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Core Galaxy Systems Dreadnaught

Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: DROIDSEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Type: Utilitech RO Series Nanny Droid
Dexterity: 2D
Knowledge: 1D
         Alien Species 3D (ALien Children (5D)
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 1D
         Injury/Ailment Diagnosis 3D (Pediatric care 5D)
Strength: 2D
Technical: 1D
         First Aid 4D, Medicine 4D (Pediatric care 6D)

Equipped with:
         Six Arms (-1 to multiple action penalties)
         Motivator System
         Two visual and two auditory sensors - human range
         Vocabulator speach system
         Medical Diagnosis Computer
         Surgical Attachments (primitive tools (-1D for surgery))
         Medicine Dispensers

Move: 7
Size: 1.8 meters tall
Cost: 900 (used)

Description: This multi-armed nanny droid model was produced by Utilitech around the time of the Clone Wars. RO-Z67 was an example of this model.

One of these droids, RO-Z67 was a nanny droid employed by Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith, during the Clone Wars.

In Sidious' secret facility on Mustafar, RO-Z67 tended to Force-sensitive children kidnapped by Cad Bane to be raised and trained as part of Sidious' army of spies and assassins. When the facility was discovered by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, Sidious via hologram ordered the droid to evacuate the children to another location and then to disable the facility's gravity support, letting it sink into lava. However, the Jedi managed to rescue the children from the droid and depart before the facility's ultimate destruction, leaving RO-Z67 to be destroyed in the lava.

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