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Waran Val (Kel Dor Politician)

Waran Val (Kel Dor Politician)
Xurian Ship

Xurian Ship
Valin Hess (Human Imperial Officer)

Valin Hess (Human Imperial Officer)

Section of Site: Vehicles D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: WalkersEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Joopa Base
Type: Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Armored Transport
Scale: Walker
Length: 27.8 meters
Height/depth: 16.1 meters
Skill: Walker Operation, AT-AT
Crew: 5, skeleton 1/+10
Passengers: 0 (can carry numerous people on external catwalks)
Cargo Capacity: 1 tonne (cargo carrying cradles on sides, for carrying captured prey)
Cover: Full (none on catwalks added to outside hull)
Move: 21, 60 kmh
Consumables: (fuel and food is provided from killed beasts)
Body Strength: 6D
         Anti-personnel blasters(4)
                 Scale: Speeder
                 Fire Arc: Front
                 Crew: 1
                 Skill: Vehicle Blasters
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Range: 50-100/500/1km
                 Damage: 4D

         Heavy laser cannon turrets (2)
                 Scale: Walker
                 Fire Arc: 2 Front/Left/Right
                 Crew: 1
                 Skill: Vehicle Blasters
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Range: 50-100/1/2km
                 Damage: 6D

         Rear dorsal twin laser turret (1)
                 Scale: Speeder
                 Fire Arc: back
                 Crew: 1
                 Skill: Vehicle Blasters
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Range: 50-100/500/1km
                 Damage: 5D

                 Sleeping Quarters for 3
                 Kitchen facilities
                 2 x Cargo Cradles (up to 5 tonnes each side)
                 Small Landing platform
                 External Walkways
                 Energy Grapple (once a target is grappled, the AT-TE can make Body Strength vs Strength tests to capture prey, success means target is reeled in, failure means target pulls away or damages the Walker as it rips free)

Description:Joopa Base was an AT-AT repurposed by the clones Gregor and Wolffe to serve as their mobile headquarters.The AT-AT originally served under the command of Agent Kallus, sent to destroy Clone Captain Rex and the Ghost Crew when they were reported by Wolffe. Though the clones' AT-TE was destroyed, the rebels commandeered this walker and destroyed the other Imperial walkers. After the battle, Rex went on to join the Rebellion while Wolffe and Gregor remained on Seelos using this walker as their new home, naming it "Joopa Base."

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