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SoroSuub Gun Tug

SoroSuub Gun Tug
TK-32028 (Human Imperial Coastal Defender Stormtrooper)

TK-32028 (Human Imperial Coastal Defender Stormtrooper)
Admiral Pevel Kronara (Human Republic Officer)

Admiral Pevel Kronara (Human Republic Officer)


Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Type: First Order Flametrooper
Dexterity: 2D+2
        Blaster: 4D+2
        Dodge: 4D+2
        Brawling Parry: 4D+2
        Vehicle Blasters: 4D+2
Knowledge: 2D+2
        Survival: 3D+2
        Planetary Systems: 3D+1
Perception: 2D+2
        Command: 3D+1
        Search: 4D+1
Strength: 2D+2
        Brawling: 3D+2
        Stamina: 3D+2
Mechanical: 2D+2
Technical: 2D+2
        Blaster Repair: 3D+2
        Armour Repair: 3D+2

Move: 10

Equipment: D-93 Incinerator flamethrower, Sonn-Blas Corporation SE-44C blaster pistol, First Order stormtrooper armor (Flametrooper variant +3D vs fire).

Description: The flametrooper was a variant of the stormtrooper utilized by the First Order roughly thirty years after the Battle of Endor. Utilizing D-93 Incinerators to root out entrenched enemy positions and engulf any resistance, flametroopers were equipped with flame-proof armor and feared for their ability to turn any battlefield into a blazing inferno.

Commonly known as "roasters", "hotheads" or "burnouts" by Resistance fighters, First Order flametroopers were best used to flush out enemy entrenchments, with standard infantry firing on those fleeing the flames. One of the three main types of weapons specialists assigned to stormtrooper squads of ten, flametroopers and stormtroopers worked in tandem, as the faster stormtroopers could protect the slower and more methodical flametroopers while out in the field. Additionally, the flame created by the flametrooper required them to move at a slower pace to avoid entering their own blazes. When strategically deployed, they could deny cover to enemy forces along with supplying cover for allies with walls of flame that stormtrooper armor could withstand. In dry and flammable environments, flametrooper deployment could lead to a quick and decisive victory. Additionally, the flame itself was nearly inescapable when directed at an opponent.[1]

A standard flametrooper was equipped with a D-93 Incinerator that was a combination of a single, double-barreled D-93w flame projector gun and backpack that housed twin outer conflagrine-14 fuel tanks and a central pressurized propellant tank. The suit included a reinforced cyramech helmet with minimized openings, a narrow slit visor to reduce weapon glare, and supplemental breathing tank linkages. Other suit features included a temperature control body glove, integrated knee covers, heat deflecting armored gaiters, articulated greaves for greater foot movement, and positive grip boots.[1]

Based on the millennia-old infantry mainstay of incendiary weaponry, modernized by Mandalorian super commandos and clone troopers during the Clone Wars, the flametroopers of the First Order would continue the practice of utilizing flame-based weaponry to crush opposition with some of the latest technology available to the First Order's martial forces.[1]

Flametroopers were used in the subjugation of the spiritual village Tuanul on the planet Jakku about 29 years after the end of the Galactic Civil War. They set fire to huts that housed members of the Church of the Force, including that of Lor San Tekka.[3]

Comments made about this Article!

31/Jan/2018 23:01:22 Posted by hellstormer1

Battlefront II. Every time I'm Resistance, turn a corner, there's one of these guys, and that flamethrower kills me every-single-time. But then we switch sides and I return the favor.....

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