Name: Dybrinthe
Homeworld: Dybrin 12
Attribute Dice: 12D
Move: 10
Size: 1.6 meters tall
Special Abilities:
Special Environmental Requirements: Dybrinthe breath a highly pressurised and (to other species) poisonous atmosphere, requiring breathing suits to operate outside offworld. If they should be exposed to a normal atmosphere, the suffer -2D to all Dice Rolls.
Hardy: Dybrinthe are extremely resistant to poisons, toxins and diseases, gaining +3D to resist the effects of these, and +2D to resist Environmental effects (except their own very specialised requirements above).
Story Factors:
Clan Affiliation: Dybrinthe are from a clan based culture, and will be fiercely protective of their clan and obedient to clan structure (this may include shipmates and colleagues when offworld), and will freely steal and sabotage those not of their clan.
Description: Dybrinthe were a humanoid sentient species native to the Deep Core moon of Dybrin 12. Due to the moon's poisonous and highly pressurized atmosphere, Dybrinthe out of Dybrin 12 had to wear large helmets and breathing gear when they left their homeworld.
Dybrinthe were a bipedal humanoid species with bright skin, wide eyes, and a gill-like respiratory system. They had hands with five digits.
Outside Dybrin 12, Dybrinthe were required to wear large breathing apparatus, that supplied them with processed atmosphere via hoses.
The species lived in clans, with each clan controlling its own territory. Fuel, bubbling up from Dybrin 12's vast underground oceans, was collected by mobile refinery-cities, which would then process the fuel. It was commonplace for Dybrinthe clans to raid other clans, though this became less prevalent. However, rival clans would still tunnel underground and attempt to divert fuel to their own clans. Within clans, Dybrinthe society was ordered into castes, such as engineering castes.
Few Dybrinthe left their homeworld, though most of those who did were scientists drawn from the engineering castes of their clans.
A notable exception was Athgar Heece, a Dybrinthe bounty hunter. During the First Order�Resistance conflict, Heece was one of few visitors to the planet Jakku who found the planet cool and pleasant, because Heece was used to operating in higher atmospheric conditions. Another Dybrinthe was also present with Heece at the same time.