Name: Imp
LP: 75
Str 6
Dex 6
Tou 6
Per 5
Wil 5
Cha 5
Phys Def 8
Soci Def 7
Spel Def 7
Phys Arm 3
Myst Arm 1
KO 28
Death 36
Wound 10
Init 6
Full/Combat 65/33
Attack 10 (claws)
Damage 10
Attack 9 (Fireball, ranged)
Damage 9
Standing around the size of a man, hairless, covered in rough brown leathery hide and bony spikes, Imps are lesser demons often summoned by low end casters or used as guards, and to bulk up hordes. They are tougher than the average human, and moderately skilled, but generally can face adepts only in packs. Imps usually prefer to fling fireballs from a distance, but can be bloodthirsty and want to get up close and personal. Only relatively few imps can speak.
Name: Alpha Imp
LP 200
Str 7
Dex 7
Tou 7
Per 7
Wil 6
Cha 6
Phys Def 9
Spel Def 9
Soci Def 8
Phys Arm 4
Myst Arm 1
KO 39
Death 43
Wound 11
Init 7
Full/Combat 75/38
Attack 14 (claws)
Damage 11
Attack 13 (Fireball, ranged)
Damage 10
Durability 2
Tactics 3
Alpha Imps are sometimes bigger, but always tougher, stronger, and wilier imps. Alpha Imps have developed tactical skills and usually can speak Common as well, and direct other imps in combat (or sometimes other things, but most demons dont respect imps enough to follow their orders) using their Tactics skill to good effect. Alpha Imps are generally quite unhappy creatures, being intelligent enough to know how far down on the food chain they are. Groups of Alpha Imps are occasionally seen, being used by stronger demons or others as elite sword fodder.