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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: StarfighterEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/IN interceptor
Type: Space Superiority Fighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 11.45 meters
Width: 8.08 meters
Height/depth: 7.2 meters
Skill: Starfighter Piloting - TIE
Crew: 1
Passengers: 1 (standing room only)
Crew Skill: Starfighter Piloting 5D+1, Starship Gunnery 5D
Cost: 120,000 (new), 75,000 (used; military requisition charges)
Consumables: 2 Days
Cargo Capacity: 75 Kg
Hyperdrive Multiplier: No
Hyperdrive Backup: No
Nav Computer: No
Space: 11
Atmosphere: 435; 1250kmh
Maneuverability: 3D+2
Hull: 3D
         Passive: 20/1D
         Scan: 40/2D
         Search: 60/3D
         Focus: 4/3D+2

         Wingtip L-s9.3 laser cannons (4)
                 Fire Arc: Front
                 Fire Control: 3D
                 Space: 1-3/12/25
                 Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5km
                 Damage: 6D
         Chin-mounted L-s9.3 laser cannons (2)
                 Fire Arc: Front
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Space: 1-3/12/25
                 Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5km
                 Damage: 4D

Description: The TIE/IN interceptor, also known as TIE Interceptor, was a type of TIE fighter used by the Galactic Empire, most notably during the Battle of Endor. It was identifiable by the addition of four arrow-shaped panels tipped with laser cannons.

The TIE/IN interceptor featured four very recognizable pointed solar panels, and was a far deadlier opponent than the standard TIE/ln space superiority starfighter. Lacking both shields and a hyperdrive, it made up for its lack of defensive capabilities with a top speed of 1,250 kph owing to upgraded engines providing considerably improved maneuverability and speed. In addition, four laser cannons on its wingtips allowed for far more firepower to overload the shields on an enemy craft. With the Empire placing its elite pilots into Interceptor cockpits to maximize the craft's effectiveness, Interceptors were ideally suited for their main function: chasing down and eliminating rebel starfighters. Some interceptors belonging to elite pilots featured additional red and dark grey markings. In 2 BBY, Vult Skerris flew one of these starfighters, when he was based at Skystrike Academy.

The TIE Interceptor was created by Sienar Fleet Systems upon realization that the TIE Advanced x1 would be too costly to mass-produce, and was also the Empire's direct response to the Rebel Alliance's introduction of faster starships. Despite this, it was not as fast as the RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, being 50 kph slower.The Interceptor was first deployed 16 years after the founding of the Empire, in 3 BBY. By the time of the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the TIE Interceptor and other newer TIE models made up 20% of the Empire's starfighter fleet.

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11/Jun/2019 02:16:40 Posted by cjh

"Download file" just ends with "This page isn't working"

13/Jun/2019 14:00:47 Posted by Freddy

The image file was too large over 4600 pixels wide. I lowered it down to 1024, and the download file works fine now.

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