Type: Retail Caucus LR-57 combat droid
Dexterity: 1D
Blaster 5D, Dodge 3D
Knowledge: 1D
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 1D
Strength: 2D
Technical: 1D
Equipped with:
Blaster cannons (x4): (Range 5-50/120/300, Damage 5D)
Single visual and single auditory sensors: Infra Red Vision
Armoured Skin: (+2D)
Dorsal Antenna: A sensitive set of sensors, which give them an additional +2D to search rolls.
Move: 7
Size: 2.58 meters
Cost: (available only on the black market) 3,000
Description: LR-57 combat droids, also called Retail Caucus droids or retail droids, were battle droids used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Primarily used as sentinels, these droids were bipedal and possessed two upper limbs terminating in two blaster cannons, four in all. They could be left dormant for long periods of time while their sensitive dorsal antennae searched for specific types of signals, activity, or other disturbances, enabling the droids to be used as autonomous mines.
During the Battle of Christophsis, orange-colored retail droids were used as guards of the energy shield projector. When Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano inadvertently stumbled into a droid minefield on their approach to disable the generator, several of the droids broke through the ground where they had been waiting and met them in defense. While they outnumbered the two Jedi, their sluggish reactions made them easy prey; half of them were destroyed by Skywalker, the rest were crushed by Ahsoka pulling down a wall on top of them.
Later in the Clone Wars, a number of these droids were present during the Battle of Malastare. All of the battle droids, including the retail droids, were either destroyed or deactivated when the electro-proton bomb was deployed.[6] Sometime during the course of the war, retail droids were also deployed during the Battle of Tirahnn.