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Section of Site: The Force D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Jedi PowersEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Chant of Resurrection
         "Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!"

         Control Difficulty: Moderate
                This power may be kept "up."
                DARK SIDE POWER
         Effect: This power is used to re-animate bodies of the dead as an Army of the Dead.

        To use this power the wielder must have access to a number of dead bodies, for each body they wish to animate the target number increases by 1 (so to animate 10 bodies, the target number is Moderate+10 (25)). The power must be kept up, or the bodies cease to operate, as they do on the wielder falling unconscious or being killed. The dead obey instructions from the wielder and their allies, and operate with a simplistic intelligence. Once each body is destroyed, it cannot be re-animated. A faint green mist connects the wielder with the animated dead.
        Use of this power automatically grants 1 Dark Side Point.

Description: The Chant of Resurrection was a powerful dark spell of Dathomir Magic that could temporarily resurrect the dead, so long as the caster remained active. Old Daka, the oldest of the Nightsisters, used this spell to reanimate the mummified corpses of deceased Nightsisters to bolster Asajj Ventress's army during the Battle of Dathomir. Once Daka was killed by General Grievous, the spell wore off immediately, and the dead returned to their natural state.

Like all Nightsister magicks, the spell appeared as a green mist.

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