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Tuknatan (Jedi Master)

Tuknatan (Jedi Master)
RDF Spartan Mk XII Destroid

RDF Spartan Mk XII Destroid

Aeosian Tribesman

Aeosian Tribesman

Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: DROIDSEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Type: Imperial Department of Military Research IT-O Interrogation Unit
Dexterity: 1D
Knowledge: 1D
         Alien Species 2D, Intimidation: 7D
Mechanical: 1D
         Bacta Tank operation 2D
         Injury/Ailment Diagnosis 4D, Investigation: 5D
Strength: 1D
Technical: 2D
         First Aid 4D, Medicine 5D

Equipped with:
         Bone fragmenters
         Chemical torture turret
         Electroshock nerve probes
         Flesh peelers
         Joint cripplers
         Medicinal drug injector
         Mind probe
         Truth serum
         Audio receptor
         Biofeedback monitors
         Hypnotic power strip
         Victim analysis photoreceptor

Move: 8
Size: 0.3 meters tall

Description: The IT-O Interrogation Unit was an interrogator droid developed by the Imperial Department of Military Research and utilized by the Galactic Empire.

Developed in secret by the Imperial Department of Military Research, IT-Os were used by the Galactic Empire to extract information from prisoners through the use of mind probes. Jedi, however, were known to have been trained to resist mind probes, requiring the use of other methods to procure information from them. One IT-O droid was used to interrogate Kanan Jarrus aboard Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's Star Destroyer Sovereign. However, torture was eventually handed over to The Grand Inquisitor. Another IT-O was used aboard the Death Star to extract information from Princess Leia Organa, although she proved to have considerable resistance to the mind probe. The IT-O was later deployed on Yavin 4 during the Empire's cleanup operations at the former Alliance base.

Decades later, the First Order would use a new model of interrogator droid that harked back to the IT-O model.

Comments made about this Article!

22/Mar/2019 16:21:22 Posted by Karen Sue Nye/ Hestia

I loved this. Im new, and I don't even know where to start. But I am a wookie.. Have been for over 20 years.
The description, dimensions, capabilities and the analysis was executed professionally.
Would love to be a part of this.

22/Mar/2019 16:53:35 Posted by Karen Sue Nye/ Hestia/

My email I forgot to list.
Will someone help me?
I want to get started playing.

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