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Vorlon Empire Fighter

Vorlon Empire Fighter


Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: DROIDSEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Type: Baktoid Combat Automata OOM-series battle droid
Dexterity: 3D
         Blaster 5D, Vehicle Blasters 5d
Knowledge: 1D
Mechanical: 2D
         Repulsorlift Operation 5D
Perception: 2D
         Search 3D
Strength: 2D
          Brawling: 3D
Technical: 1D

Equipped with:
         Humanoid Body (two arms, two legs, head)
         Two visual and two auditory sensors - human range
         Limited Intelligence Brain

Move: 10
Size: 1.91 meters
Cost: 2,200 (used)

Description: The OOM-series battle droid was the predecessor of the B1 battle droid. While physically identical to the latter, the OOM-series possessed more advanced and independent programming. They were already a common sight in the galaxy before the Invasion of Naboo, serving as security and crew for the Trade Defense Force. They later served in the Clone Wars alongside their more common but simpler B1 descendants. They were deployed during the Battle of Tirahnn.

OOMs could be programmed for a number of functions, each with a matching color painted on the droid's body:

OOM command battle droid—yellow
OOM pilot battle droid—blue
OOM security battle droid—red

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