Name: Teedo
Homeworld: Jakku
Attribute Dice: 12D
Move: 9
Size: 1.24 meters tall
Special Abilities:
Teedo Group Knowledge: Teedo have a rudimentary telepathy which allow them to know things other Teedo have experienced, they gain +1D to all Knowledge Rolls and Knowledge Skills, and may reroll (once) any failed Knowledge based roll.
Water Recycling: Teedo are capable of surviving on very little water, and require only 1/4 that of other species.
Story Factors:
Fiercely Territorial: Teedo are extremely protective of territory they perceive as theirs, and will readily fight to protect it.
Suspicious: Teedo do not readily trust others, and will remain extremely suspicious and distrusting of others until they have proven themselves trustworthy. However due to their telepathy, they are extremely trusting of other Teedo, and cannot lie to them.
No Name: Perhaps due to their telepathy and sharing of memories and knowledge, Teedo have no individual names, referring to themselves as Teedo.
Description: Teedos were a sentient reptilian species native to the planet Jakku, in the Western Reaches. They were diminutive in height and had gray-green skin, most of which was covered in wrappings to protect them from the intense heat of their homeworld.
Teedos made no distinction between individuals, and so each member of the species was simply named Teedo. The species experienced an unknown form of telepathic connection between individuals, and Teedo were known to recall events that happened to other Teedo. They spoke a language called Teedospeak. They worshiped a goddess named R'iia, and believed the violent storms on Jakku were her breath, or X'us'R'iia.
Teedo were a sentient reptilian species that had scaly gray-green skin. They averaged 28 kilograms in weight and 1.24 meters in height.Although much of their bodies was covered in wrappings and a mask, they had an exposed cranial dome and hands and feet with three digits. Due to the limited water of their homeworld, Jakku, they had a system of filters and tubes which reclaimed most of their bodies' water for recycling.
It appeared that they experienced an unknown form of telepathic communication between individuals, and Teedo could know things that were experienced by other Teedo.
The origin of Teedos was unknown. Some scholars believed that the species evolved on Jakku, while others argued they migrated from another star system.
Fiercely territorial, Teedos lived as scavengers, and they prowled the wastes of Jakku. They were secretive and suspicious of outsiders, often fighting with other scavengers over machinery that could be salvaged for sale. As scavengers, they were capable machanics and tinkerers, and were gifted in finding useful things in their homeworld. They were treated with respectful caution by the residents of Jakku, due to their unpredictable nature.
In order to protect themselves against Jakku's heat, Teedos wore protective wrappings that covered much of their bodies. They made no distinction between individuals, and none had names, with each being known simply as Teedo. They often rode luggabeasts, beasts of burden that were cybernetically enhanced for greater endurance. Teedos carried Ion spears which could stun or kill. They lived in trapdoor tunnel systems.
Their language was Teedospeak, and they worshiped a goddess named R'iia, believing the violent storms on Jakku were her breath, or X'us'R'iia.
Shortly before the battle of Jakku, former Rebellion member Brentin Lore Wexley and former Grand Admiral Rae Sloane asked some Teedos if they knew anything regarding the mysterious head of the Shadow Council, Gallius Rax, who they were attempting to locate. They knew nothing of use.
In the New Republic era, a Teedo operated near a Starship Graveyard, there in the wake of the battle of Jakku. In 34 ABY, he had captured the astromech droid BB-8, but it was rescued by fellow scavenger Rey. The next morning, Teedo and two other bandits attempted to steal BB-8 from Rey as they left her home for Niima Outpost. Rey was able to escape Teedo by forcing him to follow her into a crashed Star Destroyer, where his speeder bike was eaten by a nightwatcher worm. He wore a mask, and like many Teedo, he rode a luggabeast.