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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Model: Thermal annihilator bomb
Type: Bomb
Scale: Character
Skill: Demolitions
Cost: 10,000 credits
Availability: 2, X
Blast Radius: 0/10/20/40/80/160m
Damage: 7D/6D/5D/4D/3D/2D

Description: The thermal annihilator bomb was an explosive device that could be detonated by a trigger remotely. The bomb was approximately the size of a clone trooper with its antenna, and had a front panel that could be taken off to access the explosives inside. The resulting explosion could easily destroy a medium-size building, and the bombs were used by Darts D'Nar during the Battle of Kiros as a tool to force the Galactic Republic to surrender. However, only one ever went off on Kiros, because the other bombs were destroyed by Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, as Obi-Wan Kenobi distracted D'Nar by dueling him.

Comments made about this Article!

29/Aug/2018 20:55:11 Posted by Mochor

I regularly visit your site and it's very good work !!

I think there's a mistake with the scale, it would be in Speeder or Figther to destroy a building, because in the weapon source book we have the thermal detonator with :
Scale : character
Damage: 10D/8D/5D/2D
Blast radius 2/8/12/20m
Cost : 2000 credits.

12/Sep/2018 15:16:42 Posted by hellstormer1

@Mochor. If this is a bunker buster weapon, you make a good point. If. I can't remember the episode, been a while since I saw it. I'm assuming Clone Wars? However, if this was a large scale anti-infantry weapon, I'd say it's built very well as is.

13/Sep/2018 06:59:05 Posted by Freddy

Been too long since I saw the episode now, I think that it was supposed to kill the people but leave the building standing? Which is why I made the stats the way they are.
I'd need to go back and check out the episode to be sure.

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