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Section of Site: The Force D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Jedi PowersEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Taming beasts
         Control Difficulty: Depends on targets
                This power may be kept "up."
         Effect: This power is used to create a mental connection with wild animals.

         By successfully making an opposed Control Roll with a difficulty of the creatures Orneriness (or 4D) plus +1 pip for each extra creature, the creature will become somewhat compliant with the force user, defending them or otherwise helping them.

Description: Taming beasts was an ability of the Force that allowed its user to connect mentally with a wild animal. During the Battle of Geonosis, Anakin Skywalker used the Force to tame a ravenous reek in the Petranaki arena. At one point during the Clone Wars, on the planet of Ryloth, Obi-Wan Kenobi used that ability to tame and control a pack of voracious gutkurrs, luring them into a trap. Many years later, Ezra Bridger also used it with a dangerous fyrnock at Fort Anaxes. Bridger, however, connected with the dark side of the Force in summoning such a powerful creature and the experience left him drained. Taming a creature in such a way required letting go of one's inhibitions and opening oneself to the power of the Force. Later, Bridger mastered the skill, connecting with tibidee and purrgil alike. Bridger however was unable to connect with the krykna of Atollon.

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