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D6 FIREARMS v1.3.2

D6 FIREARMS v1.3.2

Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Model: Xexto tinkerer Energy slingshot
Type: Wrist-mounted energy slingshot
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: Blaster Pistol
Ammo: Unlimited
Cost: 150
Availability: 3
Range: 3-12/45/150
Damage: 3D (stun)

Description: An energy slingshot was a small wrist-mounted weapon that fired non-lethal energy projectiles. They were legal on most planets throughout the galaxy. Ezra Bridger, a teenage orphan from Lothal, used an energy slingshot.

A wrist-mounted device favored by pranksters and the youth of many species, the energy slingshot was used by pointing the device at a target and pulling back on an energized cup. When released, the cup launched a disorienting shock-burst over a short distance. A non-lethal tool, it was legal to possess on most worlds throughout the galaxy. Unlike stun blaster bolts, the slingshot projectiles were subject to gravitation, and traveled in a parabolic arc.

The slingshots could be modified to send out light only in order to trigger sensors.

Prior to 18 BBY, the Graf family used modified slingshots in a game. Milo Graf later watched a hologram of the game after his parents were captured by the Galactic Empire.

Around 5 BBY, the Lothal orphan Ezra Bridger possessed a slingshot which he used during the time of the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire before he built his own Jedi lightsaber.

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