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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: JEDI AND SITH WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENTEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Lightsaber pike
Type: Melee Weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Lightsaber; Lightsaber pike
Cost: Unavailable for sale
Availability: 4, X
Difficulty: Moderate (+1D to Parry skill rolls)
Damage: 5D

Description: The lightsaber pike, also known as the lightsaber lance, was a unique weapon that resembled a primitive halberd or spear in many aspects. As staff weapons, they were typically considered the domain of exotic weapon specialists among the Jedi. They were notably used by all Jedi Temple Guards during the Clone Wars.

Many members of the Knights of Zakuul, the enforcers of justice in the Eternal Empire, were also users of these weapons.

The long handle of the weapon was made of phrik alloy, which allowed it to resist lightsabers. At the end of the handle was a lightsaber blade that was shorter and thicker than a normal one. The blade could be activated by a switch further down the weapon's shaft. Including the blade, the weapon was almost as long as the wielder's body and could keep enemies at a distance, giving the advantage of a longer reach Lightsaber pikes could also sport another blade at the other end and as such, its combat style could be nearly identical to that of the double-bladed lightsaber.

In the time of the Old Republic, both the Sith Empire and the Republic was overwhelmed by the sudden reveal of the empire of Zakuul. Among the forces from Zakuul were the famed Knights of Zakuul who had sworn to guard the Emperor of the Eternal Throne and his family. The knights were Force-sensitive and used a wide range of lightsaber weapons. Among them was the lightsaber pike, which could be used along with a blaster bolt reflective shield.

During the Clone Wars, lightsaber pikes were the trademark weapons of the Jedi Temple Guards. All of the Temple Guards carried yellow–bladed pikes.

The Jedi Kazdan Paratus wielded a lightsaber pike, taking the weapon into exile with him on Raxus Prime, during the Great Jedi Purge. He ultimately wielded it against Darth Vader's apprentice, Galen Marek, and the weapon was destroyed in the ensuing melee.

Lightsaber pikes were also the favored weapons of the Emperor's Shadow Guard, elite guards with minor knowledge of the Force and lightsaber wielding skills. Starkiller fought several of these elite guards, once on Bespin as he attempted to rescue the Jedi Rahm Kota, and also on Raxus Prime when he returned to destroy an Imperial Star Destroyer shipyard so as to eliminate a source of fear and gain the confidence of others. Saber Pikes also saw occasional use by the Emperor's Royal Guard and the Imperial Senate Guard.

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