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Dass Leffbruk (Human Explorer / Hyperspace Prospector)

Dass Leffbruk (Human Explorer / Hyperspace Prospector)


FreiTek Inc. Series-IV E-wing

FreiTek Inc. Series-IV E-wing

Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Electropole
Type: Melee weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee combat: Electropole
Cost: 1500 credits
Availability: 2, R
Difficulty: Difficult
Damage: Str+1D Physical / 5D Energy Damage (stun)

GAME NOTES: The Electropole does both a physical attack, and also a stun attack when used.

Description: The electropole (not to be confused with the electrostaff) was an electric melee weapon used by many cultures, including the Gungans of Naboo and the Swokes Swokes of Makem Te.

The electropole was similar to the Force pike and the static pikes used by picadors on Geonosis. It could be used by either striking the enemy at close range, or by throwing it like a javelin. Some EV-series supervisor droids experienced hard wiring failure and beat Human workers with an electropole on Kadril.

Originating as a herding tool, electropoles were used by Gungan herders to lead their Shaaks and guard them, and by Swokes Swokes to help domesticate the schinga shikou. Because of Gungan's familiarity with the tool, the mounted kaadu riders of the Gungan militia used the weapon in battle, such as during the invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation. Its light weight allowed for it to be thrown, and because the electronic components were watertight, they could be used underwater as well as on the land.

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