
                Scale: Starfighter
                Fire Arc: 4 Front, 2 Left, 2 Right, 2 Back
                Fire Control: 3D
                Space: 1-5/15/30
                Atmosphere Range: 100/300/900m
                Damage: 8D
        10 Tractor Beam Projector batteries
                Fire Arc: 4 front, 2 left, 2 right, 2 Back
                Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
                Fire Control: 4D
                Space Range: 1-5/15/30
                Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60km
                Damage: 5D

Description: The Resurgent-class Battlecruiser was an iconic model of battlecruiser (often erroneously called a Star Destroyer) built by Kuat-Entralla Engineering and used by the First Order Navy during its conquest of the Unknown Regions sometime after the signing of the Galactic Concordance. Based on the Imperial-class Star Destroyers of the Old Empire, it featured advanced weaponry and represented the might of the First Order military throughout the galaxy. It was still considered a new model shortly before the assault on Starkiller Base.

Despite the size of the Resurgent-class, the Resistance's intelligence branch suspected that the First Order had even larger warships in development.

most twice the length of the Old Empire's Imperial-class Star Destroyers, the Resurgent-class Battlecruiser (often erroneously identified as a Star Destroyer) was 2,915.81 meters in length, and emulated the dagger-shaped design of the Imperial-class vessels. Designed for advanced ship-to-ship combat capabilities, it also served as a symbol of the First Order's power, inspiring awe in the Order's enemies and pride within its own ranks.
Improving on the design of Imperial-era vessels, the ship featured hull structural bracing in its midsection, as well as armored hull plating and a truss to support the bow's upper hull.

Resurgent-class Battlecruisers featured a complement of 19,000 officers and 55,000 enlisted personnel. In order to keep such a large ship in operation, starship crews would be forced to work closely together and alternate each standard day into six four-hour-long shifts, divided among three crew sections. This would foster a strong sense of unity and team identity. Access to command systems and other areas of First Order vessels and installations were often denied to enlisted personnel, requiring the proper coded rank cylinders worn by officers. With many young fleet officers having been trained aboard these new battlecruisers for their entire lives, most considered these warships as their homes. Resurgent-class vessels also featured a crew recreation area on the lower part of the midsection, while upper habitation levels near the primary command bridge were reserved for senior command staff. Special Forces personnel stationed on the ship utilized barracks near senior command domiciles, while the ship's sick bay was located above the stormtrooper barracks in the bow section of the ship before the forward heavy turbolaser batteries.

Resurgent-class vessels maintained a complement of over 8,000 stormtroopers (a full legion) who had access to a training complex below their barracks. While stormtroopers followed their own chain of command while aboard fleet vessels, with a captain of the guard serving as the ultimate authority over the troopers, during alerts stormtroopers were instructed to follow the orders of any officer regardless of branch of service. First Order Special Forces personnel were also stationed on the vessel. A TIE pilot training and briefing complex existed adjacent to the lateral port hangar, while engineering personnel habitation areas were located at the bottom of the ship, near the reactor core. The ship also featured a detention center in its upper midsection, slightly closer to the bow of the vessel. Just like its predecessors, the Resurgent-class featured Rebaxan Columni MSE-6 series repair droids to serve as messenger, repair and custodial assistants.

Featuring over 1,500 turbolasers and ion cannons, the Resurgent-class vessels were designed for orbital assaults and slugging matches with enemy ships. Powerful turbolaser batteries allowed for overloading enemy shields and punching through thick armor, along with orbital bombardments capable of reducing planetary surfaces to molten slag. Upgraded from Imperial-era turbolasers, the Resurgent-class delivered more firepower and had a faster recharge rate. Stemming from kyber focusing crystals harvested from a secret source deep in the Unknown Regions, other captains clamored for upgrades for their warships, only to be denied as military-grade crystals were in short supply. Only the most prestigious and important vessels were allowed this advanced weaponry, along with the Order's highest ranks.

Smaller point-defense turrets and missile emplacements served as complements to the heavy weapons, being able to track and destroy smaller and more agile ships. Both starboard and port sides of the stern featured standard turbolaser batteries, while heavy turbolaser turrets and an axial defense turret were located at the bow. The ships turret firing control center was located at the aft, and was protected underneath the larger rear portion of the ship. Ion cannon targeting was located on the ship's port side near the front. Multi-spectrum sensor towers were located near the primary command bridge, and aided in target acquisition.
The ship's tractor beam projector was located at the very tip of the bow, while the flight deck deflector shield projector was located a short distance behind. The ships main hull defector shield projectors were located on both the port and starboard stern sections, while a single domed-shaped bridge deflector shield projector encased the command bridge and its occupants, aided by a bridge deflector augmenter further up the ship's keel line. A bridge point-defense turret also helped further defend the bridge from starfighter attack.

Resurgent-class Battlecruisers typically carried two starfighter wings of both TIE/fo and TIE/sf space superiority fighters.

The ship featured both lateral starboard and port hangar entrances, with hangar flight control bridges overseeing activities in both bays. Unlike former Imperial-class Star Destroyers, TIE fighters were brought in from storage deeper in the vessel from launching racks, from where they would exit into space. The main hangar was positioned on the vessel's underbelly, where a docking claw aided vessels in landing and departing. The logistics hangar reception bay and ground vehicle storage were located near the main hangar. Another lateral flight deck was located in the ship's bow, and was used as a staging area for full-scale invasion operations. Overall, the Resurgent-class could launch its full complement of starfighters and assault ships much quicker than its predecessors in the Imperial Navy.

The Resurgent-class was powered by a single, large III-a1a primary hypermatter-annihilation reactor housed within a dome-shaped reactor containment vessel on the ships underbelly. The massive reactor was supported by a reinforced reactor superstructure and hull chassis, while the reactor engineering control deck oversaw reactor-based activities. The large atmospheric processing complex and reactant ducts were located behind the reactor containment vessel.

The ship was propelled by eleven engines, with three large KDY Destroyer Ion Engines and eight smaller Gemon-8 ion engines. These engines required a subsidiary reactor, reactant silos and isotope containment wells at the stern. There, extra power would be derived while the coolant silo and pumps would help lower the temperature of the massive engines. Around the large circular engines were the main engine thrust nozzles, while the smaller engines would utilize secondary thrust nozzles to help bring greater control over the ship. The main engines were attached to magnetic turbines, along with an acceleration compensator. In a straight line and at full speed, the Resurgent-class could be faster than a TIE/fo space superiority fighter, however doing so would negate any maneuverability and require a staggering amount of counter-thrust to execute the slightest maneuver. Thus, only the most reckless commanders traded the ship's maneuverability for its speed. The hyperdrive generator was located at the very end of the ship's aft section.

Learning lessons from the loss of the Executor during the Battle of Endor, the Resurgent-class featured a better protected command bridge along with increased redundancy in command and control systems. No longer having the exposed conning towers of older Imperial-era vessels, the bridge height was reduced significantly. In addition, an emergency bridge was located in the ship's midsection, and was not exposed but built into the existing structure of the vessel. There, standby personnel would take control of the vessel's activities if the primary bridge were to be taken out of action. Despite this, sunken data pits continued to be used following the designs from Clone Wars-era Jedi cruisers owing to their importance in denoting command hierarchy. Simplified bridge displays with limited colors further aided bridge crews disseminate large amounts of complicated data quicker than before.
With the retreat of the Galactic Empire into the Unknown Regions following their defeat at the Battle of Jakku and the signing of the Galactic Concordance, the successor state known as the First Order would rise to power, eventually ordering the construction of the new Resurgent-class Battlecruisers on recently constructed shipyards and secret facilities in the galaxy's vast frontier. It would still be considered a new model shortly before the assault on Starkiller Base.

Taking inspiration from the Imperial-class Star Destroyers of the Old Empire, but lacking the resources to construct huge numbers of these capital ships, First Order designs would consciously emulate the psychological factor of the previous Imperial-era ships. The ship's bow flight deck, side hangars, and prominent keel would share similarities to the Venator-class Star Destroyers, which reflected renewed appreciation among First Order tacticians for capital ships' role as carriers.
Further improvements in a better protected bridge tower along with quicker fighter-combat reaction time, the Resurgent-class served as the mainstay of the First Order Navy, replacing the aging Imperial-class Star Destroyers in service. General Armitage Hux and Kylo Ren used the Finalizer, a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer 30 years after the Battle of Endor in the search for Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, and launched the Attack on Tuanul from the command ship.

Comments made about this Article!

23/Sep/2017 19:11:23 Posted by cjh

Are the turbolaser batteries supposed to be 2D+2 damage? Also, "Featuring over 1,500 turbolasers and ion cannons..." doesn't fit with the listed number of weapons on the stats.

23/Sep/2017 23:36:37 Posted by Freddy

You're quite right, the damage was supposed to be 6D, like the Point Defence Batteries.

Fixed now.

Between the Capital Scale Weapons, and the Starfighter defences, it's got 150 weapons, which I figured were batteries of 10 guns, making the listed 1500 lasers and ion cannons (okay, 100 of those are actually missiles instead) but D6 ships always have many less weapons than those listed in the official stats.

If you want to make the ship match the description more, then drop the damage of the weapons by 1-2D, and multiply the number of weapons by 10.
More weapons, but not firing in organised batteries, so doing less damage.

27/Sep/2017 10:42:57 Posted by Hellstormer1

Also worth noting about weapons batteries, the numbers of weapons listed for ships and other vehicles, etc, in D6 sourcebooks used to confuse me when I looked at other info sources (like the later D20 books, and Wookiepedia which gives numbers and statistics on ships when info is available). It was only after seeing "batteries" defined in D20 rules (don't remember seeing this specifically defined in D6), then cross referencing weapon numbers on the wiki, doing some math, then looking at the d6 stats again. And usually the numbers added up. D6 sourcebooks rarely specify batteries and the number of weapons in them, but if you can find a number and reverse it according to fire-link rules, this will usually give you the damage dice and such for the individual weapons.

28/Sep/2017 19:03:54 Posted by hellstormer1

WAIT! Didn't think about this earlier for some reason, but......why 6D? Shouldn't it be higher???

29/Sep/2017 23:21:17 Posted by Freddy

It's using the combined actions rule from D/6, where each extra person working on a task (or gun firing at a target) gains a bonus pip to the skill roll / damage. Therefore the 4 5D laser cannons on an X-Wing firing together do 6D damage.

So for ten guns firing together, you have 3D+1 to split between Damage and Fire Control, I took the base damage of a laser cannon (4D) (Heavy Laser Cannons do 5D) and added 2D to it, and 1D+1 to the Fire Control.

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