Yankeeites are a sub-species of human from the planet Yank in the Colonies. Yankeeites, or Yankees, are nearly identical from most humans with a few exceptions - Yankees are less intelligent, prone to meaningless violent outbursts and are on average considerably fatter than most humans.
Yankeeites are a highly introverted species, and therefore have very little knowledge or interest in the galaxy at large. While insular, Yankeeites are also an intensely egocentric culture, the general concensus among the populace of Yank being "Who cares about the galaxy, we're better than it anyhow." It is this manner of thinking and lack of understanding of other societies that has led to the Yankeeite concept of "If we don't understand it, blow it up." This has led to many galactic cultures feeling great animosity toward Yank and it's citizens. Non-Yankeeites who live on Yank or generally met with suspicion, fear, and sometimes worst of all, violence.
Aside from, and possibly because of, these spectacular societal disadvantages, Yankeeites are a highly militaristic society and have a vast and powerful army. The general practice of the Yank military is that if it's off-world interests are threatened, they will go blow something up. However, it may not necessarily be the correct target.
Typical Yankeeite: Init: -1 (-1 Dex); Defense 10; Spd 8 (-2 Fat); VP/WP -/10; Atk +1 melee (1d4, punch), +1 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +0; SZ M; FP 0; Rep 1; Str 10, Dex 9, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 13.
Equipment: Variety of personal belongings, 6-pack of Coors Light, Party-Pack of Krispy Kreme donuts
Skills: Craft (varies) or Profession (varies) +2, Intimidate +4
Feats: Skill Emphasis (Craft, Intimidate or Profession)
Homeworld: Yank
Special Abilities:
Digestive Tolerance: Yankeeites, over thousands of years, have developed a natural ability to ingest and digest many types of toxins and poisons.
Story Factors:
Any species who spends more than six months living on Yank must either undergo DNA treatment to physically and mentally become a Yankeeite (including loss of mother tongue, religion, and other cultural norms) or be shunned by Yankeeite society.
Size: 1.7-2.0 meters tall
PERSONALITY: Loud, randomly violent, entertaining.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Typically overweight and almost always sporting a rendition of the planetary flag on a shirt, watch, hat, or vehicle.
LANGUAGE: Yankeeites speak Basic, but accents can at times render it indecipherable. Yankeeites have notoriously bad spelling and grammer.
EXAMPLE NAMES: Billy-Bob, Ed, Lurleen.
ADVENTURERS: It is rare to see a Yankeeite travelling far from their homeworld, but those that do usually disguise themselves as other species to avoid being shunned or outright attacked.
* Yankeeites automatically gain all Weapon Group Proficincy Feats
* Yankeeites can NEVER learn Knowledge skills having to do with Cultures, Alien Species, Planetary Systems, or Galactic History.
* Yankeeite base speed is 8 meters due to being obese.
* -1 less feat at 1st level: Unlike the human species, Yankeeites are
not very quick to master tasks. The character may choose the feat
out of the starting feats to be taken away.
* +2 to all Fortitude checks involving ingested poisons or toxins.
* Automatic Language: Basic.