Craft: Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Armoured Camper (AT-AC)
Type: Imperial Light Walker, All Terrain Armoured Camper
Scale: Walker
Length: 4.3 Meters long, 1.7 Meters Wide, 8 Meters Tall
Crew: 1
Passengers: 12
Cargo Capacity: 150 Kilograms
Cover: Full
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 30, 90 kmh
Body Strength: 2D+1
Absolutely Banging Sound System
Fire Arc: Area Effect
Skill: Music
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 1-10/30/50m
Damage: 2D (sound damage)
Drinks Chiller full of beer
Supply of Towels
Description: In the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel alliance was much of a joke having never won any serious battles, and all enemies had been swept away by the rising new order. It was a fun time, when Stormtroopers felt safe from being gunned down in the streets and they could enjoy themselves a bit.
Shore troopers would organise beach barbeques, Snow Troopers would take Skiing trips, and Scout Troopers would enjoy speeder bike races through the streets.
However, normal Storm Troopers wanted to join in with the fun, but turning up to a relaxing day chilling with the other troopers was spoiled when you turned up in an AT-AT crushing the revellers underfoot.
It was for this purpose that Kuat Drive Yards made a vehicle for those times that the Empire was going to party.
The designers were a little over ambitious with the sound system, which when cranked too high would actually damage people with sound waves, but all agreed this was a cool vehicle.
Then with the battles of Scariff and Yavin, the Rebellion became a real threat, days off were cancelled, the Emperor and Vader ordered a recall of these vehicles and they were broken down for spare parts for AT-AT's, and everything became a real downer.
In the days afterwards, the extra tension without any source of release led to Stormtrooper aim becoming worse, so much so these elite soldiers were eventually beaten by a bunch of angry teddy bears.