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Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Player Character RacesEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Poletec
Attribute Dice: 12D

Dex: 2D/4D+2
Know: 2D/3D+2
Mech: 2D/3D+1
Perc: 2D/4D+2
Str: 2D/4D+2
Tech: 2D/3D

Special Abilities:
        Primitive: Poletec are a primitive species, and cannot start play with any skills in high technology skills. However, any pips they put into Melee Weapons, Melee Parry, Stamina, Running or Beast Riding are doubled.
           Hunters: Poletec are skilled hunters, gaining a +1D to all hunting and survival rolls using skills they have honed over the years surviving on their homeworld.

Story Factors:
          Knowledgeable: Although a primitive species, Poletec are knowledgeable about the galaxy, technology is known and doesn't surprise them, and they are informed on galactic politics and situations.
           Keerdak Riders: Poletec both ride and worship the Keerdak riding beasts they train and use, and are impressed by anyone who can manage to tame one of the beasts.

Skin Colour: Purple, red, and beige
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.6-1.9 meters tall

Description: The Poletec were a species of purple, red, and beige-skinned, lanky humanoids native to the planet Skako Minor. During the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Clone Captain Rex, and Clone Force 99 encountered the inhabitants of a Poletec village while on a mission to rescue their fellow clone trooper Echo. Later, the Galactic Republic troopers were forced to visit the village a second time to ask for aid from the Poletec chieftain. The chieftain was reluctant at first, however he was eventually convinced. Both clones and Poletecs fought advancing droids from the Separatist army. With help from Skywalker, the day was won for the Galactic Republic, and the Poletec chieftain told the Jedi that the Republic would always have an ally on Skako Minor.

Biology and appearance

The Poletec were a species of purple, red, and beige-skinned, lanky humanoids native to the planet Skako Minor. The Poletec seemed to lack any form of hair, and their jaws were shaped sharply. They had elongated fingers, and protruding eyes. The red Poletecs seemed to be in greater numbers than the beige. They could be killed by the organic decimator, a Techno Union energy weapon capable of destroying life forms.

Society and culture

The Poletec were a primitive people who inhabited villages. They worshiped the winged reptiles known as Keeradaks, which they also used as mounted steeds. By 19 BBY, they had developed a native language, speaking only in their native tongue. The Poletec did not want to get involved in the Clone Wars initially, regarding it as an outsiders' conflict.


By the time of the Clone Wars, the Poletec led a primitive lifestyle, using spears as weapons, and were wary of offworlders. The Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Clone Captain Rex, and Clone Force 99 encountered the inhabitants of a Poletec village while on a mission to rescue the clone trooper Echo in 19 BBY.

Skywalker had been captured by a Poletec warrior and his Keeradak mount. When the clone troopers attempted to rescue Skywalker, a brief skirmish broke out. However, Skywalker managed to convince the Poletec chief that they did not pose a threat and that their true enemy was the Separatists. While the Poletec did not want to get involved in the Clone Wars, they provided the Galactic Republic forces with scouts.

The scouts agreed to accompany the offworlders to the city Purkell but no further. While rescuing Echo from Purkell, Skywalker and the clone troopers witnessed the Techno Union foreman Wat Tambor using the organic decimator to disintegrate a captive Poletec. Skywalker and the clones managed to escape back to the Poletec village on the wings of Keeradaks, earning the respect of the Poletec villagers. Skywalker and the clones then convinced the Poletec to help them fight against the Techno Union's droid forces. Many Poletec warriors were killed by Octuptarra tri-droids and D-wing droids during the fighting.

During the battle, the Poletec chief was transporting one of his men to safety, and did not notice that he was about to be crushed by one of the Octuptarra tri-droid's legs. Wrecker managed to push the chief out of the way, saving the Poletec's life. Eventually, the battle was won by Clone Force 99 and all surviving Poletecs, with the help of Skywalker, and the survivors cheered in their native tongue. The Poletec chief later thanked the Republic for their help, and said that they would always have an ally on Skako Minor.[3]

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