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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: BlasTech Industries DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: blaster rifle
Ammo: 30
Cost: 2,000 credits (power packs: 25)
Availability: 2, X
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-45/100/225m
Damage: 6D

Description: The DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle was a popular weapon produced by BlasTech Industries that saw use during the time of the Galactic Empire.

The DLT-19 was not as popular or as well-known as the standard-issue E-11 blaster rifle, because it took longer to assemble and load. However the DLT-19 was much more powerful and had a much greater range than the E-11 model. The E-11s sniper rifle bore a striking resemblance to this weapon with the addition of a scope. In this configuration it could shoot down swoops, or even light airspeeders.

It was commonly carried by Imperial stormtroopers and army troopers although the bounty hunters 4-LOM and Dengar were also known to use the weapon. Imperial security details often used the rifle because of its long-range capabilities. It was these capabilities that made it a common sight on Imperial controlled planets with large, clear, open areas, like Tatooine. Sandtroopers in search of droids that were thought to carry the Death Star plans used these blaster rifles when they found the Millennium Falcon preparing to leave Tatooine. Chewbacca used a stolen one during the Rescue of Princess Leia.

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