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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: EQUIPMENTEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Meiloorun fruit
Cost: 2 credits
Availability: 1

Game Notes: A type of orange fruit

Description: The meiloorun fruit, also known as meiloorun melon or simply meiloorun was a type of orange fruit. It was known to not grow on Lothal, making it quite rare on the planet. The fruit is known to be the favorite snack of rebel pilot Hera Syndulla.

A large quantity of these fruits were once in the possession of an Imperial unit on Lothal before they were lost due to the actions of two of the Spectres, Ezra Bridger and Garazeb Orrelios.

After the Siege of Lothal, Zeb used the alias Commander Meiloorun in order to free his comrades Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren from two Inquisitors.

While meilooruns naturally had orange and yellow rind, there existed a hybrid variant that had a purple rind instead.

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28/Mar/2024 23:54:42 Posted by n*gga

I'm a naughty potty mouth who likes saying bad things on peoples websites because I think it makes me look clever, even though my browser/IP has exposed exactly where I live.

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